There's nothing like programming something to generate randomness. Such a feeling of release, rather like dressing up as a gigantic hot dog and running through Fat Camp.
Random Tiger, Hidden Whatnow
Some movie titles lend themselves to being butchered. Like the awful film from 2000: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for example…
Ye olde computer unit converter
Thinking of writing an application? Spare some thought for resource usage and see how much hardware your behemoth crunjo app would have required a few years ago.
Royal Mail Postage Calculator
Confounded by Royal Mail’s postage rules and random numbers? Try their internal software here to calculate the cost of shipping and handling for customers.
Random school report generator
[3 comments]Coming up with reports for a bunch of students is high on teachers’ least favourite list. This handy report generator might be just the ticket.
Random Harry Potter
[1 comment]The generator that started it all. J.K. Rowling wouldn’t approve.
Celebrity names plus photoshop equals silliness.
Random Restaurant Menu Dish Generator
Stuck for what to eat when you go to a posh restaurant? Or do you own such an establishment and wish to attract a higher class of clientele by enticing them with a fresh and appealing menu? You’ve found the right place for ideas. Oh yes.
Play on words
Playing with the English language; jump into a collection of pictures that have either been taken by me or stolen and subtly doctored for no apparent reason.