Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people validate their own self-importance has no long-term value — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Yay, I've joined the SpaceFace / MyBook revolution.
N.B. The views expressed herein are not my own: they have been carefully shaped by a barrage of mainstream media propaganda and fill-in-the-blanks guesswork. Also, I'm prone to lying for the sake of entertainment.
Choosing a brilliant password
[3 comments] · 517 words (munches about 3 mins)Plenty of people tell you how not to choose a password and give terrible advice; few tell you how to do it properly. Let me thread you through the minefield.
How fast is too fast?
· 536 words (kills about 3 mins)What happens to real-time systems when things accelerate to infinity and beyond? Slow downs that require some counter-intuitive head-scratching to circumvent.
Rozzers on Twitter
· 129 words (sucks up less than a minute)Slack day at the office hounding motorists and beating people up? Tell the world about it on Twitter.
Cui bono?
· 557 words (wastes about 3 mins)I pity anyone who has to visit the Benefits office; scammer or legit, there’s something unsettling about talking with people who don’t listen and won’t comprehend.
The ratings factor
· 292 words (kills about 2 mins)The oxymoron of Reality Television is put under the Stef-o-scope and given a good grilling.
Maplin: world of lies
[2 comments] · 430 words (kills about 2 mins)A so-called “sales assistant” at Maplin or PC World is an oxymoron at best. Sometimes just a plain moron.
On being a Textpattern developer
[2 comments] · 775 words (laps up about 4 mins)A recent addition to the Textpattern development crew, here’s a little personal insight into the mindset behind that Bloke on the forum.
The cat temperature coefficient
· 56 words (kills less than a minute)Want blue feet on winter mornings? Get a cat.