There's nothing like programming something to generate randomness. Such a feeling of release, rather like managing a whole spaghetti meal on a first date without inadvertently flicking sauce in her cleavage.
Random Tiger, Hidden Whatnow
· 441 words (sucks up about 2 mins)Some movie titles lend themselves to being butchered. Like the awful film from 2000: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for example…
Random school report generator
[3 comments] · 3451 words (kills about 16 mins)Coming up with reports for a bunch of students is high on teachers’ least favourite list. This handy report generator might be just the ticket.
Random Harry Potter
[1 comment] · 515 words (laps up about 3 mins)The generator that started it all. J.K. Rowling wouldn’t approve.
Random Restaurant Menu Dish Generator
· 365 words (devours about 2 mins)Stuck for what to eat when you go to a posh restaurant? Or do you own such an establishment and wish to attract a higher class of clientele by enticing them with a fresh and appealing menu? You’ve found the right place for ideas. Oh yes.
Play on words
· 118 words (vacuums up less than a minute)Playing with the English language; rake through a collection of pictures that have either been taken by me or stolen and subtly doctored for no apparent reason.
· 2317 words (vacuums up about 11 mins)The Interweb is full of acronyms, techno-babble and geekery. Let me unfold this towel of mystery and show you its damp contents.