Is being numero uno to post on a blog all it’s cracked up to be?
There. I saved someone the trouble of telling the world how quick they are at typing. Next time someone posts first for the sake of being first on your blog, here’s a pro-forma that you may use as a reply. If you don’t like it, try another.
Dear commenter,
Firstly, may I congratulate you on being first. I found your one-word adjunct fascinating to the point I almost had to relieve myself upon assimilating its perfectly formed reasoning. I now feel equipped to tackle world hunger.
Unassuming in stature, yet humble in the way you slice to the core of my being, your voice has inspired me to reply with an equally visceral torrent that I hope will instil open-mouthed disbelief, akin to those who witness the breakfast at Little Chef.
Contrary to popular opinion, being first to post on a blog is indeed the embodiment of humanity. It is the cornerstone of cool and I pray your literary genius will reap rewards on daytime television.
Knowing such talent exists in this sometimes callous world is a beacon to us all. I had no idea that the words of Oscar Wilde would one day pale into insignificance in your mighty shadow. The (digital) pen truly is mightier than the sword.
Your linguistic ability is unsurpassed and on a quantum level that outshines Sirius. In fact, last Thursday the human genome project called and wish you to contribute to their research.
Of primary note is the way you weaved such sentiment into such a compact form without compromising the integrity of your message. Even my pet snake, Kevin, shed a tear.
Undoubtedly though, I think you’ll find that — as originator of this article — I was first to write on the page. That fact is both unequivocal and demonstrable. While commenting first is big and most certainly clever, I trust next time you consider textual ejaculation on someone’s carefully crafted website that you do so from inside a volcano.
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