Hands up anyone who’s ever read a product review on Amazon? Ever written one? You really should flex those literary muscles and join the ranks of people with too much time on their hands.
I first got into Amazon reviews after the sheer silliness of the ones on David Hasselhoff’s best of album (mentioned and linked in Paul Rosselhoff).
Since then of course, with Amazon’s relentless march toward being the shop where you can buy everything, they’re bound to stock some things of questionable value. Or even some things that are supposed to be serious but someone finds and twists their intention into something else entirely.
Here’s a rundown of my favourites collected from various sites around the interweb. The reviews on the whole are priceless. If you stumble upon any more clever or insightful reviews of this nature, stick them in the comments below so I can have a good laugh. Thanks!
- Photographic Print of Woman rejecting a plate of food — how we might wonder at the symbolism of this piece of work: luckily the reviewers debate its meaning.
- Uranium ore — entertaining because of the killer half-life gag. Check out the comments on that review too where the science geeks weigh in.
- Nazi party flag — in which one adoring fan dolls up his transit and goes for a drive. Machine washable too!
- DIY gastric bypass kit — who can resist when the three week stay [in ER] was well worth the cost I saved by doing my own bypass.
- Mr Messy — even Roger Hargreaves can’t escape the scathing digital pen, having his book likened to a totalitarian police state.
- How to avoid huge ships — I kid you not. The reviews on this book are truly inspired.
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2 goats left a mark
I kinda like the reviews on this odd ball
Haha! Pros: “Keeps me from wearing out my welcome at friends houses.” Class!
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