Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people retweeting the decades old picture of that cat with the lime on its head using bit.ly links has no long-term value — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. I'm too good to be tweeting.
N.B. The views expressed herein are not my own: they have been carefully shaped by a barrage of mainstream media propaganda and fill-in-the-blanks guesswork. Also, I'm prone to lying for the sake of entertainment.
A question of opposites
· 211 words (vacuums up less than a minute)Who would invent a language with well-defined constructs and prefixes, then go and smash all the rules? Only English could do it to this degree.
The Radio 1 voidscape
· 528 words (vacuums up about 3 mins)Does Chris Moyles’ departure from Radio 1 spell the end of the real DJ? Is it now just down to a popularity contest rather than talent?
Toaster RIP
[4 comments] · 276 words (munches about 2 mins)The trials and tribulations of buying a replacement toaster in the gadget age.
Dangerous water: call a lawyer
· 471 words (vacuums up about 3 mins)Who needs common sense when there are so many policies and layers of management that renders it obsolete?
Mission Impossible confusion
· 327 words (eats up about 2 mins)Does life imitate art, or art imitate life? Next year seems like a golden opportunity to merge the two.
Vorsprung durch Technics
[1 comment] · 992 words (laps up about 5 mins)Forget Meccano. Lego is where it’s at. Even now it’s the epitome of construction cool, as I recently refound out.
Street lingo
· 258 words (munches about 2 mins)I’m so uncool. I’ve started campaigning for proper English usage. Word.
Wetter get a bucket
· 1494 words (kills about 7 mins)What links the weather, hose pipe bans, the stock market, children, and the environment. Why, housing. Probably.