Format text on the Write panel

n: smd_textile_bar | v: 0.1.2-beta | f: /

Documentation for the Textpattern plugin smd_textile_bar by Stef Dawson follows this short message from our sponsor ;-)

Plugin list button Plugin download button Compressed plugin download button


Brings a simple and minimal Quicktags Textile inserting bar to the backend. It’s not a heavy and buggy WYSIWYG editor that screws your own HTML, but instead it’s a simple bar that inserts Textile where you want. The plugin is forked from rah_textile_bar by Gocom.

List of features

  • A simple Textile insertion bar, offering the most common formatting options Textile has.
  • Easy to use and install: just run the automated plugin installation and activate.
  • Options can be configured via Textpattern’s Preferences panel (Admin > Preferences > Textile Bar).


  • Textpattern 4.7.3+

Installation and usage

Download and copy the plugin code to the plugin installer textarea. Install and verify to begin the automatic setup. After activating the plugin, you will see the textile bar above Body and Excerpt textareas in the Write panel.


Visit the Preferences panel form Textpattern’s back-end: Admin > Preferences > Textile Bar.

Admin preferences

Users with Managing Editor or higher privileges can set which buttons are available on the toolbar. Set the radio buttons to Yes for whichever features you wish to display on the toolbar.

The Allow Form insertion from this group option is special. Select a form type from the list and save the preferences to permit insertion of any form contained within the given group. This is very handy for custom shortcodes, as you can create a dedicated form group to house them and offer users the ability to insert them from the toolbar. Each click of the Form button on the toolbar cycles through the available forms. Leave this preference blank to prevent form insertion.

Layout preferences

All users may customise how the bar looks. The following options are available:

  • Attach to Body field makes the bar available above the Body textarea, when Use Textile is on.
  • Attach to Excerpt field makes the bar available above the Excerpt textarea, when Use Textile is on.
  • Use buttons (text) / Show tooltips (icons) will present the bar as a series of buttons instead of a single strip. If you elect to display icons instead of text (see next option), this setting governs whether tooltips are displayed.
  • Use icons displays icons instead of text labels on the toolbar.
  • Use individual headings will show discrete buttons for each permitted heading level. e.g. H2, H3, H4 buttons. If you set this to No then headings can be inserted via a single Hx button. Each click of the button will cycle through the permitted heading levels set by the administrator.

Known issues

  • Under Txp 4.7.x, the bar doesn’t disappear when the textfilter options are toggled.

Source code

If you’d rather spend time with the bytes, you’ll need to step into the view source page.

Legacy software

If, for some inexplicable reason, you need a legacy version of a plugin, it can probably be found on the plugin archive page.

Experimental software

If you’re feeling brave, or fancy chucking your keys in the bowl, you can test out some of my beta code. It can be found on the plugin beta page.