Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people having a midlife crisis reduces my vocabulary to four letter words — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Who says I'm late to the social party?
The isolation protocol: one plus one equals eight
· 865 words (vacuums up about 4 mins)I’m still scratching my head over the COVID-19 isolation rules. To the best of my ability, I’ve summarised them here by taking the plight of two very similar people and comparing their fates in The New Normal.
The quest for the coronavirus endgame
· 2026 words (eats up about 10 mins)When news of COVID-19 broke, I took it seriously. Same as most, I expect. As time marches on, I’ve changed my stance a few times. Real? Hoax? Partially true? An opportunistic power grab?
Too many questions remain unanswered to make it a cut and dried case. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
4 burning questions about covid-19 and the jabs
[3 comments] · 925 words (laps up about 5 mins)I’ve been reading world articles/journals and still waiting for answers to a few simple questions. If I’m missing something, please show me where I can fill my knowledge gaps. I can’t see any logic behind indiscriminate vaccination.
Silencing debate - just shout louder
[2 comments] · 1846 words (wastes about 9 mins)It’s easy to be a news anchor these days. Invite people on the show and then yell at them until the interview slot runs out. That’s the perfect way to fuel critical debate.
Papers please: a guide to the post-COVID-19 world
[1 comment] · 1892 words (kills about 9 mins)Permit me to fast-forward into one possible future after a coronavirus vaccinated world and the utopia it will bring. Let me paint you a little story…
COVID-19: it's not all about the numbers
[2 comments] · 5867 words (laps up about 27 mins)I’m not going to apologise for this coronavirus post. It’s likely to piss you off. That’s the point. Check you’re wearing your big trousers then dive in if you think you can handle it.
Why we have a National Health Disservice
· 2140 words (wastes about 10 mins)We’re told the NHS is in crisis and needs funding. Let’s step back a moment and find out if it’s true and who’s to blame. The answer might surprise you.
Eye test technology is always right
· 447 words (eats up about 2 mins)If opticians want people to visit more regularly and not regard them as wealth-sucking ogres, they’re going to have to start listening.