Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people copying and pasting the same thing to each other reduces my vocabulary to four letter words — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Yay, I've joined the SpaceFace / MyBook revolution.
N.B. The views expressed herein are not my own: they have been carefully shaped by a barrage of mainstream media propaganda and fill-in-the-blanks guesswork. Also, I'm prone to lying for the sake of entertainment.
On choosing a good corporate identity
· 316 words (vacuums up about 2 mins)There are some ropey domain names out there that should never have made it past the first round. Note to the world: think before you buy.
The minor majority
· 1318 words (wastes about 6 mins)With another election behind us and all the turmoil and campaigning that’s yet to come, it pays to remember that negativity is not a virtue.
First past the opinion poll
· 989 words (munches about 5 mins)Are opinion polls an outdated tool for determining voter spread? Should they be abolished to allow greater political freedom?
Another election, another waste of time?
· 1431 words (kills about 7 mins)In the blue corner we have a wannabe megalomaniac, in the red corner a guy who looks like he has special needs. Decisions decisions…
The animals came in 2x2x2x2...
· 1759 words (eats up about 8 mins)In the face of true devotion, it’s difficult to separate fact and myth when it comes to the bible. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I’m going to try.
The problem with freestyle jazz
· 271 words (vacuums up about 2 mins)I have pretty eclectic musical tastes and love anything well produced. Which is the complete antithesis to some strains of jazz music, it seems.
Eye test technology is always right
· 447 words (sucks up about 2 mins)If opticians want people to visit more regularly and not regard them as wealth-sucking ogres, they’re going to have to start listening.
Rethinking terms and conditions
· 387 words (munches about 2 mins)We’re all used to companies sneaking in detrimental changes to their terms, but it’s funny how banks react when the shoe is on the other foot.