Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people having a midlife crisis isn't Like-worthy — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Now Im dahn wiv da yoof.
N.B. The views expressed herein are not my own: they have been carefully shaped by a barrage of mainstream media propaganda and fill-in-the-blanks guesswork. Also, I'm prone to lying for the sake of entertainment.
PC World scam laptop buyers
· 899 words (sucks up about 4 mins)Beware the high street sharks masquerading as “experts”. Their currency is your fear of technology, and it’s easy to turn the tables with a little confidence, saving cash in the process.
Driverless cars: an accident waiting to happen
· 1680 words (vacuums up about 8 mins)My distrust of code and programmers fuels scepticism over driverless vehicles. It’s up there with my hatred of automated checkouts. “Unexpected person in driving area”.
I lost my heart to Agnus, Denise & Paula
· 1458 words (sucks up about 7 mins)What has 16-bits, exuded cool and made PC owners cry? Why, the Amiga of course. After tiring of BASIC on the Vic20 and typing strings of hex from the back of magazines into the Spectrum, the Amiga was my new main squeeze.
Are we really saving time?
· 881 words (sucks up about 4 mins)Daylight bloody savings time is upon us once more. That weird tradition where we alter the clocks in order to… well, what the heck do we do it for?
Five on Politically Correct island
[6 comments] · 958 words (munches about 5 mins)What do you get when you cross an old book with idealists from a modern world, hell-bent on not offending anyone for fear of litigation? A damn mess.
Learning the drill
· 1077 words (wastes about 5 mins)I admit I suck at DIY. But it’s not through lack of trying, it’s lack of training. And sometimes a serious lack of common sense.
The Hurt Locket
· 256 words (munches about 2 mins)Coughs, colds, sneezes, sore throats. Lucky for us we have lozenges like Lockets to soothe our throats and unblock our noses. But what kind of alien substance is the wrapper made of?
Online illiteracy is rife
· 924 words (munches about 5 mins)I thought it was a simple question: “Why do you never forget how to ride a bike?” Yahoo Answers cropped up as the top result. I should have known better, but I clicked it.