Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people writing #incomprehensible #twaddle u n me l8r lol @knickerlicker bores me — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Yay, I've joined the SpaceFace / MyBook revolution.
N.B. The views expressed herein are not my own: they have been carefully shaped by a barrage of mainstream media propaganda and fill-in-the-blanks guesswork. Also, I'm prone to lying for the sake of entertainment.
There be treasure in mapping software
· 521 words (laps up about 3 mins)While the shortest distance between two points is arguably a straight line, there are times that’s not the case. Beware mapping software and sat-nag.
No, Google and Microsoft, it's really me
[6 comments] · 587 words (sucks up about 3 mins)Paranoia about online security is rife. But when safeguards are put in place, it helps to scope out how people might use them first.
Downgrades: don't listen to manufacturers
· 430 words (devours about 2 mins)Everyone, it seems, is out to make a fast buck. Even so-called “reputable” big players like HP will willingly break your machine in the pursuit of cash.
Sorting out the Windows trash
· 759 words (eats up about 4 mins)Why is the Windows trash can called a Recycle Bin? You don’t take the contents, melt it down and make something else out of it.
Downloading danger
· 576 words (devours about 3 mins)Copyright. Restrictions. Legal threats. DRM. Piracy. Alligators befriending canaries. There are lots of inexplicable things in this world, but the entertainment industry take some beating.
Five reasons why Emoji sucks as a language
[1 comment] · 1405 words (vacuums up about 7 mins)With the meteoric rise in the use of Emoji, I can’t help but wonder if people really have missed the point of communication.
TTIP, ISDS and the contract mismatch
· 858 words (devours about 4 mins)The proposed trade deals between the US and Europe are shady at best. Shrouded in secrecy until recently, I couldn’t figure why aspects of it were necessary. Until now.
Why is denial dangerous?
· 856 words (laps up about 4 mins)When is a number not a number? When the media says you can’t discuss it.