Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people retweeting the decades old picture of that cat with the lime on its head using bit.ly links isn't Like-worthy — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. I can now omit vowels and apostrophes with impunity.
Online illiteracy is rife
· 924 words (wastes about 5 mins)I thought it was a simple question: “Why do you never forget how to ride a bike?” Yahoo Answers cropped up as the top result. I should have known better, but I clicked it.
Naming today's musical period
· 909 words (munches about 5 mins)I’ve often wondered what future civilisations will call this current era of music. My music teacher always opined it would be labelled “modern”, or “rubbish”, but maybe there’s more to it than that.
All my friends are virtual
[1 comment] · 277 words (wastes about 2 mins)When it comes to being artistic, I’m a rank amateur. But posting random poetry for no other reason than because I can is where I excel.
Offended by sarcasm: cultural idioms
· 293 words (laps up about 2 mins)Oh great, now you’ve set my legs on fire. Thanks a bunch.
New Year's Evolution
· 161 words (kills less than a minute)All hail 2014. A New Year has begun, whereby people the world over decree they are going to improve their lifestyle and turn over a new leaf. All except me.
Friends that aren't real?
· 258 words (vacuums up about 2 mins)When is a friend not a friend? In Facebook’s eyes, it’s when you dared to acquaint yourself outside of the online social sphere.
In hot water we trust
· 282 words (kills about 2 mins)Signs and labels everywhere, nor any drop of sense. Signs and labels everywhere, it’s time for recompense.
Behold ye pirates of the airwaves
· 347 words (wastes about 2 mins)Shiver me timbers, there’s a nugget of silver in the Frequency Modulation band that the authorities don’t want us to hear.