Y'know things that are all the rage? Blogs. Everyone has one; or at least had one before Facebook, Twitter et al diluted the realtime pool.
Since I'm nu-old skool — and watching endless streams of people having a midlife crisis is stupefyingly pointless — I figured why not make a blog? The main difference here compared with other people's blogs is that instead of being limited to one topic, you get a little slice of everything all mashed up. Now Im dahn wiv da yoof.
Downfall of the ubiquitous hashtag
· 712 words (wastes about 4 mins)The hashtag: the cornerstone of social media. Trends. Analytics. Fun. But I sometimes wonder if certain entities understand what it’s actually for.
The curse of the intermittent fault
· 1480 words (vacuums up about 7 mins)When your boiler’s broke. And your water’s cold. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? A heating engineer? Or someone with a soldering iron and dogged determination?
Samsung / Kit-Kat battery drain weirdness
· 742 words (vacuums up about 4 mins)Android is alright as far as operating systems go. It’s no iOS, but far more usable than Windows phone software. Unless it starts eating your battery.
Pimp my MacBook
· 1426 words (munches about 7 mins)An episode in hardware upgrading for a mid-2012 MacBook Pro. The road is slightly rippled with a flat underside, but well worth it.
Two-factor authentication should be banished
· 1194 words (munches about 6 mins)The title of this outpouring should be “2FA considered harmful” but articles containing ‘considered harmful’ are harmful and attract abuse from people who claim to know better. But 2FA is crap, and here’s why.
No, Google and Microsoft, it's really me
[6 comments] · 587 words (wastes about 3 mins)Paranoia about online security is rife. But when safeguards are put in place, it helps to scope out how people might use them first.
Sorting out the Windows trash
· 759 words (sucks up about 4 mins)Why is the Windows trash can called a Recycle Bin? You don’t take the contents, melt it down and make something else out of it.
PC World scam laptop buyers
· 899 words (sucks up about 4 mins)Beware the high street sharks masquerading as “experts”. Their currency is your fear of technology, and it’s easy to turn the tables with a little confidence, saving cash in the process.