/** * smd_user_manager * * A Textpattern CMS plugin for complete user administration: * -> Search / filter / alter info on users (with asset counts) * -> Create / alter groups (roles) * -> Create / customise privs (areas) * -> Online user list * * @author Stef Dawson * @link http://stefdawson.com/ */ if (!defined('SMD_UM_PRIVS')) { define("SMD_UM_PRIVS", 'smd_um_privs'); } if (!defined('SMD_UM_GROUPS')) { define("SMD_UM_GROUPS", 'smd_um_groups'); } if(@txpinterface == 'admin') { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_styles, $smd_um_prefs, $txp_permissions, $txp_groups, $txp_user, $event, $step; $smd_um_event = 'smd_um'; // Styles include a hack for Remora (#nav li ul) to prevent menu from disappearing under the // privs content. This only occurs because the .smd_um_privgroup class uses position:relative. // Needs workaround as it affects other plugins. $smd_um_styles = array( 'control-panel' => '#smd_um_control { text-align:center; } #smd_um_control .search-form, #smd_um_control .smd_um_title, .smd_um_buttons { display:inline-block; margin:0 30px; } .smd_um_privgroup { margin:10px auto; width:50%; position:relative; } .smd_um_privgroup h2 { text-align:left; font-weight:bold; } .smd_active { font-weight:bold; } .smd_um_privsave { position:absolute; left:-55px; top:0; } .smd_um_title { font-size: 130%; margin:0 30px 10px!important; } .smd_um_active_users { margin:15px auto; text-align:center; width:80%; } .smd_um_selected { background-color:#e2dfce; } .smd_um_grp_name, .smd_um_prv_name, .smd_um_reset_col { cursor:pointer; } .smd_um_checkbox, .smd_um_prv_hdr { text-align:center!important; } #nav li ul { z-index:10000; }', ); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.list', '1, 2, 3'); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit', '1, 2'); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.create', '1'); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.grp', '1'); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.prv', '1'); add_privs($smd_um_event.'.prf', '1'); register_tab('admin', $smd_um_event, smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name')); register_callback('smd_um_dispatcher', 'admin'); register_callback('smd_um_dispatcher', $smd_um_event); register_callback('smd_um_dispatcher', $smd_um_event.'.usr.edit.own'); register_callback('smd_um_users_tab', 'admin_side', 'head_end'); register_callback('smd_um_welcome', 'plugin_lifecycle.smd_user_manager'); // Log the time of this access attempt $curr_users = unserialize(get_pref('smd_um_current_users', '')); $curr_users[$txp_user] = time(); set_pref('smd_um_current_users', serialize($curr_users), 'smd_um', PREF_HIDDEN, '', 0); // Merge in the groups only for now smd_um_priv_merge(1, 0); include_once txpath.'/lib/txplib_admin.php'; // Permit user self-editing $smd_um_grps = array_keys(smd_um_get_groups(0)); unset($smd_um_grps[0]); // Remove None user $allprivs = join(',',$smd_um_grps); add_privs($smd_um_event, $allprivs); // Required to display anything at all on the User Manager tab add_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit.own', $allprivs); // Now the privs are established for all admin steps so we can go ahead // and merge in the changes. One caveat: if we're saving the privs we // need to delay the database merge until after the resets have been applied, // otherwise we won't know what the defaults (in admin_config.php) are $do_privs = (($step == 'smd_um_privs') && ps('smd_um_priv_save')) ? 0 : 1; smd_um_priv_merge(0, $do_privs); $smd_um_prefs = array( 'smd_um_hierarchical_groups' => array( 'html' => 'yesnoradio', 'type' => PREF_HIDDEN, 'position' => 10, 'default' => '0', ), 'smd_um_admin_group' => array( 'html' => 'selectlist', 'type' => PREF_HIDDEN, 'position' => 20, 'content' => array(get_groups(), false), 'default' => '1', ), 'smd_um_max_search_limit' => array( 'html' => 'text_input', 'type' => PREF_HIDDEN, 'position' => 40, 'default' => '500', ), 'smd_um_pass_length' => array( 'html' => 'text_input', 'type' => PREF_HIDDEN, 'position' => 50, 'default' => '12', ), 'smd_um_active_timeout' => array( 'html' => 'text_input', 'type' => PREF_HIDDEN, 'position' => 60, 'default' => '60', ), ); } // ------------------------ // Plugin jump off point function smd_um_dispatcher($evt, $stp) { global $smd_um_event, $txp_permissions, $txp_user, $event; ob_end_clean(); // Kill any existing Admin tab panel... ob_start(); // ... and start again $event = $smd_um_event; $stp = gps('step'); $available_steps = array( 'smd_um' => false, 'smd_um_edit' => false, 'smd_um_save' => true, 'smd_um_save_new' => true, 'smd_um_groups' => true, 'smd_um_privs' => true, 'smd_um_prefs' => true, 'smd_um_multi_edit' => true, 'smd_um_change_pass' => true, 'smd_um_change_pageby' => true, 'smd_um_table_install' => true, 'smd_um_table_remove' => true, 'save_pane_state' => true, ); if (!has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.list')) { $stp = ($stp) ? $stp : 'smd_um_edit'; $uid = safe_field('user_id', 'txp_users', "name='" . doSlash($txp_user) . "'"); if ($uid) { // Inject this value so the edit step picks it up and edits only the current user. // The edit/save steps will verify if the current user is the one trying to be edited // to prevent people adding &user_id=N to the URL $_POST['user_id'] = $uid; } } if ($stp == 'save_pane_state') { smd_um_save_pane_state(); } else if (!$stp or !bouncer($stp, $available_steps)) { $stp = $smd_um_event; } $stp(); } // ------------------------ // Try to hide the Admin->Users tab in the secondary nav via jQuery. // May fail with inventive DOM structures. // (note to self: campaign for improvement in this area because jQuery smells hackish) function smd_um_users_tab() { $userStr = gTxt('tab_site_admin'); echo <<< EOJS EOJS; } // ------------------------ function smd_um_welcome($evt, $stp) { $msg = ''; switch ($stp) { case 'installed': smd_um_table_install(0); $msg = 'Super duper users!'; break; case 'deleted': smd_um_table_remove(0); break; } return $msg; } // ------------------------ // Main user display list function smd_um($msg='') { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs, $txp_user, $smd_um_list_pageby, $smd_um_styles; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.list'); if (!smd_um_table_exist(1)) { smd_um_table_install(0); } pagetop(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name').' » '.smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_usr_lbl'), $msg); extract(smd_um_buttons('usr')); extract(gpsa(array('page', 'sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'search_method'))); if ($sort === '') $sort = get_pref('smd_um_sort_column', 'login'); if ($dir === '') $dir = get_pref('smd_um_sort_dir', 'desc'); $dir = ($dir == 'asc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'; switch ($sort) { case 'real_name': $sort_sql = 'RealName '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'email': $sort_sql = 'email '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'privs': $sort_sql = 'privs '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'article_count': $sort_sql = 'article_count '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'image_count': $sort_sql = 'image_count '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'file_count': $sort_sql = 'file_count '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'link_count': $sort_sql = 'link_count '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; case 'last_login': $sort_sql = 'last_access '.$dir; break; default: $sort = 'name'; $sort_sql = 'name '.$dir.', last_access desc'; break; } set_pref('smd_um_sort_column', $sort, 'smd_um', PREF_HIDDEN, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); set_pref('smd_um_sort_dir', $dir, 'smd_um', PREF_HIDDEN, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); $switch_dir = ($dir == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $criteria = 1; $count_columns = array('article_count', 'image_count', 'file_count', 'link_count'); if ($search_method and $crit != '') { $crit_escaped = doSlash(str_replace(array('\\','%','_','\''), array('\\\\','\\%','\\_', '\\\''), $crit)); // Permit searching by privilege name (sort of) if ($search_method == 'privileges' && !is_numeric($crit_escaped)) { $levels = get_groups(); foreach ($levels as $idx => $group) { if (strpos(strtolower($group), strtolower($crit_escaped)) !== false) { $crit_escaped = $idx; break; } } } // Permit <, =, and > operators in count searches. // nullcheck is not required for privs searches because the value is a true 0 (whereas in the computed // columns it's empty/null) $operator = '='; $nullcheck = ''; if (in_array($search_method, $count_columns) || $search_method == 'privileges') { preg_match('/([<=>]+)?([0-9]+)/', $crit_escaped, $matches); $operator = (isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] != '') ? $matches[1] : '='; $crit_escaped = (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] != '') ? $matches[2] : $crit_escaped; $char_one = substr($operator, 0, 1); $char_two = substr($operator, 1, 1); $nullcheck = ($char_one == '<' || ($char_one == '>' && $char_two == '=' && $crit_escaped == '0')) ? ' OR ISNULL('.$search_method.')' : ''; } $critsql = array( 'login_name' => "name like '%$crit_escaped%'", 'real_name' => "RealName like '%$crit_escaped%'", 'email' => "email like '%$crit_escaped%'", 'privileges' => "privs $operator '$crit_escaped'", 'article_count' => "article_count $operator '$crit_escaped'$nullcheck", 'image_count' => "image_count $operator '$crit_escaped'$nullcheck", 'file_count' => "file_count $operator '$crit_escaped'$nullcheck", 'link_count' => "link_count $operator '$crit_escaped'$nullcheck", ); if (array_key_exists($search_method, $critsql)) { $criteria = $critsql[$search_method]; $limit = get_pref('smd_um_max_search_limit', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_max_search_limit']['default']); } else { $search_method = ''; $crit = ''; } } else { $search_method = ''; $crit = ''; } // Since the *_count columns are computed we need to some jiggery pokery here. // Thus, if we're looking for counts of 'zero' the actual search value should be isnull() if (in_array($search_method, $count_columns) && $operator == '=' && $crit_escaped == '0') { $criteria = "ISNULL($search_method)"; } // The fields, joins and sub-queries that make up the real and computed columns $fields = 'txu.user_id, txu.name, txu.RealName, txu.email, txu.privs, unix_timestamp(txu.last_access) as last_login, txp.total AS article_count, txi.total AS image_count, txf.total AS file_count, txl.total AS link_count'; $clause = ' FROM '.PFX.'txp_users as txu LEFT JOIN (SELECT AuthorID, count(ID) AS total FROM '.PFX.'textpattern GROUP BY AuthorID) AS txp ON txp.AuthorID = txu.name LEFT JOIN (SELECT author, count(id) AS total FROM '.PFX.'txp_image GROUP BY author) AS txi ON txi.author = txu.name LEFT JOIN (SELECT author, count(id) AS total FROM '.PFX.'txp_file GROUP BY author) AS txf ON txf.author = txu.name LEFT JOIN (SELECT author, count(id) AS total FROM '.PFX.'txp_link GROUP BY author) AS txl ON txl.author = txu.name'; // Perform a count on the relevant search item. Doing a count(*) is awkward due to the computed columns // so a straight query is performed with a loop to increment the total. getThing() or getRows for some reason // failed under certain conditions $total = 0; $totrs = safe_query('SELECT '.$fields.$clause.' HAVING '.$criteria); while ($row = nextRow($totrs)) { $total++; } $btnbar = ''.$btnUsr.$btnGrp.$btnPrv.$btnPrf.''; $newbtn = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.create') ? '' .smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_new_user'). '' : ''; // Inject styles echo ''; echo '
'; if ($total < 1) { if ($criteria != 1) { echo n.smd_um_search_form($crit, $search_method).$btnbar. n.graf(gTxt('no_results_found'), ' class="indicator"').'
'; } return; } $limit = max($smd_um_list_pageby, 15); list($page, $offset, $numPages) = pager($total, $limit, $page); echo n.smd_um_search_form($crit, $search_method).$btnbar.''; // Retrieve the user info and related counts $rs = safe_query('SELECT '.$fields.$clause.' HAVING '.$criteria.' ORDER BY '.$sort_sql.' LIMIT '.$offset.', '.$limit); if ($rs) { echo n.'
'; echo '
'. startTable('list', '', 'list'). n.''. tr(tda($newbtn, ' class="noline"')). n.tr( column_head('login_name', 'name', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('name' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '').'name login-name'). column_head('real_name', 'real_name', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('real_name' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '').'name real-name'). column_head('email', 'email', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('email' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '').'email'). column_head('privileges', 'privs', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('privs' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '').'privs'). column_head('last_login', 'last_login', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('last_login' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '').'date last-login modified'). column_head(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_article_count'), 'article_count', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('article_count' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '')). column_head(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_image_count'), 'image_count', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('image_count' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '')). column_head(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_file_count'), 'file_count', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('file_count' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '')). column_head(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_link_count'), 'link_count', 'smd_um', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, (('link_count' == $sort) ? "$dir " : '')). hCell('', '', ' class="multi-edit"') ). n.''; $assets = safe_column('name', 'txp_users', '1=1'); $assign_assets = $assets ? ''.str_replace(array("\n", '-'), array('', '-'), str_replace('' : ''; $permitted_users = smd_um_get_groups(1); $privlist = str_replace(array("\n", '-'), array('', '-'), str_replace(''.tr( tda( ((has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit')) ? select_buttons(). smd_um_multiedit_form($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method).'

' : '') , ' class="multi-edit" colspan="10" style="text-align: right; border: none;"') ).n.''; echo $tfoot; echo << jQuery(function() { jQuery('#withselected').attr('onchange', '').change(function() { switch(jQuery(this).val()) { case "changeprivilege": jQuery('#smd_um_js').empty().append('{$privlist}'); break; case "delete": jQuery('#smd_um_js').empty().append('{$assign_assets}'); break; default: jQuery('#smd_um_js').empty(); break; } }); }); EOJS; echo ''; $ctr = 1; $curr_priv = safe_field('privs', 'txp_users', "name = '" .doSlash($txp_user). "'"); while ($row = nextRow($rs)) { extract(doSpecial($row)); $permitted = smd_um_can_edit($curr_priv, $name, $privs); echo tr( td( (($permitted) ? eLink($smd_um_event, 'smd_um_edit', 'user_id', $user_id, $name) : $name), '', 'name login-name actions'). td($RealName, '', 'name real-name'). td(''.$email.'', '', 'email'). td(smd_um_get_priv_level($privs), '', 'privs'). td(($last_login ? safe_strftime('%b %Y', $last_login) : ''), '', 'date last-login modified'). td(($article_count) ? eLink('list', 'list', 'search_method', 'author', $article_count, 'crit', $name) : '0'). td(($image_count) ? eLink('image', 'image_list', 'search_method', 'author', $image_count, 'crit', $name) : '0'). td(($file_count) ? eLink('file', 'file_list', 'search_method', 'author', $file_count, 'crit', $name) : '0'). td(($link_count) ? eLink('link', 'link_edit', 'search_method', 'author', $link_count, 'crit', $name) : '0'). td(((has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit') && $txp_user != $row['name'] && array_key_exists($privs, $permitted_users)) ? fInput('checkbox', 'selected[]', $row['name'], 'checkbox') : ''), '', 'multi-edit') , ' class="'.(($ctr%2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd').'"' ); $ctr++; } echo ''. n.endTable(). n.tInput(). n.''. n.'
'. nav_form('smd_um', $page, $numPages, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $total, $limit). pageby_form('smd_um', $smd_um_list_pageby). n.'
'; } } // Can this logged-in user edit the given user account? function smd_um_can_edit($curr_priv, $name, $privs) { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs, $txp_user; $permitted = false; // Assume no editing rights unlesss otherwise stated $tiered = get_pref('smd_um_hierarchical_groups', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_hierarchical_groups']['default']); $protected = get_pref('smd_um_admin_group', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_admin_group']['default']); if ($name && $privs) { $permitted = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit.own') && ($name == $txp_user); $can_edit = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit'); if ($can_edit) { $permitted |= $can_edit; if ($tiered) { $permitted &= ($privs >= $curr_priv); } if ($protected) { $permitted &= (($privs != $protected) || ($curr_priv == $protected)); } } } return $permitted; } // ------------------------ // Edit a single User function smd_um_edit($msg='') { global $txp_user, $smd_um_event, $smd_um_styles; $vars = array('user_id', 'name', 'RealName', 'email', 'privs'); extract(gpsa($vars)); $rs = array(); $curr_priv = safe_field('privs', 'txp_users', "name = '" .doSlash($txp_user). "'"); if ($user_id) { $user_id = assert_int($user_id); $rs = safe_row('*', 'txp_users', "user_id = $user_id"); extract($rs); } else if (!has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.create')) { // If the current user doesn't have sufficient rights to create new users // then this Edit request without user_id is a self-edit $rs = safe_row('*', 'txp_users', "name = '" .doSlash($txp_user). "'"); extract($rs); } // Check for edit / creation rights $permitted = ($user_id) ? smd_um_can_edit($curr_priv, $name, $privs) : has_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.create'); if (!$permitted) exit(pageTop('Restricted').'

'. gTxt('restricted_area').'

'); $caption = gTxt(($user_id) ? 'edit_author' : 'add_new_author'); pagetop(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name').' » '.smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_usr_lbl'), $msg); extract(smd_um_buttons('usr')); $btnbar = ''.$btnUsr.$btnGrp.$btnPrv.$btnPrf.''; // Inject styles echo ''; echo '
' . ''.$caption.'' . $btnbar . '
'; echo '
'; echo form( startTable('edit', '', 'edit-pane'). tr( fLabelCell('login_name', '', 'name'). ($user_id ? td(strong($name)) : fInputCell('name', $name, '', 30)) , ' class="name login-name"') .tr( fLabelCell('real_name', '', 'RealName'). fInputCell('RealName', $RealName, '', 30) , ' class="name real-name"') .tr( fLabelCell('email', '', 'email'). fInputCell('email', $email, '', 30) , ' class="email"') .tr( fLabelCell('privileges', '', 'privs'). td( ($txp_user != $name ? selectInput('privs', smd_um_get_groups(1), $privs) : hInput('privs', $privs).strong(smd_um_get_priv_level($privs)) ) .sp.popHelp('about_privileges') ) , ' class="privs"') .pluggable_ui('author_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $rs) .tr( td() .td( fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish').($user_id ? '' : sp.popHelp('add_new_author')) ) ) .endTable() .eInput($smd_um_event). ($user_id ? hInput('user_id', $user_id).sInput('smd_um_save') : sInput('smd_um_save_new')) , '', '', 'post', 'edit-form', '', 'user_edit'); echo smd_um_change_pass_form($name, $user_id); echo '
'; } // ------------------------ // Virtually cloned from Admin->Users function smd_um_save() { global $smd_um_event, $txp_user; extract(doSlash(psa(array('privs', 'user_id', 'RealName', 'email')))); $privs = assert_int($privs); $user_id = assert_int($user_id); $name = safe_field('name', 'txp_users', "user_id = $user_id"); $curr_priv = safe_field('privs', 'txp_users', "name = '" .doSlash($txp_user). "'"); // Check for hacking attempts $permitted = smd_um_can_edit($curr_priv, $name, $privs); if (!$permitted) exit(pageTop('Restricted').'

'. gTxt('restricted_area').'

'); if (!is_valid_email($email)) { smd_um_edit(array(gTxt('email_required'), E_ERROR)); return; } $rs = safe_update('txp_users', " privs = $privs, RealName = '$RealName', email = '$email'", "user_id = $user_id" ); if ($rs) { $msg = gTxt('author_updated', array('{name}' => $RealName)); } else { $msg = ''; } $smd_um_event($msg); } // ------------------------ // Virtually cloned from Admin->Users function smd_um_save_new() { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.create'); extract(doSlash(psa(array('privs', 'name', 'email', 'RealName')))); $privs = assert_int($privs); $length = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($name, '8bit') : strlen($name); if ($name and $length <= 64 and is_valid_email($email)) { $exists = safe_field('name', 'txp_users', "name = '" .$name. "'"); if ($exists) { smd_um_edit(array(gTxt('author_already_exists', array('{name}' => $name)), E_ERROR)); return; } $pass_len = get_pref('smd_um_pass_length', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_pass_length']['default']); $password = generate_password($pass_len); $hash = doSlash(txp_hash_password($password)); $nonce = doSlash(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE))); $rs = safe_insert('txp_users', " privs = $privs, name = '$name', email = '$email', RealName = '$RealName', nonce = '$nonce', pass = '$hash' "); if ($rs) { // TODO: consider cloning send_password() because only people with admin.edit can run it (i.e. Publishers) send_password($RealName, $name, $email, $password); $msg = gTxt('password_sent_to').sp.$email; $smd_um_event($msg); } else { $msg = array(gTxt('error_adding_new_author'), E_ERROR); smd_um_edit($msg); } } else { $msg = array(gTxt('error_adding_new_author'), E_ERROR); smd_um_edit($msg); } } // ------------------------ // Group management panel function smd_um_groups($msg='') { global $smd_um_event, $txp_user, $smd_um_styles, $txp_groups, $txp_permissions; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.grp'); if (!smd_um_table_exist()) { smd_um_table_install(0); } // Handle any form actions if (ps('smd_um_group_save')) { $excluded = smd_um_get_groups(0); $ids = ps('smd_um_group_id'); $names = ps('smd_um_group_name'); $titles = ps('smd_um_group_title'); foreach($ids as $idx => $id) { $title = $titles[$idx]; $name = strtolower(sanitizeForUrl($names[$idx])); // Can't create duplicate types if (!in_array($name, $excluded)) { safe_update(SMD_UM_GROUPS, "name='" . doSlash($name) . "'", "id='" . doSlash($id) . "'"); } smd_um_upsert_lang($title, $name); } $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_saved'); } else if (ps('smd_um_group_add')) { $title = ps('smd_um_new_grp'); $name = ps('smd_um_new_grp_name'); $name = ($name == '') ? strtolower(sanitizeForUrl($title)) : $name; if ($name) { $exists = safe_field('id', SMD_UM_GROUPS, "name='".doSlash($name)."'"); if ($exists) { $msg = array(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_exists', array('{id}' => $exists)), E_USER_WARNING); } else { // It's not atomic but it'll do, given that: // a) normally only one person administers this plugin // b) groups are added one at a time $curr_max = safe_field("MAX(id)", SMD_UM_GROUPS, '1=1'); $new_priv = ($curr_max + 1); safe_insert(SMD_UM_GROUPS, "id='" . $new_priv . "', name='" . doSlash($name) . "'"); smd_um_upsert_lang($title, $name); $based_on = ps('smd_um_new_grp_based_on'); if ($based_on != '') { assert_int($based_on); // Can't rely on the privs being in the database so resort to the (merged) array foreach ($txp_permissions as $area => $privs) { $privs = do_list($privs); if (in_array($based_on, $privs)) { safe_insert(SMD_UM_PRIVS, "area='" . doSlash($area) . "', priv='" . doSlash($new_priv) . "'"); } } } $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_created', array('{name}' => $name)); } } else { $msg = array(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_name_required'), E_ERROR); } } else if (ps('smd_um_group_del')) { $id = str_replace('smd_um_del_', '', ps('smd_um_grp_del')); assert_int($id); $affected_users = safe_column('user_id', 'txp_users', "privs = '".doSlash($id)."'"); if ($affected_users) { // Set all orphaned users to no privs -- can always assign them a new group from the main screen later $ret = safe_update('txp_users', "privs=0", "user_id IN ('". join("','", doSlash($affected_users)) ."')"); } // TODO: double check this isn't a core group? $red = safe_delete(SMD_UM_GROUPS, "id='".doSlash($id)."'"); if ($red) { $ret = safe_delete(SMD_UM_PRIVS, "priv='".doSlash($id)."'"); $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_deleted') . ($affected_users ? smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_affected', array('{num}' => count($affected_users))) : ''); } } // Render the page pagetop(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name').' » '.smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_lbl'), $msg); extract(smd_um_buttons('grp')); $btnbar = ''.$btnUsr.$btnGrp.$btnPrv.$btnPrf.''; $grouplist = smd_um_get_groups(1); unset($grouplist[0]); // Don't want None privs $grouplist = selectInput('smd_um_new_grp_based_on', $grouplist, '', true); // Inject styles echo ''; // New group echo '
' . form( graf( ''.sp .fInput('text', 'smd_um_new_grp', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_um_new_grp').sp .''.sp .fInput('text', 'smd_um_new_grp_name', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_um_new_grp_name').sp .''.sp .$grouplist.sp .fInput('submit', 'smd_um_group_add', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') .eInput($smd_um_event) .sInput('smd_um_groups') ) , '','','post','search-form' ) . $btnbar . '
'; // Retrieve the group info and user counts per privilege level $fields = 'smdg.id, smdg.name, smdg.core, txu.total AS user_count'; $clause = ' FROM '.PFX.'smd_um_groups AS smdg LEFT JOIN (SELECT privs, count(privs) AS total FROM '.PFX.'txp_users GROUP BY privs) AS txu ON smdg.id = txu.privs'; $rs = getRows('SELECT ' . $fields.$clause . ' ORDER BY id'); if ($rs) { echo n.'
'; echo '
'. startTable('list', '', 'list'). n.''. n.tr( hCell('ID', '', ' class="id"'). hCell('name', '', ' class="name"'). hCell('title', '', ' class="name"'). hCell('', '', '') ). n.''; $tfoot = n.'' .tr( tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda(fInput('submit', 'smd_um_group_save', gTxt('save'), 'publish'), ' class="noline"') ).''; echo $tfoot; echo << function smd_um_presub(obj) { jQuery('#smd_um_grp_del').val(jQuery(obj).attr('id')); } EOJS; echo ''; $ctr = 1; foreach ($rs as $row) { extract(doSpecial($row)); $user_count = empty($user_count) ? 0 : $user_count; $dLink = ($core) ? ' ' : fInput('submit', 'smd_um_group_del', "×", 'smallerbox', '', 'smd_um_presub(this)', '', '', 'smd_um_del_'.$id) .eInput($smd_um_event) .sInput('smd_um_groups') .tInput(); echo tr( tda( hInput('smd_um_group_id[]', $id) .(($user_count) ? eLink($smd_um_event, '', 'search_method', 'privileges', $id, 'crit', $id) : $id) , ' class="id"' .(($user_count) ? ' title="' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_user_count') . $user_count . '"': '') ) .td(fInput('text', 'smd_um_group_name[]', $name), '', 'name') .td(fInput('text', 'smd_um_group_title[]', gTxt($name)), '', 'name') .td($dLink) , ' class="'.(($ctr%2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd').'"' ); $ctr++; } echo fInput('hidden', 'smd_um_grp_del', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_um_grp_del') , ''. n.endTable(). n.eInput($smd_um_event). n.sInput('smd_um_groups'). n.tInput(). n.''. n.smd_um_active_users(). n.'
'; } } // ------------------------ // Privs management panel function smd_um_privs($msg='') { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs, $smd_um_styles, $txp_user, $txp_permissions; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.prv'); if (!smd_um_table_exist()) { smd_um_table_install(0); } if (ps('smd_um_priv_save')) { $areas = ps('smd_um_areas'); foreach ($areas as $area) { $ar_fakename = str_replace('.', '---', $area); $privs = ps($ar_fakename); $area = strtolower(sanitizeForPage($area)); // Delete the old area privs if they exist safe_delete(SMD_UM_PRIVS, "area='".doSlash($area)."'"); if (is_array($privs)) { foreach ($privs as $priv) { // Reset should always be first in the list since it's the first checkbox col // If reset, don't add the privs again (thus they will be read from admin_config.php) if ($priv == 'smd_um_reset') { break; } else { assert_int($priv); safe_insert(SMD_UM_PRIVS, "area='" . doSlash($area) . "', priv='" . doSlash($priv) . "'"); } } } } // Merge the changes into the priv table smd_um_priv_merge(0,1); $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_saved'); } else if (ps('smd_um_priv_add')) { $name = ps('smd_um_new_prv'); $name = strtolower(sanitizeForPage($name)); if ($name) { if (strpos($name, 'smd_um') === 0) { // Can't create privs for this plugin $msg = array(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_smd_um'), E_USER_WARNING); } else { $exists = array_key_exists($name, $txp_permissions); if ($exists) { $msg = array(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_exists'), E_USER_WARNING); } else { safe_insert(SMD_UM_PRIVS, "area='" . doSlash($name) . "'"); smd_um_priv_merge(0,1); $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_created', array('{area}' => $name)); } } } else { $msg = array(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_name_required'), E_ERROR); } } pagetop(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name').' » '.smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_lbl'), $msg); extract(smd_um_buttons('prv')); $btnbar = ''.$btnUsr.$btnGrp.$btnPrv.$btnPrf.''; // Inject styles echo ''; echo '
' . form( graf( ''.sp .fInput('text', 'smd_um_new_prv', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_um_new_prv') .fInput('submit', 'smd_um_priv_add', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') .eInput($smd_um_event) .sInput('smd_um_privs') ) , '','','post','search-form' ) . $btnbar . '
'; $grouplist_name = smd_um_get_groups(0); $grouplist_title = smd_um_get_groups(1); unset($grouplist_name[0]); // Don't want None privs unset($grouplist_title[0]); // Ditto $curr_area = ''; $area_count = 0; $thatts = ' class="smd_um_grp_name" title="' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_sel_grp') . '"'; $headers = ''.tr( hCell('', '', ' class="smd_um_sel_area" title="' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_sel_all') . '"') .hCell(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_reset'), '', ' class="smd_um_reset_col" title="' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_sel_reset') . '"') .hCell(join('', $grouplist_title), '', $thatts) , ' class="smd_um_prv_hdr"'). ''; $viz = do_list(get_pref('pane_smd_um_priv_visible')); $ctr = 1; echo << function smd_um_presub(obj) { jQuery('#smd_um_prv_del').val(jQuery(obj).attr('id')); } jQuery.fn.smd_um_rowsel = function(idx) { return jQuery('tr:nth-child('+(idx+1)+') td.smd_um_checkbox', this); } jQuery.fn.smd_um_colsel = function(idx) { return jQuery('tr td:nth-child('+(idx+1)+')', this); } // Affect all highlighted checkboxes on keypress function smd_um_toggleCheckbox(ev) { key = ev.keyCode; obj = jQuery('.smd_um_selected :checkbox'); switch(key) { case 67: // (c)heck selected boxes obj.prop('checked', true); break; case 68: // (d)eselect all selected rows/cols jQuery('.smd_um_selected, .smd_um_rsel, .smd_um_csel').removeClass('smd_um_selected smd_um_rsel smd_um_csel'); break; case 84: // (t)oggle selected boxes obj.each(function() { cb = jQuery(this); if (cb.prop('checked') == true) { cb.prop('checked', false); } else { cb.prop('checked', true); } }); break; case 85: // (u)ncheck selected boxes obj.prop('checked', false); break; } } jQuery(function() { jQuery(document).bind('keyup', smd_um_toggleCheckbox); // Row selector jQuery('.smd_um_prv_name').click(function() { tr = jQuery(this).closest('tr'); rownum = tr.index(); obj = jQuery(tr).parent().smd_um_rowsel(rownum); // Can't use toggleClass because it would untoggle any cols that were already selected if (jQuery(this).hasClass('smd_um_rsel')) { obj.removeClass('smd_um_selected'); } else { obj.addClass('smd_um_selected'); } jQuery(this).toggleClass('smd_um_rsel'); }); // Column selector jQuery('.smd_um_grp_name, .smd_um_reset_col').click(function() { colnum = jQuery(this).index(); tbody = jQuery(this).parent().parent().next('tbody'); obj = jQuery(tbody).smd_um_colsel(colnum); // Can't use toggleClass because it would untoggle any rows that were already selected if (colnum > 0) { if (jQuery(this).hasClass('smd_um_csel')) { obj.removeClass('smd_um_selected'); } else { obj.addClass('smd_um_selected'); } } jQuery(this).toggleClass('smd_um_csel'); }); // Whole table selector jQuery('.smd_um_sel_area').click(function() { me = jQuery(this); thead = me.parent().parent(); tbody = thead.next('tbody'); tbody.toggleClass('smd_um_allsel'); if (tbody.hasClass('smd_um_allsel')) { tbody.find('.smd_um_prv_name').removeClass('smd_um_rsel').click(); me.nextAll('.smd_um_grp_name').addClass('smd_um_csel'); } else { tbody.find('.smd_um_prv_name').addClass('smd_um_rsel').click(); me.nextAll('.smd_um_grp_name').removeClass('smd_um_csel'); } }); }); EOJS; echo n.'
'; echo '
'; echo eInput($smd_um_event).sInput('smd_um_privs').tInput(); foreach ($txp_permissions as $area => $privs) { $priv_list = do_list($privs); $area_parts = do_list($area, '.'); if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9]{3,3})\_/', $area_parts[0], $matches)) { // Plugin $area_parts[0] = $matches[1]; } // Start of a new area so close the previous one and start a new block if ($curr_area != $area_parts[0]) { if ($area_count > 0) { echo '' . endTable() . '
'; } $area_head = gTxt($area_parts[0]); $is_viz = in_array($area_parts[0], $viz); $ref = 'smd_um_priv_'.$area_parts[0]; echo '

' . $area_parts[0] . (($area_parts[0] != $area_head) ? ' (' . gTxt($area_parts[0]).')' : '') . '

'; echo '
'; echo fInput('submit', 'smd_um_priv_save', gTxt('save'), 'smallerbox smd_um_privsave'); echo startTable('list'); echo $headers; echo ''; } $privboxes = array(); $safe_area = str_replace('.', '---', $area).'[]'; foreach ($grouplist_name as $id => $priv) { /// Dots aren't valid characters for a name so replace them now and swap them back upon Save $privboxes[] = td(checkbox($safe_area, $id, (in_array($id, $priv_list))), '', 'smd_um_checkbox'); } echo tr( tda($area.hInput('smd_um_areas[]', $area), ' class="smd_um_prv_name" title="' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_sel_prv') . '"') .td(checkbox($safe_area, 'smd_um_reset', 0), '', 'smd_um_resetbox') .join(n, $privboxes) , ' class="'.(($ctr%2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd').'"' ); $curr_area = $area_parts[0]; $area_count++; $ctr++; } echo endTable() .'
' . fInput('hidden', 'smd_um_prv_del', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'smd_um_prv_del') . ''.smd_um_active_users().''; } // ------------------------ // Prefs management panel function smd_um_prefs($msg='') { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs, $smd_um_styles, $txp_user; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.prf'); if (!smd_um_table_exist()) { smd_um_table_install(0); } if (ps('smd_um_pref_save')) { foreach ($smd_um_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) { $val = ps($idx); $val = (is_array($val)) ? join(', ', $val) : $val; set_pref($idx, $val, $smd_um_event, $prefobj['type'], $prefobj['html'], $prefobj['position']); } $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prf_saved'); } pagetop(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tab_name').' » '.smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prf_lbl'), $msg); extract(smd_um_buttons('prf')); $btnbar = ''.$btnUsr.$btnGrp.$btnPrv.$btnPrf.''; // Inject styles echo ''; echo '
' . $btnbar . '
'; $out = array(); $out[] = n.'
'; $out[] = '
'; $out[] = eInput($smd_um_event).sInput('smd_um_prefs'); $out[] = startTable('list'); $out[] = tr(tdcs(strong(smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prf_legend')), 2)); foreach ($smd_um_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) { $subout = array(); $subout[] = tda('', ' class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;"'); $val = get_pref($idx, $prefobj['default'], 1); switch ($prefobj['html']) { case 'text_input': $subout[] = fInputCell($idx, $val, '', '', '', $idx); break; case 'yesnoradio': $subout[] = tda(yesnoRadio($idx, $val),' class="noline"'); break; case 'checkboxset': $vals = do_list($val); $lclout = array(); foreach ($prefobj['content'] as $cb => $val) { $checked = in_array($cb, $vals); $lclout[] = checkbox($idx.'[]', $cb, $checked). $val; } $subout[] = tda(join(n, $lclout),' class="noline"'); break; case 'selectlist': $subout[] = tda(selectInput($idx, $prefobj['content'][0], $val, $prefobj['content'][1]),' class="noline"'); break; } $out[] = tr(join(n ,$subout)); } $out[] = tr(tda(' ', ' class="noline"') . tda(fInput('submit', 'smd_um_pref_save', gTxt('save'), 'publish'), ' class="noline"')); $out[] = endTable().tInput(); $out[] = '
'; echo join(n, $out); } // ------------------------ // Common buttons for the interface function smd_um_buttons($curr='usr') { global $smd_um_event; $grp = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.grp'); $prf = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.prf'); $prv = has_privs($smd_um_event.'.prv'); $usr = ($grp || $prf || $prv); // Don't show usr button if it's the only tab available $ret = array ( 'btnGrp' => ( ($grp) ? '
'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_grp_lbl'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='grp'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'
' : ''), 'btnPrf' => ( ($prf) ? '
'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prf_lbl'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='prf'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'
' : ''), 'btnPrv' => ( ($prv) ? '
'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_prv_lbl'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='prv'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'
' : ''), 'btnUsr' => ( ($usr) ? '
'.fInput('submit', 'submit', smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_usr_lbl'), 'smallerbox'.($curr=='usr'?' smd_active':'')).tInput().'
' : ''), ); return $ret; } // ------------------------ // Alter the pageby quantity function smd_um_change_pageby() { global $smd_um_event; event_change_pageby('smd_um'); $smd_um_event(); } // ------------------------ // The user panel search dropdown list function smd_um_search_form($crit, $method) { global $smd_um_event; $methods = array( 'login_name' => gTxt('login_name'), 'real_name' => gTxt('real_name'), 'email' => gTxt('email'), 'privileges' => gTxt('privileges'), 'article_count' => smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_article_count'), 'image_count' => smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_image_count'), 'file_count' => smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_file_count'), 'link_count' => smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_link_count'), ); return search_form($smd_um_event, '', $crit, $methods, $method, 'login'); } // ------------------------ function smd_um_get_priv_level($priv) { $levels = get_groups(); return $levels[$priv]; } // ------------------------ // Merge/edit the groups & privs into the existing global arrays function smd_um_priv_merge($do_grp=1, $do_priv=1) { global $txp_groups, $txp_permissions; if ($do_grp && smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_GROUPS)) { $new_groups = safe_rows('id, name', SMD_UM_GROUPS, '1=1'); foreach ($new_groups as $row) { $txp_groups[$row['id']] = $row['name']; } ksort($txp_groups); } if ($do_priv && smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_PRIVS)) { $new_privs = safe_rows('area, GROUP_CONCAT(priv) AS privs', SMD_UM_PRIVS, '1=1 GROUP BY area ORDER BY area'); foreach ($new_privs as $row) { // Skip this plugin's strings as we don't want people upsetting the plugin's behaviour if (strpos($row['area'], 'smd_um') === false) { $txp_permissions[$row['area']] = $row['privs']; } } ksort($txp_permissions); } } // ------------------------ // Show who's currently online function smd_um_active_users() { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs; $curr_users = unserialize(get_pref('smd_um_current_users', '', 1)); $timeout = get_pref('smd_um_active_timeout', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_active_timeout']['default']); $online = array(); if (is_array($curr_users)) { foreach ($curr_users as $user => $last_access) { $still_active = strtotime("+$timeout seconds", $last_access); if ( ($still_active !== false) && ($still_active > time()) ) { $online[] = eLink($smd_um_event, '', 'search_method', 'login_name', $user, 'crit', $user); } } } return ($online) ? '
' . smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_active') . join(', ', $online) . '
' : ''; } // ------------------------ // Update any language string. Note this may leave orphan strings if the name is changed function smd_um_upsert_lang($title, $name='') { global $textarray; $lang = get_pref('language', 'en-gb'); $name = (isset($name) && $name != '') ? $name : strtolower(sanitizeForUrl($title)); $table = 'txp_lang'; $where = "name='" . doSlash($name) . "' AND lang='" . doSlash($lang) . "'"; // Try to update first $ret = safe_update($table, "data='" . doSlash($title) . "'", $where); if ($ret && (mysql_affected_rows() || safe_count($table, $where))) { // Do nothing -- record has been updated } else { safe_insert($table, "event='admin', name='" . doSlash($name) . "', lang='" . doSlash($lang) . "', data='" . doSlash($title) . "'"); } // Update the global array on the page so gtxt() can get it immediately $textarray[$name] = $title; } // ------------------------ function smd_um_get_groups($type=0) { global $txp_groups, $txp_user, $smd_um_prefs; static $permitted_users = array(); if (isset($permitted_users[$type])) { return $permitted_users[$type]; } $levels = ($type) ? get_groups() : $txp_groups; $tiered = get_pref('smd_um_hierarchical_groups', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_hierarchical_groups']['default']); $curr_priv = safe_field('privs', 'txp_users', "name = '" .doSlash($txp_user). "'"); if (smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_GROUPS)) { $protected = get_pref('smd_um_admin_group', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_admin_group']['default']); $grp = safe_rows('id, name', SMD_UM_GROUPS, '1=1'); foreach ($grp as $row) { if ($protected && ($row['id'] == $protected) && ($curr_priv != $protected) ) { unset($levels[$row['id']]); } else { $levels[$row['id']] = (($type) ? gTxt($row['name']) : $row['name']); } } } if ($tiered) { // Remove any privs higher than the current logged in user foreach ($levels as $priv => $name) { if ( ($priv == 0) || ($priv >= $curr_priv) ) { $permitted_users[$type][$priv] = $name; } } } else { $permitted_users[$type] = $levels; } ksort($permitted_users[$type]); return $permitted_users[$type]; } // ------------------------ function smd_um_multiedit_form($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method) { $methods = array( 'changeprivilege' => gTxt('changeprivilege'), 'resetpassword' => gTxt('resetpassword'), 'delete' => gTxt('delete') ); if (safe_count('txp_users', '1=1') <= 1) unset($methods['delete']); return event_multiedit_form('smd_um', $methods, $page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method); } // ------------------------ // Cloned and tweaked from Admin tab :-( function smd_um_multi_edit() { global $smd_um_event, $smd_um_prefs, $txp_user; require_privs($smd_um_event.'.usr.edit'); $selected = ps('selected'); $method = ps('edit_method'); $changed = array(); if (!$selected or !is_array($selected)) { return $smd_um_event(); } $names = safe_column('name', 'txp_users', "name IN ('".join("','", doSlash($selected))."') AND name != '".doSlash($txp_user)."'"); if (!$names) return $smd_um_event(); switch ($method) { case 'delete': $assign_assets = ps('assign_assets'); if ($assign_assets === '') { $msg = array('must_reassign_assets', E_ERROR); } elseif (in_array($assign_assets, $names)) { $msg = array('cannot_assign_assets_to_deletee', E_ERROR); } elseif (safe_delete('txp_users', "name IN ('".join("','", doSlash($names))."')")) { $changed = $names; $assign_assets = doSlash($assign_assets); $names = join("','", doSlash($names)); // delete private prefs safe_delete('txp_prefs', "user_name IN ('$names')"); // assign dangling assets to their new owner $reassign = array( 'textpattern' => 'AuthorID', 'txp_file' => 'author', 'txp_image' => 'author', 'txp_link' => 'author', ); foreach ($reassign as $table => $col) { safe_update($table, "$col='$assign_assets'", "$col IN ('$names')"); } $msg = 'author_deleted'; } break; case 'changeprivilege': $levels = smd_um_get_groups(1); $privilege = ps('privs'); if (!isset($levels[$privilege])) return $smd_um_event(); if (safe_update('txp_users', 'privs = '.intval($privilege), "name IN ('".join("','", doSlash($names))."')")) { $changed = $names; $msg = 'author_updated'; } break; case 'resetpassword': $failed = array(); $pass_len = get_pref('smd_um_pass_length', $smd_um_prefs['smd_um_pass_length']['default']); foreach ($names as $name) { $passwd = generate_password($pass_len); $hash = doSlash(txp_hash_password($passwd)); if (safe_update('txp_users', "pass = '$hash'", "name = '".doSlash($name)."'")) { $email = safe_field('email', 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); if (send_new_password($passwd, $email, $name)) { $changed[] = $name; $msg = 'author_updated'; } else { $msg = (array(gTxt('could_not_mail').' '.htmlspecialchars($name), E_ERROR)); } } } break; } if ($changed) { return $smd_um_event(gTxt($msg, array('{name}' => htmlspecialchars(join(', ', $changed))))); } $smd_um_event($msg); } // ------------------------ // Mostly cloned from Admin->Users tab function smd_um_change_pass_form($user_name, $user_id) { global $smd_um_event; return '
'. form( tag(gTxt('change_password'), 'h3'). graf(' '. fInput('password', 'new_pass', '', 'edit', '', '', '20', '1', 'new_pass'). checkbox('mail_password', '1', true, '', 'mail_password').' '. hInput('user_name', $user_name). hInput('user_id', $user_id). fInput('submit', 'change_pass', gTxt('submit'), 'smallerbox'). eInput($smd_um_event). sInput('smd_um_change_pass') ,' style="text-align: center;"') , '', '', 'post', '', '', 'change_password').'
'; } // ------------------------ // Mostly cloned from Admin->Users tab function smd_um_change_pass() { global $txp_user; extract(psa(array('new_pass', 'mail_password', 'user_name', 'user_id'))); if (empty($new_pass)) { smd_um_edit(array(gTxt('password_required'), E_ERROR)); return; } if (empty($user_name)) $user_name = $txp_user; $hash = doSlash(txp_hash_password($new_pass)); $user_id = assert_int($user_id); $rs = safe_update('txp_users', "pass = '$hash'", "user_id = $user_id"); if ($rs) { $msg = gTxt('password_changed'); if ($mail_password) { $email = fetch('email', 'txp_users', 'user_id', $user_id); send_new_password($new_pass, $email, $user_name); $msg .= sp.gTxt('and_mailed_to').sp.$email; } else { echo comment(mysql_error()); } $msg .= '.'; } else { $msg = array(gTxt('smd_um_pass_change_error'), E_ERROR); } smd_um_edit($msg); } // ------------------------ function smd_um_save_pane_state() { global $smd_um_event; $pane = str_replace('smd_um_priv_', '', gps('pane')); $curr = do_list(get_pref('pane_smd_um_priv_visible')); $visible = gps('visible'); if ($visible == 'true') { $curr[] = $pane; } else { $pos = array_search($pane, $curr); if ($pos !== false) { unset($curr[$pos]); } } $curr = array_unique($curr); set_pref("pane_smd_um_priv_visible", (join(',', $curr)), $smd_um_event, PREF_HIDDEN, 'text_input', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); send_xml_response(); } // ------------------------ // Add group/priv tables if not already installed function smd_um_table_install($showpane='1') { global $smd_um_event, $txp_groups, $txp_permissions; $GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] = 0; $ret = ''; $sql = array(); // In truth, this table should be normalised further, but for the sake // of one row per priv level per area, it's quicker than a join, and // using GROUP_CONCAT() gets the priv table as in admin.config.php $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".PFX.SMD_UM_PRIVS."` ( `area` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '', `priv` smallint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`area`,`priv`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM"; // id is NOT an auto_increment colummn because autoinc doesn't allow a 0 entry, which we need for 'None' $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".PFX.SMD_UM_GROUPS."` ( `id` smallint(4) NOT NULL default 0, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `core` bool NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM PACK_KEYS=1"; // Handle upgrades: be kind to beta testers if (smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_PRIVS)) { $flds = getThings('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.PFX.SMD_UM_PRIVS.'`'); if (in_array('core',$flds)) { $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE `".PFX.SMD_UM_PRIVS."` DROP `core`"; } } // Append initial value population to query stack if this is a new install if (!smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_GROUPS)) { foreach ($txp_groups as $id => $name) { $sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX.SMD_UM_GROUPS."` VALUES ('$id', '$name', 1)"; } } if (!smd_um_table_exist(SMD_UM_PRIVS)) { foreach ($txp_permissions as $area => $privs) { $priv_list = do_list($privs); foreach ($priv_list as $priv) { $sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX.SMD_UM_PRIVS."` VALUES ('$area', '$priv')"; } } } if(gps('debug')) { dmp($sql); } foreach ($sql as $qry) { $ret = safe_query($qry); if ($ret===false) { $GLOBALS['txp_err_count']++; echo "".$GLOBALS['txp_err_count'].". ".mysql_error()."
\n"; echo "\n"; } } // Spit out results if ($GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] == 0) { if ($showpane) { $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tbl_installed'); $smd_um_event($msg); } } else { if ($showpane) { $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tbl_not_installed'); $smd_um_event($msg); } } } // ------------------------ // Drop table if in database function smd_um_table_remove() { global $smd_um_event; $ret = ''; $sql = array(); $GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] = 0; if (smd_um_table_exist()) { $sql[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " .PFX.SMD_UM_PRIVS. "; "; $sql[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " .PFX.SMD_UM_GROUPS. "; "; if(gps('debug')) { dmp($sql); } foreach ($sql as $qry) { $ret = safe_query($qry); if ($ret===false) { $GLOBALS['txp_err_count']++; echo "".$GLOBALS['txp_err_count'].". ".mysql_error()."
\n"; echo "\n"; } } } if ($GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] == 0) { $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tbl_removed'); } else { $msg = smd_um_gTxt('smd_um_tbl_not_removed'); $smd_um_event($msg); } } // ------------------------ function smd_um_table_exist($which='') { static $smd_um_installed = array(); // The number of expected cols in each table $tbls = array( SMD_UM_GROUPS => 3, SMD_UM_PRIVS => 2, ); if ($which && array_key_exists($which, $tbls) && isset($smd_um_installed[$which])) { return ($smd_um_installed[$which] == $tbls[$which]); } if ($which == '1') { $out = count($tbls); foreach ($tbls as $tbl => $cols) { $num = count(@safe_show('columns', $tbl)); $smd_um_installed[$tbl] = $num; $out -= ($tbls[$tbl] == $num) ? 1 : 0; } return ($out===0) ? 1 : 0; } else if (array_key_exists($which, $tbls)) { $num = count(@safe_show('columns', $which)); $smd_um_installed[$which] = $num; return ($smd_um_installed[$which] == $tbls[$which]); } return false; } // ------------------------ function smd_um_gTxt($what, $atts = array()) { $lang = array( 'en-gb' => array( 'smd_um_active' => 'Users currently active: ', 'smd_um_active_timeout' => 'Activity timeout (seconds)', 'smd_um_admin_group' => 'Protected administrator group: ', 'smd_um_article_count' => 'Articles', 'smd_um_assign_to_group' => 'Assign to group', 'smd_um_based_on' => 'based on', 'smd_um_image_count' => 'Images', 'smd_um_file_count' => 'Files', 'smd_um_link_count' => 'Links', 'smd_um_tab_name' => 'User manager', 'smd_um_grp_affected' => '. Users affected: {num}', 'smd_um_grp_created' => 'Group "{name}" created', 'smd_um_grp_deleted' => 'Group deleted', 'smd_um_grp_exists' => 'Group already exists as priv ID {id}', 'smd_um_grp_lbl' => 'Groups', 'smd_um_grp_new' => 'New group title', 'smd_um_grp_new_name' => 'name', 'smd_um_grp_saved' => 'Group info updated', 'smd_um_hierarchical_groups' => 'Assume hierarchical groups (levels)', 'smd_um_max_search_limit' => 'Maximum user search result limit', 'smd_um_name_required' => 'A name is required', 'smd_um_new_user' => 'New user', 'smd_um_pass_change_error' => 'Password NOT saved', 'smd_um_pass_length' => 'Password length (characters)', 'smd_um_prf_lbl' => 'Prefs', 'smd_um_prf_legend' => 'User Manager Preferences', 'smd_um_prf_saved' => 'Preferences saved', 'smd_um_prv_created' => 'Priv area "{area}" created', 'smd_um_prv_deleted' => 'Priv area deleted', 'smd_um_prv_exists' => 'Priv area already exist', 'smd_um_prv_lbl' => 'Privs', 'smd_um_prv_new' => 'New priv area', 'smd_um_prv_saved' => 'Privs updated', 'smd_um_prv_smd_um' => 'Cannot create privs for smd_user_manager', 'smd_um_reset' => '[R]', 'smd_um_sel_all' => 'Select the entire area then (c)heck, (u)ncheck or (t)oggle highlighted checkboxes', 'smd_um_sel_grp' => 'Select this group then (c)heck, (u)ncheck or (t)oggle highlighted checkboxes', 'smd_um_sel_prv' => 'Select this area set then (c)heck, (u)ncheck or (t)oggle highlighted checkboxes', 'smd_um_sel_reset' => 'Reset: any checked area sets will revert to their defaults after Save', 'smd_um_tbl_remove_lbl' => 'Remove', 'smd_um_tbl_install_lbl' => 'Install', 'smd_um_tbl_installed' => 'Tables installed', 'smd_um_tbl_not_installed' => 'Tables not installed', 'smd_um_tbl_removed' => 'Tables removed', 'smd_um_tbl_not_removed' => 'Tables not removed', 'smd_um_user_count' => 'Users in this group: ', 'smd_um_usr_lbl' => 'Users', ), ); $thislang = get_pref('language', 'en-gb'); $thislang = (isset($lang[$thislang][$what])) ? $thislang : 'en-gb'; return strtr($lang[$thislang][$what], $atts); }