function smd_random_banner($atts) { global $img_dir, $file_base_path, $smd_rbanLang; require_plugin('smd_lib'); // MLP support $smd_rban_str = array( 'width' => '300', 'height' => '75', 'no_plug_text' => '', ); $smd_rbanLang = new smd_MLP('smd_random_banner', 'smd_rban', $smd_rban_str); if (!defined('SMD_DLM_TR')) { define('SMD_DLM_TR', '@@'); } if (!defined('SMD_DLM_REC')) { define('SMD_DLM_REC', '|'); } // allowable options (default listed first) $allMode = array("image","file"); $allCompare = array("image:name","image:id","image:alt","image:caption","image:category","file:filename","file:id","file:category","file:description","file:status","file:size"); $allLinkIn = array("","image:caption","image:alt","image:name","file:description"); // lookup tables $htmlObjFixed = array("id","data","height","type","width","playerversion","backcolor","elementid","uid"); $htmlObjParam = array("class","title","style","dir","lang","xml:lang","align","archive","border","classid","codebase","codetype","declare","hspace","name","standby","usemap","vspace"); $objMimeType = array("avi" => array("video/avi", "Video"), "fla|flac" => array("audio/flac", "Audio"), "flv|swf" => array("application/x-shockwave-flash", "Flash"), "gif" => array("image/gif", "Image"), "java" => array("application/x-java-applet", "App"), "jpg" => array("image/jpeg", "Image"), "mid" => array("audio/x-midi", "Audio"), "mov" => array("video/quicktime", "Video"), "mpg|mpeg|mp4" => array("video/mpeg", "Video"), "mp2|mp3|m4a" => array("audio/mpeg", "Audio"), "ogv|oga|ogx|ogg" => array("application/ogg", "Audio"), "ofr" => array("application/x-ofr", "Audio"), "png" => array("image/png", "Image"), "ra|rm" => array("audio/x-pn-realvideo", "Video"), "swo" => array("text/javascript", "SWFObject"), "tif|tiff" => array("image/tiff", "Image"), "wav" => array("audio/x-wav", "Audio"), "wmv|wma|asf" => array("video/x-ms-wmv", "Audio"), ); $objTemplateFixed = 'type="@@type" data="@@data" width="@@width" height="@@height" @@others '; $objTemplate = array( "Flash" => array('', ''), "SWFObject" => array(''.n), "Audio" => array('', ''), "Video" => array('', ''), "Image" => array('', ''), ); // Log whether any attempt has been made to use category/id BEFORE lAtts(), which assigns them regardless $attemptMatch = (isset($atts['category']) || isset($atts['id'])) ? true : false; // Plugin options extract(lAtts(array( 'mode' => 'image', 'category' => '', 'id' => '', 'subcats' => '0', 'match_text' => '', 'avoid_text' => '', 'compare_to' => 'name', 'limit' => '1', 'always_display' => '0', 'thumb' => '0', 'link_in' => '', 'link_prefix' => '', 'display_url' => '1', 'referer' => 'bid', 'raw_url' => '0', 'target' => '', 'count_downloads' => '1', 'files_dir' => 'files', 'delim' => ',', 'nv_delim' => '=', 'no_plug_text' => '', 'global_params' => '', 'imgclass' => '', // DEPRECATED 'class' => '', 'debug' => '0', ), $atts)); // Validate mode / link_in / target / class $mode = (in_array($mode,$allMode)) ? $mode : $allMode[0]; $link_in = ($link_in && in_array($mode.':'.$link_in,$allLinkIn)) ? $link_in : $allLinkIn[0]; $target = ($target) ? ' target="' .$target. '"' : ''; $class = (!$class && $imgclass) ? $imgclass : $class; // Validate compare_to $compareToOpts = array(); if (isset($compare_to)) { $ctList = do_list($compare_to); $ctCount = count($ctList); for ($idx = 0; $idx < $ctCount; $idx++) { if(in_array($mode.':'.$ctList[$idx],$allCompare)) { $compareToOpts[] = $ctList[$idx]; } } } if(count($compareToOpts) <= 0) { // Find the first entry matching $mode and use that foreach ($allCompare as $cmp) { if (strpos($cmp, $mode.':') === 0) { $compareToOpts[] = substr($cmp,strlen($mode)+1); break; } } } // If no_plug_text is a form, handle accordingly $noplug = do_list($no_plug_text, ':'); if (count($noplug) > 0 && $noplug[0] == 'txpform') { $no_plug_text = parse_form($noplug[1]); } // init variables $clause = '1=1'; $clauseCat = $clause; $clauseOR = array(); $fields = ($mode=='image') ? 'id, name, ext, caption, alt' : 'id, filename, description, status, size'; $dbTable = ($mode=='image') ? 'txp_image' : 'txp_file'; $subinfo = ($subcats) ? $mode.':'.$subcats : ''; // Extract all the fixed, ? and ! strings from category, ID, match and avoid texts list($idinc, $idexc) = smd_doList($id, true, '', true, $delim); list($catinc, $catexc) = smd_doList($category, false, $subinfo, true, $delim); list($matchArray, $matchexc) = smd_doList($match_text, false, '', false, $delim); list($avoidArray, $avoidexc) = smd_doList($avoid_text, false, '', false, $delim); // Combine lists if applicable (since avoid_text="!squid" is a double negative and means match_text="squid") $matchArray = array_merge($matchArray, $avoidexc); $avoidArray = array_merge($avoidArray, $matchexc); // Surround each entry in the ID/cat lists with quotes and make an SQL "in" list if ($idinc) { $clauseOR[] = $dbTable.'.id IN ('.implode(",", $idinc).')'; } if ($catinc) { $clauseOR[] = $dbTable.'.category IN ('.implode(",", $catinc).')'; } if (!empty($clauseOR)) { $clauseCat .= ' AND ('.implode(" OR ", $clauseOR).') '; } $clauseCat .= ($catexc) ? ' AND '.$dbTable.'.category NOT IN ('.implode(",", $catexc).')' : ''; $clauseCat .= ($idexc) ? ' AND '.$dbTable.'.id NOT IN ('.implode(",", $idexc).')' : ''; // If a category/id option was chosen and they matched nothing, use a bogus category that should not exist. // This ensures that the plugin does the expected thing of matching nothing in the event it finds nothing. if ($clauseCat == '1=1' && $attemptMatch) { $clause = $dbTable.'.category = "smd_' .mt_rand(). '"'; } else { $clause = $clauseCat; } // Now factor in any match/avoid text, comparing everything with whatever is in compare_to $clauseAND = array(); $clauseMATCH = array(); $clauseAVOID = array(); foreach ($compareToOpts as $comp) { for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($matchArray); $idx++) { $clauseMATCH[] = $dbTable.'.'.$comp . " LIKE '%" .$matchArray[$idx]. "%'"; } for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($avoidArray); $idx++) { $clauseAVOID[] = $dbTable.'.'.$comp . " LIKE '%" .$avoidArray[$idx]. "%'"; } } if (count($clauseMATCH) > 0) { $clauseAND[] = '(' .implode(' OR ',$clauseMATCH). ')'; } if (count($clauseAVOID) > 0) { $clauseAND[] = 'NOT (' .implode(' OR ',$clauseAVOID). ')'; } if (count($clauseAND) > 0) { $clause .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $clauseAND); } // Need to keep clause, clauseCat and clauseSort separate for always_display $clauseSort = " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $limit"; $clause .= $clauseSort; if ($debug > 1) { echo "++ INCLUDED/EXCLUDED IDs ++"; dmp($idinc); dmp($idexc); echo "++ INCLUDED/EXCLUDED Categories ++"; dmp($catinc); dmp($catexc); echo "++ INCLUDED/EXCLUDED Matches ++"; dmp($matchArray); dmp($avoidArray); dmp($clauseAND); } if ($debug > 0) { echo "++ WHERE CLAUSES ++"; dmp($clauseCat); dmp($clause); } // Pull out the requested objects, honouring the always_display level if nothing's returned $rs = safe_rows($fields, $dbTable, $clause); if (!$rs) { if ($always_display > 0) { $rs = safe_rows($fields, $dbTable, $clauseCat . $clauseSort); if (!$rs) { if ($always_display > 1) { $rs = safe_rows($fields, $dbTable, "1=1".$clauseSort); } } } } if ($debug > 2) { echo "++ RECORD SET ++"; dmp($rs); } // Display them $outStr = ''; if($rs) { foreach($rs as $row) { $objOut = ''; $linkurl = ''; $linkName = ''; $setMimeType = ''; $trimOpts = " \x22\t\n\r\0\x0B"; $objParams = array(); $theParams = array(); $flashVars = array(); $templateOptions = array(); // Extract parameters switch ($mode) { case "image": $linkName = ($link_in) ? trim($row[$link_in]) : ''; break; case "file": $theDesc = do_list($global_params.$row[$link_in], ";"); if ($debug > 2) { echo "++ DESCRIPTION FIELD CONTENTS ++"; dmp($theDesc); } foreach ($theDesc as $params) { $params = trim($params); if ($params != "") { $theseParams = do_list($params, $nv_delim); $paramName = strtolower($theseParams[0]); $paramVal = trim($theseParams[1],$trimOpts); if ($paramName == "link_url" && $link_in) { $linkName = $paramVal; } else if ($paramName == "mime_type") { $setMimeType = $paramVal; } else if ($paramName == "flashvars") { $theParams[$paramName] = $paramVal; $varstr = do_list($paramVal, "&"); foreach ($varstr as $var) { $nvPair = do_list($var, "="); $flashVars[$nvPair[0]] = $nvPair[1]; } } else if (in_array($paramName,$htmlObjFixed)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR.$paramName] = $paramVal; } else if (in_array($paramName,$htmlObjParam)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR.$paramName] = $paramVal; $templateOptions[$paramName] = $paramName. '="' .SMD_DLM_TR.$paramName. '"'; } else { $theParams[$paramName] = $paramVal; } } } break; } // Handle links $urlpfx = "http://"; if (strlen($linkName) > 0) { if (strncmp($linkName, $urlpfx, strlen($urlpfx)) == 0) { $linkurl = $linkName; } else if (substr($linkName, 0, 1) == '/' && $link_prefix == '') { $linkurl = site_url(array()) . substr($linkName,1); } else if (substr($link_prefix,0,1) == '/') { $linkurl = site_url(array()) . substr($link_prefix,1) . $linkName; } else { $linkurl = $link_prefix . $linkName; } } if ($debug > 0) { echo "++ DESTINATION LINK ++"; dmp($linkurl); } // Throw object out to the page if ($raw_url) { switch ($mode) { case "image": $outStr = hu.$img_dir . DS .$row['id'] . (($thumb) ? 't' : '') . $row['ext']; break; case "file": $outStr = ($count_downloads) ? hu.gTxt('file_download'). DS .$row['id'] : hu.$files_dir. DS .$row['filename']; break; } } else { switch($mode) { case "image": $imgOptions = array("id" => $row['id']); if ($class != '') { $imgOptions["class"] = $class; } $objOut = (($thumb) ? thumbnail($imgOptions) : image($imgOptions)); // Since the alt/caption may have been hijacked for link_in, use the other value if instructed if (!$display_url) { switch ($link_in) { case "alt": $objOut = str_replace('alt="'.$row['alt'].'"', 'alt="'.$row['caption'].'"', $objOut); break; case "caption": $objOut = str_replace('title="'.$row['caption'].'"', 'title="'.$row['alt'].'"', $objOut); break; } } break; case "file": $templateStart = ''; $templateEnd = ''; $filePath = build_file_path($file_base_path, $row['filename']); $fileDL = ($count_downloads) ? hu.gTxt('file_download') .DS. $row['id'] : hu.$files_dir .DS. $row['filename']; if (file_exists($filePath)) { // Get the file extension and look it up in the table $pathBit = pathinfo($filePath); $pathExt = ($setMimeType) ? $setMimeType : $pathBit['extension']; foreach ($objMimeType as $exts => $types ) { $extList = explode(SMD_DLM_REC,$exts); // Set some sensible defaults if the mandatory options are not supplied if (in_array($pathExt, $extList)) { if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."type", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."type"] = $types[0]; } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."data", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."data"] = $fileDL; } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."id", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."id"] = "id".mt_rand(); } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."width", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."width"] = $smd_rbanLang->gTxt('width'); } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."height", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."height"] = $smd_rbanLang->gTxt('height'); } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."playerversion", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."playerversion"] = "8"; } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."backcolor", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."backcolor"] = '#ffffff'; } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."elementid", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."elementid"] = "flashcontent_".mt_rand(); } if (!array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."uid", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."uid"] = "smd_".mt_rand(); } $uid = $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."uid"]; if ($class != '' && !array_key_exists(SMD_DLM_TR."class", $objParams)) { $objParams[SMD_DLM_TR."class"] = $class; $templateOptions[] = 'class="' .SMD_DLM_TR. 'class"'; } $templateStart = $objTemplate[$types[1]][0]; $templateEnd = $objTemplate[$types[1]][1]; $templateStart = str_replace(SMD_DLM_TR."others", implode(" ", $templateOptions), $templateStart); $templateEnd = str_replace(SMD_DLM_TR."others", implode(" ", $templateOptions), $templateEnd); } } $objOut .= strtr($templateStart, $objParams); if ($debug > 1) { echo "++ MIME INFO ++"; dmp($pathExt); echo "++ OBJECT INFO ++"; dmp($objParams); dmp($theParams); dmp($flashVars); } if ($setMimeType == "swo") { foreach ($theParams as $key => $value) { if ($key != "flashvars") { $objOut .= $uid.'.addParam("'.$key.'", "'.$value.'");'.n; } } foreach ($flashVars as $name => $val) { $objOut .= $uid.'.addVariable("'.$name.'", "'.$val.'");'.n; } } else { foreach ($theParams as $key => $value) { $objOut .= ''; } } $objOut .= (($setMimeType=="swo") ? '' : $no_plug_text) . strtr($templateEnd, $objParams).n; } break; } // Surround with link / referer if necessary if (($link_in != "") && (strlen($linkurl) > 0)) { if ($referer != "") { $refertxt = smd_addQSVar($linkurl, $referer, $row['id']); } else { $refertxt = $linkurl; } $outStr .= '' . $objOut. ''; } else { $outStr .= $objOut; } } } } return $outStr; }