require_plugin('smd_lib'); // MLP support global $smd_fuzzLang; $smd_fuzz_str = array( 'too_short' => 'The text you are searching for is probably too short. Try a longer word. ', 'no_match' => 'Sorry, no results matched "{search_term}" exactly. ', 'suggest' => 'Here are the closest matching {thingies} that may help you find what you are looking for: ', 'suggest_join' => 'and', 'articles' => 'articles', 'words' => 'words', ); $smd_fuzzLang = new smd_MLP('smd_fuzzy_find', 'smd_fuzz', $smd_fuzz_str); function smd_fuzzy_find($atts, $thing='') { global $pretext, $smd_fuzzLang, $prefs; extract(lAtts(array( 'form' => 'search_results', 'section' => '', 'category' => '', 'sublevel' => '0', 'search_term' => '?q', 'match_with' => '', 'tolerance' => '2', 'min_word_length' => '4', 'delim' => ',', 'limit' => '', 'case_sensitive' => '0', 'refine' => '', 'show' => '', 'status' => '', 'debug' => '0', 'no_match_label' => '#', 'suggest_label' => '#', 'too_short_label' => '#', 'labeltag' => 'p', ), $atts)); // Process defaults; most can't be set in lAtts() because of the custom delimiter $match_with = empty($match_with) ? "article:" . implode(";", do_list($prefs['searchable_article_fields'])) : $match_with; $limit = ($limit) ? $limit : "words:5" .$delim. "articles:10"; $refine = ($refine) ? $refine : "metaphone" .$delim. "soundex"; $show = ($show) ? $show : "words" .$delim. "articles"; $status = ($status) ? $status : "live" .$delim. "sticky"; $refineAllow = array("metaphone", "soundex"); $showAllow = array("articles", "words"); $colNames = array('Keywords' => "article:keywords", 'Body' => "article:body", 'Excerpt' => "article:excerpt", 'Category1' => "article:category1", 'Category2' => "article:category2", 'Section' => "article:section", 'ID' => "article:id", 'AuthorID' => "article:authorid", 'Title' => "article:title", 'message' => "comments:message", 'email' => "comments:email", 'name' => "comments:name", 'web' => "comments:web", ); $places = array('textpattern' => "article", 'txp_discuss' => "comments"); $clause = array(); $refineList = array(); $dbTables = array(); $dbFields = array(); // Expand the args in case they're ? or ! shortcuts, and do some validity checking. $search_term = smd_doList($search_term, false, "", false, $delim); $search_term = $search_term[0][0]; if ($debug > 1) { echo "++ SEARCH TERM ++"; dmp($search_term); } $refine = do_list($refine, $delim); for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($refine); $idx++) { if (in_array($refine[$idx], $refineAllow)) { $refineList[$idx] = $refine[$idx]; } } $meta_search = (in_array("metaphone", $refineList)) ? metaphone($search_term) : ""; $sound_search = (in_array("soundex", $refineList)) ? soundex($search_term) : ""; $tolerance = intval($tolerance); // match_with needs to be built into a series of arrays of database tables and columns $lookin = smd_split($match_with, false, ":,\s"); // Loop over pairs of elements for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($lookin); $idx+=2) { if (($tmp = array_search($lookin[$idx], $places)) !== false) { $dbTables[] = $tmp; $dbFieldList = smd_split($lookin[$idx+1], false, ";"); $dbField = array(); foreach ($dbFieldList as $lookField) { $key = array_search($lookin[$idx].":".strtolower($lookField), $colNames); if ($key) { $dbField[] = $key; } else if (strpos($lookField, "custom_") === 0) { $dbField[] = $lookField; } } if (count($dbField) > 0) { $dbFields[] = $dbField; } } } if (count($dbTables) == 0 || count($dbFields) == 0) { $dbTables[] = "textpattern"; $dbFields[] = "*"; } if ($debug) { echo "++ FIELDS ++"; dmp($dbFields); } $showList = do_list($show, $delim); for ($idx = count($showList); $idx > 0; $idx--) { if (!in_array($showList[$idx-1], $showAllow)) { unset($showList[$idx]); } } $limitBy = array(); $limit = do_list($limit, $delim); foreach ($limit as $limOption) { if (is_numeric($limOption)) { $limitBy["articles"] = $limOption; $limitBy["words"] = $limOption; } else { $limsplit = smd_split($limOption, false, ":"); if ((count($limsplit) == 2) && (in_array($limsplit[0], $showAllow)) && (is_numeric($limsplit[1]))) { $limitBy[$limsplit[0]] = $limsplit[1]; } } } $thingiesL10n = array(); foreach ($showList as $item) { $thingiesL10n[] = $smd_fuzzLang->gTxt($item); } $thingies = implode(" ".$smd_fuzzLang->gTxt('suggest_join')." ", $thingiesL10n); $no_match_label = ($no_match_label == "#") ? $smd_fuzzLang->gTxt('no_match', array("{search_term}" => $search_term)) : $no_match_label; $suggest_label = ($suggest_label == "#") ? $smd_fuzzLang->gTxt('suggest', array("{thingies}" => $thingies)) : $suggest_label; $too_short_label = ($too_short_label == "#") ? $smd_fuzzLang->gTxt('too_short') : $too_short_label; // Roll any status, section and category filters into the initial query $clause[] = '1=1'; if (in_array("textpattern", $dbTables)) { // Status list($statinc, $statexc) = smd_doList($status, false, '', false, $delim); for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($statinc); $idx++) { $tmpa[] = doQuote(getStatusNum($statinc[$idx])); } if ($tmpa) { $clause[] = 'Status IN (' .implode(",", $tmpa). ')'; } // Section list($secinc, $secexc) = smd_doList($section, false, '', true, $delim); if ($secinc) { $clause[] = '( Section IN (' .implode(",", $secinc). ') )'; } // Category list($catinc, $catexc) = smd_doList($category, false, "article:".$sublevel, true, $delim); if ($catinc) { $imp = implode(",", $catinc); $clause[] = '( Category1 IN (' .$imp. ') OR Category2 IN (' .$imp. ') )'; } // Combine the query portions $clause = implode(" AND ", $clause); // Add on any exclusions $tmpa = array(); for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($statexc); $idx++) { $tmpa[] = doQuote(getStatusNum($statexc[$idx])); } $clause .= ($tmpa) ? ' AND Status NOT IN ('.implode(",", $tmpa).')' : ''; $imp = implode(",", $secexc); $clause .= ($secexc) ? ' AND Section NOT IN ('.$imp.')' : ''; $imp = implode(",", $catexc); $clause .= ($catexc) ? ' AND Category1 NOT IN ('.$imp.') AND Category2 NOT IN ('.$imp.')' : ''; } $clause = is_array($clause) ? join(" ", $clause) : $clause; //TODO: comments /* if (in_array("txp_discuss",$dbTables)) { $clause .= " AND textpattern.ID = txp_discuss.parentid"; } */ if ($debug > 0) { echo "++ WHERE CLAUSE ++"; dmp($clause); } $out = ""; // Perform the searches $finder = new smd_FuzzyFind($search_term, $tolerance); if ($finder->too_short_err) { $out .= ($labeltag == "") ? "" : "<" .$labeltag.">"; $out .= $no_match_label; $out .= $too_short_label; $out .= ($labeltag == "") ? "" : ""; } else { $cols = "*" . ((in_array("textpattern", $dbTables)) ? ", unix_timestamp(textpattern.Posted) AS uPosted, unix_timestamp(textpattern.LastMod) AS uLastMod, unix_timestamp(textpattern.Expires) AS uExpires" : ""); $rs = safe_rows_start($cols, implode($dbTables, ", "), $clause, $debug); if (in_array("textpattern",$dbTables)) { $opform = ($thing) ? $thing : fetch_form($form); } $pageurl = smd_removeQSVar($pretext['request_uri'],'q'); $allFields = ""; $artList = array(); $wordList = array(); $termList = array(); while($row = nextRow($rs)) { $allFields = ""; // Join all the required places to look into a looong text block if ($dbFields[0] == "*") { foreach ($row as $colname) { $allFields .= $colname." "; } } else { foreach ($dbFields as $fieldRow) { foreach ($fieldRow as $theField) { $allFields .= $row[$theField]." "; } } } // Remove between-word unicode punctuation and replace with space $allFields = strip_tags($allFields); $allFields = trim(preg_replace('#[\p{P}]+#u', ' ', $allFields)); // Split the remainder by (single or multiple) spaces $werds = preg_split('/\s+/', $allFields, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // ...and reconstitute the unique words as a huge space-delimited string $werds = implode(" ",array_unique($werds)); // Take into account case sensitivity $werds = ($case_sensitive) ? $werds : strtolower($werds); // Find close word matches $matches = $finder->search($werds); if ($debug > 1) { if ($debug > 3 || $matches) { echo "++ UNIQUE WORDS ++"; dmp($werds); } if ($matches) { echo "++ CLOSEST MATCHES ++"; dmp($matches); } } if (count($matches) > 0) { $shortestDist = 100; // A stupidly high number to start with $shortestMetaDist = -1; $closestWord = ""; $closestMetaWord = ""; $max_term_len = 0; // Build a unique array of closest matching words while(list($idx,$dist) = each($matches)) { $term = smd_getWord($werds,$search_term,$idx); // Only words meeting the minimum requirement need apply $max_term_len = (strlen($term) > $max_term_len) ? strlen($term) : $max_term_len; if (strlen($term) < $min_word_length) { continue; } $term = ($case_sensitive) ? $term : strtolower($term); if ($debug > 2) { echo $; } if ($dist < $shortestDist) { $shortestDist = $dist; $closestWord = $term; } if ($meta_search != "") { $meta_term = metaphone($term); if ($debug > 2) { echo $meta_term . " : " . $meta_search ." ".br; } $levDist = levenshtein($meta_search, $meta_term); if ($levDist <= $shortestMetaDist || $shortestMetaDist < 0) { $shortestMetaDist = $levDist; $closestMetaWord = $term; } } } // Pick the one that sounds closest to the original if (trim($closestWord) != "") { $idx = md5($closestWord); $bestFit = $closestWord; $bestDist = $shortestDist; if ($sound_search != "") { $sound1 = levenshtein(soundex($closestWord), $sound_search); $sound2 = levenshtein(soundex($closestMetaWord), $sound_search); if ($sound1 >= $sound2) { $idx = md5($closestMetaWord); $bestFit = $closestMetaWord; $bestDist = $shortestMetaDist; } } $wordList[$idx] = $bestFit; $wordDist[$idx] = $bestDist; if ($debug > 2) { echo "++ BEST FIT ++"; dmp($bestFit); } } // Build an array of unique matching articles if ($max_term_len >= $min_word_length) { if (in_array("textpattern", $dbTables)) { populateArticleData($row); } // Temporarily assign the closest match to the query string so that // the search_result_excerpt can hilight the found words $pretext['q'] = $term; $artList[] = parse($opform); $pretext['q'] = $search_term; } } } // Sort the word list in order of relevance if (count($wordList) > 0) { array_multisort($wordDist,$wordList); } // Output stuff to the page $out .= ($labeltag == "") ? "" : "<" .$labeltag.">"; $out .= $no_match_label; if (count($wordList) > 0) { $out .= (count($showList) > 0) ? $suggest_label : ""; if (in_array("words", $showList)) { $ctr = 0; foreach ($wordList as $item) { if (array_key_exists("words", $limitBy) && $ctr >= $limitBy["words"]) { break; } $out .= ''.$item.''.n; $ctr++; } } $out .= ($labeltag == "") ? "" : ""; if (in_array("articles", $showList)) { $ctr = 0; foreach ($artList as $art) { if (array_key_exists("articles", $limitBy) && $ctr >= $limitBy["articles"]) { break; } $out .= $art; $ctr++; } } } } return $out; } /* smd_FuzzyFind A PHP class for approximate string searching of large text masses, adapted (*cough* borrowed) from Instantiate one of these and pass it the string pattern/word you are looking for and a number indicating how close that match has to be/minimum length of strings to consider (i.e. the amount of error tolerable). 0=close match/short words; 10=pretty much every long (10 char minimum) string in the world. Practical values are usually 1 or 2, sometimes 3. Usage example: $finder = new smd_FuzzyFind($patt, $max_err); if ($finder->too_short_err) $error = "Unable to search: use longer pattern or reduce error tolerance."; while($text = get_next_page_of_text()) { $matches = $finder->search($text); while(list($idx,$rng) = each($matches)) print "Match found ending at position $idx with a closeness of $val\n"; } The code uses initial filtering to sort out possible match candidates and then applies a slower character-by-character search (search_short()) against them. */ if(!class_exists('smd_FuzzyFind')) { class smd_FuzzyFind { // The last 3 parameters are for optimization only, to avoid the // surprisingly slow strlen() and substr() calls: // - $start_index = from which character of $text to start the search // - $max_len = maximum character to search (starting from $start_index) // - $text_strlen = // The return value is an array of matches: // Array( [] => , ... ) // Note: is generally NOT an exact edit distance but rather a // lower bound. This is unfortunate but the routine would be slower if // the exact error was calculate along with the matches. // The function is based on the non-deterministic automaton simulation // algorithm (without bit parallelism optimizations). function search_short($patt, $k, $text, $start_index=0, $max_len=-1, $text_strlen=-1) { if ( $text_strlen < 0 ) $text_strlen = strlen( $text ); if ( $max_len < 0 ) $max_len = $text_strlen; $start_index = max( 0, $start_index ); $n = min( $max_len, $text_strlen-$start_index ); $m = strlen( $patt ); $end_index = $start_index + $n; // If $text is shorter than $patt, use the built-in // levenshtein() instead: if ($n < $m) { $lev = levenshtein(substr($text, $start_index, $n), $patt); if ( $lev <= $k ) return Array( $start_index+$n-1 => $lev ); else return Array(); } $s = Array(); for ($i=0; $i<$m; $i++) { $c = $patt{$i}; if ( isset($s[$c])) $s[$c] = min($i, $s[$c]); else $s[$c] = $i; } if ( $end_index < $start_index ) return Array(); $matches = Array(); $da = $db = range(0, $m-$k+1); $mk = $m-$k; for ($t=$start_index; $t<$end_index; $t++) { $c = $text{$t}; $in_patt = isset($s[$c]); if ($t&1) { $d=&$da; $e=&$db; } else { $d=&$db; $e=&$da; } for ($i=1; $i<=$mk; $i++) { $g = min( $k+1, $e[$i]+1, $e[$i+1]+1 ); // TODO: optimize this with a look-up-table? if ( $in_patt ) for ($j=$e[$i-1]; ($j<$g && $j<=$mk); $j++) if ( $patt{$i+$j-1} == $c ) $g = $j; $d[$i] = $g; } if ( $d[$mk] <= $k ) { $err = $d[$mk]; $i = min( $t-$err+$k+1, $start_index+$n-1); if ( !isset($matches[$i]) || $err < $matches[$i]) $matches[$i] = $err; } } unset( $da, $db ); return $matches; } function test_short_search() { $test_text = "Olipa kerran jussi bj&xling ja kolme\n iloista ". "jussi bforling:ia mutta ei yhtaan jussi bjorling-nimista laulajaa."; $test_patt = "jussi bjorling"; assert( $this->search_short($test_patt, 4, $test_text) == Array(27=>2, 60=>1, 94=>0)); assert( $this->search_short($test_patt, 2, $test_text) == Array(27=>2, 60=>1, 94=>0)); assert( $this->search_short($test_patt, 1, $test_text) == Array(60=>1, 94=>0)); assert( $this->search_short($test_patt, 0, $test_text) == Array(94=>0)); assert( $this->search_short("bjorling", 2, $test_text, 19, 7) == Array()); assert( $this->search_short("bjorling", 2, $test_text, 19, 8) == Array(26=>2)); assert( $this->search_short("bjorling", 2, $test_text, 20, 8) == Array()); } var $patt, $patt_len, $max_err; var $parts, $n_parts, $unique_parts, $max_part_len; var $transf_patt; var $too_short_err; function smd_FuzzyFind( $pattern, $max_error ) { $this->patt = $pattern; $this->patt_len = strlen($this->patt); $this->max_err = $max_error; // Calculate pattern partition size $intpartlen = floor($this->patt_len/($this->max_err+2)); if ($intpartlen < 1) { $this->too_short_err = True; return; } else $this->too_short_err = False; // Partition the pattern for pruning $this->parts = Array(); for ($i=0; $i<$this->patt_len; $i+=$intpartlen) { if ( $i + $intpartlen*2 > $this->patt_len ) { $this->parts[] = substr( $this->patt, $i ); break; } else $this->parts[] = substr( $this->patt, $i, $intpartlen ); } $this->n_parts = count($this->parts); // The intpartlen test above should have covered this: assert( $this->n_parts >= $this->max_err+1 ); // Find maximum part length foreach( $this->parts as $p ) $this->max_part_len = max( $this->max_part_len, strlen($p)); // Make a new part array with duplicate strings removed $this->unique_parts = array_unique($this->parts); // Transform the pattern into a low resolution pruning string // by replacing parts with single characters $this->transf_patt = ""; reset( $this->parts ); while (list(,$p) = each($this->parts)) $this->transf_patt .= chr(array_search($p, $this->unique_parts)+ord("A")); // Self diagnostics $this->test_short_search(); } function search( $text ) { // Find all occurences of unique parts in the // full text. The result is an array: // Array( => , .. ) $part_map = Array(); reset( $this->unique_parts ); while (list($pi, $part_str) = each($this->unique_parts)) { $pos = strpos($text, $part_str); while ( $pos !== False ) { $part_map[$pos] = $pi; $pos = strpos($text, $part_str, $pos+1); } } ksort( $part_map ); // Sort by string index // The following code does several things simultaneously: // 1) Divide the indices into groups using gaps // larger than $this->max_err as boundaries. // 2) Translate the groups into strings so that // part# 0 = 'A', part# 1 = 'B' etc. to make // a low resolution approximate search possible later // 3) Save the string indices in the full string // that correspond to characters in the translated string. // 4) Discard groups (=part sequences) that are too // short to contain the approximate pattern. // The format of resulting array: // Array( // Array( "", // Array( => , ... ) ), // ... ) $transf = Array(); $transf_text = ""; $transf_pos = Array(); $last_end = 0; $group_len = 0; reset( $part_map ); while (list($i,$p) = each($part_map)) { if ( $i-$last_end > $this->max_part_len+$this->max_err ) { if ( $group_len >= ($this->n_parts-$this->max_err)) $transf[] = Array( $transf_text, $transf_pos ); $transf_text = ""; $transf_pos = Array(); $group_len = 0; } $transf_text .= chr($p + ord("A")); $transf_pos[] = $i; $group_len++; $last_end = $i + strlen($this->parts[$p]); } if ( strlen( $transf_text ) >= ($this->n_parts-$this->max_err)) $transf[] = Array( $transf_text, $transf_pos ); unset( $transf_text, $transf_pos ); if ( current($transf) === False ) return Array(); // Filter the remaining groups ("approximate anagrams" // of the pattern) and leave only the ones that have enough // parts in correct order. You can think of this last step of the // algorithm as a *low resolution* approximate string search. // The result is an array of candidate text spans to be scanned: // Array( Array(, ), ... ) $part_positions = Array(); while (list(,list($str, $pos_map)) = each($transf)) { // print "|$transf_patt| - |$str|\n"; $lores_matches = $this->search_short( $this->transf_patt, $this->max_err, $str ); while (list($tr_end, ) = each($lores_matches)) { $tr_start = max(0, $tr_end - $this->n_parts); if ( $tr_end >= $tr_start ) { $median_pos = $pos_map[ (int)(($tr_start+$tr_end)/2) ]; $start = $median_pos - ($this->patt_len/2+1) - $this->max_err - $this->max_part_len; $end = $median_pos + ($this->patt_len/2+1) + $this->max_err + $this->max_part_len; // print "#" . strtr(substr( $text, $start, $end-$start ), "\n\r", "$$") . "#\n"; // print_r( $this->search_short( &$this->patt, $this->max_err, &$text, $start, $end-$start )); $part_positions[] = Array($start, $end); } } unset( $lores_matches ); } unset( $transf ); if ( current($part_positions) === False ) return Array(); // Scan the final candidates and put the matches in a new array: $matches = Array(); $text_len = strlen($text); while (list(, list($start, $end)) = each($part_positions)) { $m = $this->search_short( $this->patt, $this->max_err, $text, $start, $end-$start, $text_len ); while (list($i, $cost) = each($m)) $matches[$i] = $cost; } unset($part_positions); return $matches; } } } /* smd_getWord Takes a string and an offset into that string and returns the nearest "word" before that offset position. If the offset is not supplied it starts from the beginning of the string, thus returning the first word. Takes 3 args: # [*] The (usually looong) space-delimited string to look in # [*] The word to look for # The offset into the string at which to start looking */ if (!function_exists("smd_getWord")) { function smd_getWord($haystack,$searchterm,$offset=0) { $numwords = str_word_count($searchterm); $len = strlen($haystack); // If we're mid-word, find its end $idx = $offset-1; while ($idx < $len && $haystack[$idx] != " ") { $idx++; } $offset = $idx; // Move the word we want to the start $haystack = trim(strrev(substr($haystack,0,$offset))); // Make sure to return the correct number of words $spacePos = false; for ($idx = 0; $idx < $numwords; $idx++) { $spacePos = (strpos($haystack, " ", $spacePos)); if ($spacePos !== false) { $spacePos += 1; } } return trim(strrev((($spacePos === false) ? $haystack : substr($haystack, 0, $spacePos)))); } }