/** * smd_crunchers * * A Textpattern CMS plugin library for standard compression/decompression algorithms * -> zip/unzip * -> tar * -> gzip * -> bzip2 * * @author Devin Doucette * @author Alexandre Tedeschi * @author Stef Dawson * @link http://shaw.ca/ * @link http://stefdawson.com/ */ // ------------------------ function smd_crunch_capabilities($type='compress') { $smd_crunchers = array(); // Bi-directional class if (class_exists('smd_crunch_tar_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'tar'; } if ($type == 'compress') { // Available compressors if (function_exists('gzcompress') && function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzwrite')) { if (class_exists('smd_crunch_gzip_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'gzip'; } if (class_exists('smd_crunch_zip_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'zip'; } } if (function_exists('bzcompress') && function_exists('bzopen') && function_exists('bzwrite')) { if (class_exists('smd_crunch_bzip_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'bzip2'; } } } else { // Available decompressors if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { if (class_exists('smd_crunch_gzip_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'gzip'; } if (class_exists('smd_crunch_dUnzip2')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'zip'; } } if (function_exists('bzdecompress')) { if (class_exists('smd_crunch_bzip_file')) { $smd_crunchers[] = 'bzip2'; } } } return $smd_crunchers; } /*-------------------------------------------------- | TAR/GZIP/BZIP2/ZIP ARCHIVE CLASSES 2.1 | By Devin Doucette | Copyright (c) 2005 Devin Doucette | Email: darksnoopy@shaw.ca +-------------------------------------------------- | Email bugs/suggestions to darksnoopy@shaw.ca +-------------------------------------------------- | This script has been created and released under | the GNU GPL and is free to use and redistribute | only if this copyright statement is not removed +--------------------------------------------------*/ class smd_crunch_archive { function smd_crunch_archive($name) { $this->options = array ( 'basedir' => ".", 'name' => $name, 'prepend' => "", 'inmemory' => 0, 'overwrite' => 0, 'recurse' => 1, 'storepaths' => 1, 'followlinks' => 0, 'level' => 3, 'method' => 1, 'sfx' => "", 'type' => "", 'comment' => "" ); $this->files = array (); $this->exclude = array (); $this->storeonly = array (); $this->error = array (); } function set_options($options) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) $this->options[$key] = $value; if (!empty ($this->options['basedir'])) { $this->options['basedir'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $this->options['basedir']); } if (!empty ($this->options['name'])) { $this->options['name'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['name']); $this->options['name'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['name']); } if (!empty ($this->options['prepend'])) { $this->options['prepend'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/^(\.*\/+)+/", "", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $this->options['prepend']) . "/"; } } function create_archive() { $this->make_list(); if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if ($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip" ? ".tmp" : ""))) { $this->error[] = "File {$this->options['name']} already exists."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } else if ($this->archive = @fopen($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip" ? ".tmp" : ""), "wb+")) chdir($pwd); else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else $this->archive = ""; switch ($this->options['type']) { case "zip": if (!$this->create_zip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create zip file."; return 0; } break; case "bzip": if (!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if (!$this->create_bzip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create bzip2 file."; return 0; } break; case "gzip": if (!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if (!$this->create_gzip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create gzip file."; return 0; } break; case "tar": if (!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } } if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { fclose($this->archive); if ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip") unlink($this->options['basedir'] . "/" . $this->options['name'] . ".tmp"); } } function add_data($data) { if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) fwrite($this->archive, $data); else $this->archive .= $data; } function make_list() { if (!empty ($this->exclude)) foreach ($this->files as $key => $value) foreach ($this->exclude as $current) if ($value['name'] == $current['name']) unset ($this->files[$key]); if (!empty ($this->storeonly)) foreach ($this->files as $key => $value) foreach ($this->storeonly as $current) if ($value['name'] == $current['name']) $this->files[$key]['method'] = 0; unset ($this->exclude, $this->storeonly); } function add_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach ($temp as $current) $this->files[] = $current; } function exclude_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach ($temp as $current) $this->exclude[] = $current; } function store_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach ($temp as $current) $this->storeonly[] = $current; } function list_files($list) { if (!is_array ($list)) { $temp = $list; $list = array ($temp); unset ($temp); } $files = array (); $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach ($list as $current) { $current = str_replace("\\", "/", $current); $current = preg_replace("/\/+/", "/", $current); $current = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $current); if (strstr($current, "*")) { $regex = preg_replace("/([\\\^\$\.\[\]\|\(\)\?\+\{\}\/])/", "\\\\\\1", $current); $regex = str_replace("*", ".*", $regex); $dir = strstr($current, "/") ? substr($current, 0, strrpos($current, "/")) : "."; $temp = $this->parse_dir($dir); foreach ($temp as $current2) if (preg_match("/^{$regex}$/i", $current2['name'])) $files[] = $current2; unset ($regex, $dir, $temp, $current); } else if (@is_dir($current)) { $temp = $this->parse_dir($current); foreach ($temp as $file) $files[] = $file; unset ($temp, $file); } else if (@file_exists($current)) $files[] = array ('name' => $current, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($current, "/")) ? substr($current, strrpos($current, "/") + 1) : $current), 'type' => @is_link($current) && $this->options['followlinks'] == 0 ? 2 : 0, 'ext' => substr($current, strrpos($current, ".")), 'stat' => stat($current)); } chdir($pwd); unset ($current, $pwd); usort($files, array ("smd_crunch_archive", "sort_files")); return $files; } function parse_dir($dirname) { if ($this->options['storepaths'] == 1 && !preg_match("/^(\.+\/*)+$/", $dirname)) $files = array (array ('name' => $dirname, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($dirname, "/")) ? substr($dirname, strrpos($dirname, "/") + 1) : $dirname), 'type' => 5, 'stat' => stat($dirname))); else $files = array (); $dir = @opendir($dirname); while ($file = @readdir($dir)) { $fullname = $dirname . "/" . $file; if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; else if (@is_dir($fullname)) { if (empty ($this->options['recurse'])) continue; $temp = $this->parse_dir($fullname); foreach ($temp as $file2) $files[] = $file2; } else if (@file_exists($fullname)) $files[] = array ('name' => $fullname, 'name2' => $this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/", "", ($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($fullname, "/")) ? substr($fullname, strrpos($fullname, "/") + 1) : $fullname), 'type' => @is_link($fullname) && $this->options['followlinks'] == 0 ? 2 : 0, 'ext' => substr($file, strrpos($file, ".")), 'stat' => stat($fullname)); } @closedir($dir); return $files; } function sort_files($a, $b) { if ($a['type'] != $b['type']) if ($a['type'] == 5 || $b['type'] == 2) return -1; else if ($a['type'] == 2 || $b['type'] == 5) return 1; else if ($a['type'] == 5) return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name'])); else if ($a['ext'] != $b['ext']) return strcmp($a['ext'], $b['ext']); else if ($a['stat'][7] != $b['stat'][7]) return $a['stat'][7] > $b['stat'][7] ? -1 : 1; else return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name'])); return 0; } function download_file() { if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $this->error[] = "Can only use download_file() if archive is in memory. Redirect to file otherwise, it is faster."; return; } switch ($this->options['type']) { case "zip": header("Content-Type: application/zip"); break; case "bzip": header("Content-Type: application/x-bzip2"); break; case "gzip": header("Content-Type: application/x-gzip"); break; case "tar": header("Content-Type: application/x-tar"); } $header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""; $header .= strstr($this->options['name'], "/") ? substr($this->options['name'], strrpos($this->options['name'], "/") + 1) : $this->options['name']; $header .= "\""; header($header); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($this->archive)); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60"); header("Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT"); print($this->archive); } } class smd_crunch_tar_file extends smd_crunch_archive { function smd_crunch_tar_file($name) { $this->smd_crunch_archive($name); $this->options['type'] = "tar"; } function create_tar() { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach ($this->files as $current) { if ($current['name'] == $this->options['name']) continue; if (strlen($current['name2']) > 99) { $path = substr($current['name2'], 0, strpos($current['name2'], "/", strlen($current['name2']) - 100) + 1); $current['name2'] = substr($current['name2'], strlen($path)); if (strlen($path) > 154 || strlen($current['name2']) > 99) { $this->error[] = "Could not add {$path}{$current['name2']} to archive because the filename is too long."; continue; } } $block = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12a8a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12", $current['name2'], sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][2]), sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][4]), sprintf("%07o", $current['stat'][5]), sprintf("%011o", $current['type'] == 2 ? 0 : $current['stat'][7]), sprintf("%011o", $current['stat'][9]), " ", $current['type'], $current['type'] == 2 ? @readlink($current['name']) : "", "ustar ", " ", "Unknown", "Unknown", "", "", !empty ($path) ? $path : "", ""); $checksum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) $checksum += ord(substr($block, $i, 1)); $checksum = pack("a8", sprintf("%07o", $checksum)); $block = substr_replace($block, $checksum, 148, 8); if ($current['type'] == 2 || $current['stat'][7] == 0) $this->add_data($block); else if ($fp = @fopen($current['name'], "rb")) { $this->add_data($block); while ($temp = fread($fp, 1048576)) $this->add_data($temp); if ($current['stat'][7] % 512 > 0) { $temp = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 512 - $current['stat'][7] % 512; $i++) $temp .= "\0"; $this->add_data($temp); } fclose($fp); } else $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } $this->add_data(pack("a1024", "")); chdir($pwd); return 1; } function extract_files() { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if ($fp = $this->open_archive()) { if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 1) $this->files = array (); while ($block = fread($fp, 512)) { $temp = unpack("a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2temp/a32temp/a32temp/a8temp/a8temp/a155prefix/a12temp", $block); $file = array ( 'name' => $temp['prefix'] . $temp['name'], 'stat' => array ( 2 => $temp['mode'], 4 => octdec($temp['uid']), 5 => octdec($temp['gid']), 7 => octdec($temp['size']), 9 => octdec($temp['mtime']), ), 'checksum' => octdec($temp['checksum']), 'type' => $temp['type'], 'magic' => $temp['magic'], ); if ($file['checksum'] == 0x00000000) break; else if (substr($file['magic'], 0, 5) != "ustar") { $this->error[] = "This script does not support extracting this type of tar file."; break; } $block = substr_replace($block, " ", 148, 8); $checksum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) $checksum += ord(substr($block, $i, 1)); if ($file['checksum'] != $checksum) $this->error[] = "Could not extract from {$this->options['name']}, it is corrupt."; // Added: create dir if required if (strpos($file['name'], '..') === false) { $path_parts = pathinfo($file['name']); if (!file_exists($file['name'])) { $ret = smd_mkdir_recursive(((isset($path_parts['extension'])) ? dirname($this->options['basedir'].DS.$file['name']) : $this->options['basedir'].DS.$file['name'])); } } if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 1) { $file['data'] = fread($fp, $file['stat'][7]); fread($fp, (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512 ? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); unset ($file['checksum'], $file['magic']); $this->files[] = $file; } else if ($file['type'] == 5) { if (!is_dir($file['name'])) mkdir($file['name'], $file['stat'][2]); } else if ($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($file['name'])) { $this->error[] = "{$file['name']} already exists."; continue; } else if ($file['type'] == 2) { symlink($temp['symlink'], $file['name']); chmod($file['name'], $file['stat'][2]); } else if ($new = fopen($file['name'], "wb")) { fwrite($new, fread($fp, $file['stat'][7])); fread($fp, (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512 ? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); fclose($new); @chmod($file['name'], 0644); // Hard-coded for now because the stupid 0100644 value in $file['stat'][2] confuses the OS/PHP } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$file['name']} for writing."; continue; } // Remove owner and group setting since there is almost 0 likelihood the files will have the same user/group across systems // In other words, leave owner/group at the Apache default -- which is what we want // chown($file['name'], $file['stat'][4]); // chgrp($file['name'], $file['stat'][5]); @touch($file['name'], $file['stat'][9]); unset ($file); } } else $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$this->options['name']}"; chdir($pwd); } function open_archive() { return @fopen($this->options['name'], "rb"); } } class smd_crunch_gzip_file extends smd_crunch_tar_file { function smd_crunch_gzip_file($name) { $this->smd_crunch_tar_file($name); $this->options['type'] = "gzip"; } function create_gzip() { if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if ($fp = gzopen($this->options['name'], "wb{$this->options['level']}")) { fseek($this->archive, 0); while ($temp = fread($this->archive, 1048576)) gzwrite($fp, $temp); gzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else $this->archive = gzencode($this->archive, $this->options['level']); return 1; } function open_archive() { return @gzopen($this->options['name'], "rb"); } } class smd_crunch_bzip_file extends smd_crunch_tar_file { function smd_crunch_bzip_file($name) { $this->smd_crunch_tar_file($name); $this->options['type'] = "bzip"; } function create_bzip() { if ($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if ($fp = bzopen($this->options['name'], "wb")) { fseek($this->archive, 0); while ($temp = fread($this->archive, 1048576)) bzwrite($fp, $temp); bzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else $this->archive = bzcompress($this->archive, $this->options['level']); return 1; } function open_archive() { return @bzopen($this->options['name'], "r"); } } class smd_crunch_zip_file extends smd_crunch_archive { function smd_crunch_zip_file($name) { $this->smd_crunch_archive($name); $this->options['type'] = "zip"; } function create_zip() { $files = 0; $offset = 0; $central = ""; if (!empty ($this->options['sfx'])) if ($fp = @fopen($this->options['sfx'], "rb")) { $temp = fread($fp, filesize($this->options['sfx'])); fclose($fp); $this->add_data($temp); $offset += strlen($temp); unset ($temp); } else $this->error[] = "Could not open sfx module from {$this->options['sfx']}."; $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach ($this->files as $current) { if ($current['name'] == $this->options['name']) continue; $timedate = explode(" ", date("Y n j G i s", $current['stat'][9])); $timedate = ($timedate[0] - 1980 << 25) | ($timedate[1] << 21) | ($timedate[2] << 16) | ($timedate[3] << 11) | ($timedate[4] << 5) | ($timedate[5]); $block = pack("VvvvV", 0x04034b50, 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate); if ($current['stat'][7] == 0 && $current['type'] == 5) { $block .= pack("VVVvv", 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']) + 1, 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']) + 1, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, $current['type'] == 5 ? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $files++; $offset += (31 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if ($current['stat'][7] == 0) { $block .= pack("VVVvv", 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, $current['type'] == 5 ? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if ($fp = @fopen($current['name'], "rb")) { $temp = fread($fp, $current['stat'][7]); fclose($fp); $crc32 = crc32($temp); if (!isset($current['method']) && $this->options['method'] == 1) { $temp = gzcompress($temp, $this->options['level']); $size = strlen($temp) - 6; $temp = substr($temp, 2, $size); } else $size = strlen($temp); $block .= pack("VVVvv", $crc32, $size, $current['stat'][7], strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $this->add_data($temp); unset ($temp); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV", 0x02014b50, 0x0014, $this->options['method'] == 0 ? 0x0000 : 0x000A, 0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0) ? 0x0000 : 0x0008, $timedate, $crc32, $size, $current['stat'][7], strlen($current['name2']), 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00000000, $offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2']) + $size); } else $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } $this->add_data($central); $this->add_data(pack("VvvvvVVv", 0x06054b50, 0x0000, 0x0000, $files, $files, strlen($central), $offset, !empty ($this->options['comment']) ? strlen($this->options['comment']) : 0x0000)); if (!empty ($this->options['comment'])) $this->add_data($this->options['comment']); chdir($pwd); return 1; } } // 19/08/2011 (v2.663) // - unzipAll was using double slashes (path//filename) to save files. (thanks to Karen Peyton). // 09/08/2010 (v2.662) // - unzipAll parameters fully reviewed and fixed. Thanks Ronny Dreschler and Conor Mac Aoidh. // 12/05/2010 (v2.661) // - Fixed E_STRICT notice: "Only variables should be passed by reference". Thanks Erik W. // 24/03/2010 (v2.66) // - Fixed bug inside unzipAll when dirname is "." (thanks to Thorsten Groth) // - Added character "´" to the string conversion table (ex: caixa d´água) // 27/02/2010 // - Removed PHP4 support (file_put_contents redeclaration). // 04/12/2009 (v2.65) // * Added character translation to decode accents and/or special characters. // 10/11/2009 // * Some security added to avoid malicious ZIP files (relative dirs) // * unzipAll() will output by default to same folder of the caller script // 25/09/2009 // - Code optimization to reduce memory usage (uncompress(&$contents)) // 12/07/2009 (2.62) // - Debug messages are shown only when explicit. // - New method: getLastError() ############################################################## # Class dUnzip2 v2.663 # # Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) # E-Mail: alexandrebr at gmail dot com # Londrina - PR / Brazil # # Objective: # This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly. # # Requirements: # This class requires extension ZLib Enabled. It is default # for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist. # # To do: # * Error handling # * Write a PHP-Side gzinflate, to completely avoid any external extensions # * Write other decompress algorithms # # Methods: # * dUnzip2($filename) - Constructor - Opens $filename # * getList([$stopOnFile]) - Retrieve the file list # * getExtraInfo($zipfilename) - Retrieve more information about compressed file # * getZipInfo([$entry]) - Retrieve ZIP file details. # * unzip($zipfilename, [$outfilename, [$applyChmod]]) - Unzip file # * unzipAll([$outDir, [$zipDir, [$maintainStructure, [$applyChmod]]]]) # * close() - Close file handler, but keep the list # * __destroy() - Close file handler and release memory # # If you modify this class, or have any ideas to improve it, please contact me! # You are allowed to redistribute this class, if you keep my name and contact e-mail on it. # # PLEASE! IF YOU USE THIS CLASS IN ANY OF YOUR PROJECTS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! # If you have problems using it, don't think twice before contacting me! # ############################################################## class smd_crunch_dUnzip2{ Function getVersion(){ return "2.663"; } // Public var $fileName; var $lastError; var $compressedList; // You will problably use only this one! var $centralDirList; // Central dir list... It's a kind of 'extra attributes' for a set of files var $endOfCentral; // End of central dir, contains ZIP Comments var $debug; // Private var $fh; var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature // Public Function smd_crunch_dUnzip2($fileName){ $this->fileName = $fileName; $this->compressedList = $this->centralDirList = $this->endOfCentral = Array(); } Function getList($stopOnFile=false){ if(sizeof($this->compressedList)){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Returning already loaded file list."); return $this->compressedList; } // Open file, and set file handler $fh = fopen($this->fileName, "r"); $this->fh = &$fh; if(!$fh){ $this->debugMsg(2, "Failed to load file."); return false; } $this->debugMsg(1, "Loading list from 'End of Central Dir' index list..."); if(!$this->_loadFileListByEOF($fh, $stopOnFile)){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Trying to load list looking for signatures..."); if(!$this->_loadFileListBySignatures($fh, $stopOnFile)){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Could not find any valid header."); $this->debugMsg(2, "ZIP File is corrupted or empty"); return false; } } if($this->debug){ #------- Debug compressedList $kkk = 0; echo ""; foreach($this->compressedList as $fileName=>$item){ if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){ echo ""; foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value) echo ""; echo ''; } echo ""; foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){ if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime') echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."$value
"; #------- Debug centralDirList $kkk = 0; if(sizeof($this->centralDirList)){ echo ""; foreach($this->centralDirList as $fileName=>$item){ if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){ echo ""; foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value) echo ""; echo ''; } echo ""; foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){ if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime') echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."$value
"; } #------- Debug endOfCentral $kkk = 0; if(sizeof($this->endOfCentral)){ echo ""; echo ""; foreach($this->endOfCentral as $field=>$value){ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
dUnzip - End of file
"; } } return $this->compressedList; } Function getExtraInfo($compressedFileName){ return isset($this->centralDirList[$compressedFileName])? $this->centralDirList[$compressedFileName]: false; } Function getZipInfo($detail=false){ return $detail? $this->endOfCentral[$detail]: $this->endOfCentral; } Function unzip($compressedFileName, $targetFileName=false, $applyChmod=0777){ if(!sizeof($this->compressedList)){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Trying to unzip before loading file list... Loading it!"); $this->getList(false, $compressedFileName); } $fdetails = &$this->compressedList[$compressedFileName]; if(!isset($this->compressedList[$compressedFileName])){ $this->debugMsg(2, "File '$compressedFileName' is not compressed in the zip."); return false; } if(substr($compressedFileName, -1) == "/"){ $this->debugMsg(2, "Trying to unzip a folder name '$compressedFileName'."); return false; } if(!$fdetails['uncompressed_size']){ $this->debugMsg(1, "File '$compressedFileName' is empty."); return $targetFileName? file_put_contents($targetFileName, ""): ""; } fseek($this->fh, $fdetails['contents-startOffset']); $toUncompress = fread($this->fh, $fdetails['compressed_size']); $ret = $this->uncompress( $toUncompress, $fdetails['compression_method'], $fdetails['uncompressed_size'], $targetFileName ); unset($toUncompress); if($applyChmod && $targetFileName) chmod($targetFileName, 0777); return $ret; } Function unzipAll($targetDir=false, $baseDir="", $maintainStructure=true, $applyChmod=0777){ if($targetDir === false) $targetDir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])."/"; if(substr($targetDir, -1) == "/") $targetDir = substr($targetDir, 0, -1); $lista = $this->getList(); if(sizeof($lista)) foreach($lista as $fileName=>$trash){ $dirname = dirname($fileName); $outDN = "$targetDir/$dirname"; if(substr($dirname, 0, strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir) continue; if(!is_dir($outDN) && $maintainStructure){ $str = ""; $folders = explode("/", $dirname); foreach($folders as $folder){ $str = $str?"$str/$folder":$folder; if(!is_dir("$targetDir/$str")){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Creating folder: $targetDir/$str"); mkdir("$targetDir/$str"); if($applyChmod) chmod("$targetDir/$str", $applyChmod); } } } if(substr($fileName, -1, 1) == "/") continue; $maintainStructure? $this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/$fileName", $applyChmod): $this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/".basename($fileName), $applyChmod); } } Function close(){ // Free the file resource if($this->fh) fclose($this->fh); } Function __destroy(){ $this->close(); } // Private (you should NOT call these methods): Function uncompress(&$content, $mode, $uncompressedSize, $targetFileName=false){ switch($mode){ case 0: // Not compressed return $targetFileName? file_put_contents($targetFileName, $content): $content; case 1: $this->debugMsg(2, "Shrunk mode is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: $this->debugMsg(2, "Compression factor ".($mode-1)." is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 6: $this->debugMsg(2, "Implode is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 7: $this->debugMsg(2, "Tokenizing compression algorithm is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 8: // Deflate return $targetFileName? file_put_contents($targetFileName, gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize)): gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize); case 9: $this->debugMsg(2, "Enhanced Deflating is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 10: $this->debugMsg(2, "PKWARE Date Compression Library Impoloding is not supported... yet?"); return false; case 12: // Bzip2 return $targetFileName? file_put_contents($targetFileName, bzdecompress($content)): bzdecompress($content); case 18: $this->debugMsg(2, "IBM TERSE is not supported... yet?"); return false; default: $this->debugMsg(2, "Unknown uncompress method: $mode"); return false; } } Function debugMsg($level, $string){ if($this->debug){ if($level == 1) echo "dUnzip2: $string
"; if($level == 2) echo "dUnzip2: $string
"; } $this->lastError = $string; } Function getLastError(){ return $this->lastError; } Function _loadFileListByEOF(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){ // Check if there's a valid Central Dir signature. // Let's consider a file comment smaller than 1024 characters... // Actually, it length can be 65536.. But we're not going to support it. for($x = 0; $x < 1024; $x++){ fseek($fh, -22-$x, SEEK_END); $signature = fread($fh, 4); if($signature == $this->dirSignatureE){ // If found EOF Central Dir $eodir['disk_number_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of this disk $eodir['disk_number'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory $eodir['total_entries_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk $eodir['total_entries'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in $eodir['size_of_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // size of the central directory $eodir['offset_start_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number $zipFileCommentLenght = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // zipfile comment length $eodir['zipfile_comment'] = $zipFileCommentLenght[1]?fread($fh, $zipFileCommentLenght[1]):''; // zipfile comment $this->endOfCentral = Array( 'disk_number_this'=>$eodir['disk_number_this'][1], 'disk_number'=>$eodir['disk_number'][1], 'total_entries_this'=>$eodir['total_entries_this'][1], 'total_entries'=>$eodir['total_entries'][1], 'size_of_cd'=>$eodir['size_of_cd'][1], 'offset_start_cd'=>$eodir['offset_start_cd'][1], 'zipfile_comment'=>$eodir['zipfile_comment'], ); // Then, load file list fseek($fh, $this->endOfCentral['offset_start_cd']); $signature = fread($fh, 4); while($signature == $this->dirSignature){ $dir['version_madeby'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version made by $dir['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract $dir['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag $dir['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method $dir['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time $dir['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date $dir['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32 $dir['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size $dir['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size $fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length $extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length $fileCommentLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // file comment length $dir['disk_number_start'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // disk number start $dir['internal_attributes'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // internal file attributes-byte1 $dir['external_attributes1']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes-byte2 $dir['external_attributes2']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes $dir['relative_offset'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // relative offset of local header $dir['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename $dir['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1] ?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]) :''; // extra field $dir['file_comment'] = $fileCommentLength[1]?fread($fh, $fileCommentLength[1]):''; // file comment // Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp $BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980; $lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4)); $lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5)); $lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5)); $lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6)); $lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5)); // Some protection agains attacks... $dir['file_name'] = $this->_decodeFilename($dir['file_name']); if(!$dir['file_name'] = $this->_protect($dir['file_name'])) continue; $this->centralDirList[$dir['file_name']] = Array( 'version_madeby'=>$dir['version_madeby'][1], 'version_needed'=>$dir['version_needed'][1], 'general_bit_flag'=>str_pad(decbin($dir['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'compression_method'=>$dir['compression_method'][1], 'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY), 'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'compressed_size'=>$dir['compressed_size'][1], 'uncompressed_size'=>$dir['uncompressed_size'][1], 'disk_number_start'=>$dir['disk_number_start'][1], 'internal_attributes'=>$dir['internal_attributes'][1], 'external_attributes1'=>$dir['external_attributes1'][1], 'external_attributes2'=>$dir['external_attributes2'][1], 'relative_offset'=>$dir['relative_offset'][1], 'file_name'=>$dir['file_name'], 'extra_field'=>$dir['extra_field'], 'file_comment'=>$dir['file_comment'], ); $signature = fread($fh, 4); } // If loaded centralDirs, then try to identify the offsetPosition of the compressed data. if($this->centralDirList) foreach($this->centralDirList as $filename=>$details){ $i = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh, $details['relative_offset']); $this->compressedList[$filename]['file_name'] = $filename; $this->compressedList[$filename]['compression_method'] = $details['compression_method']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['version_needed'] = $details['version_needed']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['crc-32'] = $details['crc-32']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['compressed_size'] = $details['compressed_size']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['uncompressed_size'] = $details['uncompressed_size']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['extra_field'] = $i['extra_field']; $this->compressedList[$filename]['contents-startOffset']=$i['contents-startOffset']; if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename)) break; } return true; } } return false; } Function _loadFileListBySignatures(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){ fseek($fh, 0); $return = false; for(;;){ $details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh); if(!$details){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Invalid signature. Trying to verify if is old style Data Descriptor..."); fseek($fh, 12 - 4, SEEK_CUR); // 12: Data descriptor - 4: Signature (that will be read again) $details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh); } if(!$details){ $this->debugMsg(1, "Still invalid signature. Probably reached the end of the file."); break; } $filename = $details['file_name']; $this->compressedList[$filename] = $details; $return = true; if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename)) break; } return $return; } Function _getFileHeaderInformation(&$fh, $startOffset=false){ if($startOffset !== false) fseek($fh, $startOffset); $signature = fread($fh, 4); if($signature == $this->zipSignature){ # $this->debugMsg(1, "Zip Signature!"); // Get information about the zipped file $file['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract $file['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag $file['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method $file['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time $file['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date $file['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32 $file['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size $file['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size $fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length $extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length $file['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename $file['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1]?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]):''; // extra field $file['contents-startOffset']= ftell($fh); // Bypass the whole compressed contents, and look for the next file fseek($fh, $file['compressed_size'][1], SEEK_CUR); // Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp $BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980; $lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4)); $lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5)); $lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5)); $lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6)); $lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5)); // Some protection agains attacks... $file['file_name'] = $this->_decodeFilename($file['file_name']); if(!$file['file_name'] = $this->_protect($file['file_name'])) return false; // Mount file table $i = Array( 'file_name' =>$file['file_name'], 'compression_method'=>$file['compression_method'][1], 'version_needed' =>$file['version_needed'][1], 'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY), 'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'compressed_size' =>$file['compressed_size'][1], 'uncompressed_size' =>$file['uncompressed_size'][1], 'extra_field' =>$file['extra_field'], 'general_bit_flag' =>str_pad(decbin($file['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'contents-startOffset'=>$file['contents-startOffset'] ); return $i; } return false; } Function _decodeFilename($filename){ $from = "\xb7\xb5\xb6\xc7\x8e\x8f\x92\x80\xd4\x90\xd2\xd3\xde\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd1\xa5\xe3\xe0". "\xe2\xe5\x99\x9d\xeb\xe9\xea\x9a\xed\xe8\xe1\x85\xa0\x83\xc6\x84\x86\x91\x87\x8a". "\x82\x88\x89\x8d\xa1\x8c\x8b\xd0\xa4\x95\xa2\x93\xe4\x94\x9b\x97\xa3\x96\xec\xe7". "\x98ï"; $to = "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûýþÿ´"; return strtr($filename, $from, $to); } Function _protect($fullPath){ // Known hack-attacks (filename like): // /home/usr // ../../home/usr // folder/../../../home/usr // sample/(x0)../home/usr $fullPath = strtr($fullPath, ":*<>|\"\x0\\", "......./"); while($fullPath[0] == "/") $fullPath = substr($fullPath, 1); if(substr($fullPath, -1) == "/"){ $base = ''; $fullPath = substr($fullPath, 0, -1); } else{ $base = basename($fullPath); $fullPath = dirname($fullPath); } $parts = explode("/", $fullPath); $lastIdx = false; foreach($parts as $idx=>$part){ if($part == ".") unset($parts[$idx]); elseif($part == ".."){ unset($parts[$idx]); if($lastIdx !== false){ unset($parts[$lastIdx]); } } elseif($part === ''){ unset($parts[$idx]); } else{ $lastIdx = $idx; } } $fullPath = sizeof($parts)?implode("/", $parts)."/":""; return $fullPath.$base; } } class smd_crunch_dZip{ var $filename; var $overwrite; var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature var $files_count = 0; var $fh; Function smd_crunch_dZip($filename, $overwrite=true){ $this->filename = $filename; $this->overwrite = $overwrite; } Function addDir($dirname, $fileComments=''){ if(substr($dirname, -1) != '/') $dirname .= '/'; $this->addFile(false, $dirname, $fileComments); } Function addFile($filename, $cfilename, $fileComments='', $data=false){ if(!($fh = &$this->fh)) $fh = fopen($this->filename, $this->overwrite?'wb':'a+b'); // $filename can be a local file OR the data wich will be compressed if(substr($cfilename, -1)=='/'){ $details['uncsize'] = 0; $data = ''; } elseif(file_exists($filename)){ $details['uncsize'] = filesize($filename); $data = file_get_contents($filename); } elseif($filename){ echo "Cannot add $filename. File not found
"; return false; } else{ $details['uncsize'] = strlen($filename); // DATA is given.. use it! :| } // if data to compress is too small, just store it if($details['uncsize'] < 256){ $details['comsize'] = $details['uncsize']; $details['vneeded'] = 10; $details['cmethod'] = 0; $zdata = &$data; } else{ // otherwise, compress it $zdata = gzcompress($data); $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug (thanks to Eric Mueller) $details['comsize'] = strlen($zdata); $details['vneeded'] = 10; $details['cmethod'] = 8; } $details['bitflag'] = 0; $details['crc_32'] = crc32($data); // Convert date and time to DOS Format, and set then $lastmod_timeS = str_pad(decbin(date('s')>=32?date('s')-32:date('s')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_timeM = str_pad(decbin(date('i')), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_timeH = str_pad(decbin(date('H')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_dateD = str_pad(decbin(date('d')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_dateM = str_pad(decbin(date('m')), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $lastmod_dateY = str_pad(decbin(date('Y')-1980), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); # echo "ModTime: $lastmod_timeS-$lastmod_timeM-$lastmod_timeH (".date("s H H").")\n"; # echo "ModDate: $lastmod_dateD-$lastmod_dateM-$lastmod_dateY (".date("d m Y").")\n"; $details['modtime'] = bindec("$lastmod_timeH$lastmod_timeM$lastmod_timeS"); $details['moddate'] = bindec("$lastmod_dateY$lastmod_dateM$lastmod_dateD"); $details['offset'] = ftell($fh); fwrite($fh, $this->zipSignature); fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['vneeded'])); // version_needed fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['bitflag'])); // general_bit_flag fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['cmethod'])); // compression_method fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['modtime'])); // lastmod_time fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['moddate'])); // lastmod_date fwrite($fh, pack('V', $details['crc_32'])); // crc-32 fwrite($fh, pack('I', $details['comsize'])); // compressed_size fwrite($fh, pack('I', $details['uncsize'])); // uncompressed_size fwrite($fh, pack('s', strlen($cfilename))); // file_name_length fwrite($fh, pack('s', 0)); // extra_field_length fwrite($fh, $cfilename); // file_name // ignoring extra_field fwrite($fh, $zdata); // Append it to central dir $details['external_attributes'] = (substr($cfilename, -1)=='/'&&!$zdata)?16:32; // Directory or file name $details['comments'] = $fileComments; $this->appendCentralDir($cfilename, $details); $this->files_count++; } Function setExtra($filename, $property, $value){ $this->centraldirs[$filename][$property] = $value; } Function save($zipComments=''){ if(!($fh = &$this->fh)) $fh = fopen($this->filename, $this->overwrite?'w':'a+'); $cdrec = ""; foreach($this->centraldirs as $filename=>$cd){ $cdrec .= $this->dirSignature; $cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // version made by $cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['vneeded']); // version needed to extract $cdrec .= "\x0\x0"; // general bit flag $cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['cmethod']); // compression method $cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['modtime']); // lastmod time $cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['moddate']); // lastmod date $cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['crc_32']); // crc32 $cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['comsize']); // compressed filesize $cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['uncsize']); // uncompressed filesize $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($filename)); // file comment length $cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($cd['comments'])); // file comment length $cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start $cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes $cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['external_attributes']); // internal file attributes $cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['offset']); // relative offset of local header $cdrec .= $filename; $cdrec .= $cd['comments']; } $before_cd = ftell($fh); fwrite($fh, $cdrec); // end of central dir fwrite($fh, $this->dirSignatureE); fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of this disk fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory fwrite($fh, pack('v', $this->files_count)); // total # of entries "on this disk" fwrite($fh, pack('v', $this->files_count)); // total # of entries overall fwrite($fh, pack('V', strlen($cdrec))); // size of central dir fwrite($fh, pack('V', $before_cd)); // offset to start of central dir fwrite($fh, pack('v', strlen($zipComments))); // .zip file comment length fwrite($fh, $zipComments); fclose($fh); } // Private Function appendCentralDir($filename,$properties){ $this->centraldirs[$filename] = $properties; } }