// Based heavily on mdp_calendar - thanks! //TODO: Investigate /* $d = new DateTime('2008-12-22 12:52'); echo $d->getTimezone()->getName(); */ if( $date = gps('date') ) { $_GET['month'] = $date; } function smd_calendar($atts, $thing='') { global $pretext, $variable, $prefs, $smd_cal_flag, $smd_cal_id, $smd_year, $smd_month, $smd_week, $smd_day; extract(lAtts(array( 'time' => 'any', // past, future, any 'size' => 'large', // small or large (calendar) 'expired' => '', // 0=no, 1=yes publish expired events, empty=use prefs 'category' => $pretext['c'], 'section' => $pretext['s'], 'author' => $pretext['author'], 'status' => 'live', 'static' => '', 'form' => '', 'spanform' => 'SMD_SAME', 'stepfield' => '', 'skipfield' => '', 'showskipped' => '0', 'showspanned' => '1', 'holidays' => '', 'holidayflags' => 'event', // permit these events to "land" on a holiday (event, recur, multi) 'classlevels' => 'cell, event', // cell, event, cellplus (combines event and cell into cell level classes) 'linkposted' => 'recur, multi, multiprev, multilast', // which events cause the minical to link to posted date 'classprefixes' => 'smd_cal_, smd_cal_ev_', // 1st=cell-level pfx, 2nd=event-level pfx (optional) 'class' => '', // Table class 'rowclass' => '', 'cellclass' => '', 'emptyclass' => 'empty', 'isoweekclass' => 'week', 'navclass' => 'navprev, navnext', 'eventclasses' => 'category', 'eventwraptag' => 'span', 'select' => '', // month and/or year (to display dropdowns) 'selectbtn' => '', // empty = autoselect (onchange), or text to go on the submit button 'myclass' => '', // month-year header class 'mywraptag' => '', // month-year header wraptag 'id' => '', // Table ID (=calid) 'week' => '', 'month' => '', 'year' => '', 'yearwidth' => '0,0', // number of years either side of the first/last article to permit 'isoweeks' => '', // empty = don't show ISO weeks, or text of column heading 'dayformat' => 'ABBR', // ABBR = %a, FULL = %A, or custom strftime string 'monthformat' => 'FULL', // ABBR = %b, FULL = %B, or custom strftime string 'firstday' => 0, // 1st day of week 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday (forced to Monday if isoweeks=1) 'gmt' => 0, 'lang' => '', 'debug' => 0, ), $atts)); $future = ( $time != "past" ) ? true : false; // Determine heading style $status = ($status) ? $status : 'live'; $firstday = ($isoweeks == '') ? $firstday : 1; $spanform = ($spanform == "SMD_SAME") ? $form : $spanform; // Set up the class prefixes $clevs = do_list($classlevels); $cls = do_list($classprefixes); $classprefix = $evclassprefix = $cls[0]; if (count($cls) > 1){ $evclassprefix = $cls[1]; } // Set up the nav class(es) $navclass = do_list($navclass); $navprevclass = $navnextclass = $navclass[0]; if (count($navclass) > 1){ $navnextclass = $navclass[1]; } // Filters $fopts = array(); $catSQL = $secSQL = $authSQL = ''; if($category) { $fopts[] = array('c' => $category); $catSQL = doQuote(join("','", do_list($category))); $catSQL = " AND ( Category1 IN (".$catSQL.") OR Category2 IN (".$catSQL.") ) "; } if($section) { $fopts[] = array('s' => $section); $secSQL = doQuote(join("','", do_list($section))); $secSQL = " AND Section IN (".$secSQL.") "; } if($author) { $fopts[] = array('author' => htmlentities(gps('author'))); $authSQL = doQuote(join("','", do_list($author))); $authSQL = " AND AuthorID IN (".$authSQL.") "; } $status = do_list($status); $stati = array(); foreach ($status as $stat) { if (empty($stat)) { continue; } else if (is_numeric($stat)) { $stati[] = $stat; } else { $stati[] = getStatusNum($stat); } } $stati = " Status IN (".doQuote(join("','", $stati)).")"; $expired = ($expired) ? $expired : $prefs['publish_expired_articles']; $expired = (($expired) ? '' : ' AND (now() <= Expires OR Expires = '.NULLDATETIME.')'); $eventclasses = do_list($eventclasses); $holidayflags = do_list($holidayflags); $linkposted = do_list($linkposted); // Work out the first and last posts to determine the year range $earliest = safe_row('unix_timestamp(Posted) AS uPosted', 'textpattern', $stati.(($category) ? $catSQL : '').(($section) ? $secSQL : '').(($author) ? $authSQL : '').' ORDER BY Posted ASC LIMIT 0, 1', $debug); $latest = safe_row('unix_timestamp(LastMod) AS uLastMod', 'textpattern', $stati.(($category) ? $catSQL : '').(($section) ? $secSQL : '').(($author) ? $authSQL : '').' AND Posted < now() ORDER BY LastMod DESC LIMIT 0, 1', $debug); $yearwidth = do_list($yearwidth); if (count($yearwidth) == 1) $yearwidth[1] = $yearwidth[0]; $earliest = date("Y", strtotime("-".$yearwidth[0]." year", ( (empty($earliest)) ? time() : $earliest['uPosted']) ) ); $latest = date("Y", strtotime("+".$yearwidth[1]." year", ( (empty($latest)) ? time() : $latest['uLastMod']) ) ); // Check the URL for current date and calendar target info $incoming_calid = gps('calid'); $incoming_year = (gps('y') and is_numeric(gps('y'))) ? (int)gps('y') : ''; $incoming_month = (gps('m') and is_numeric(gps('m'))) ? (int)gps('m') : ''; $incoming_week = (gps('w') and is_numeric(gps('w'))) ? (int)gps('w') : ''; if($static) { // if we're static w/o any supplied vars, use the current date if(!$year) { $year = safe_strftime('%Y'); } if(!$month) { $month = safe_strftime('%m'); } } else { // otherwise use current date only if there's nothing else if( $id == $incoming_calid ) { // use incoming $year = ($incoming_year) ? $incoming_year : (($year) ? $year : safe_strftime('%Y')); $month = ($incoming_month) ? $incoming_month : (($month) ? $month : safe_strftime('%m')); // If week is used, adjust month so it encompasses the given week $week = $incoming_week; if ($week) { $month = safe_strftime("%m", mktime (1,1,1,1,7*$week,$year)); // Guess the month from the week } } else { // use current if(!$year) { $year = safe_strftime('%Y'); } if(!$month) { $month = safe_strftime('%m'); } if($week) { $month = safe_strftime("%m", mktime (1,1,1,1,7*$week,$year)); } } } $smd_cal_id = ($incoming_calid) ? $incoming_calid : $id; $smd_year = $year; $smd_month = $month; // $smd_week and smd_day are set per event later // The times in the DB are stored using the server's local time, so we don't // want to adjust anything (since mktime uses the server's local time). //TODO: Worry about gmt / dst $ts_first = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $ts_last = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, date('t',$ts_first), $year); $extrasql = $catSQL . $secSQL . $authSQL; switch($time) { case "any" : /* Don't care about date */ break; case "future" : $extrasql .= " AND Posted > CURDATE()"; break; default : $extrasql .= " AND Posted < CURDATE()"; break; // The past } // Holidays are global 'exclusions', either defined directly or in a $holidays = do_list($holidays); $txphols = do_list($holidays[0], ":"); if ($txphols[0] == "txpvar") { $holidays = do_list($variable[$txphols[1]]); } // Force each holiday to a known format. Holidays without years use current year foreach ($holidays as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) continue; $numparts = preg_match('/^([\d\w]+).?([\d\w]+).?([\d\w]+)?$/', $val, $parts); if ($numparts) { if (count($parts) == 3) { $parts[3] = $year; } $val = str_pad($parts[1], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'.str_pad($parts[2], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'.$parts[3]; } $holidays[$key] = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($val)); } if ($debug > 0 && !empty($holidays) && $holidays[0] != '') { echo "++ HOLIDAYS ++ "; dmp($holidays); } // Get all matching articles in (and before) this month $events = array(); $sql2 = $stati . " HAVING uPosted <= ".$ts_last . $expired . $extrasql ." ORDER BY Posted ASC"; $grabCols = '*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires'; $evlist = safe_rows($grabCols, 'textpattern', $sql2, $debug); // If any events recur and fall within the current month, add those as well // If any dates are to be excluded, the entry is skipped UNLESS showskipped indicates otherwise foreach ($evlist as $row) { $idx = 0; // In case the 1st day of the month is a continuation of an event from the end of the previous month $start = $row['uPosted']; $start_date = date("Y-m-d", $start); // For recurring/spanned events on a minical, this is the event the cell links to $real_end = $row['uExpires']; $end = ($real_end != 0 && $real_end < $ts_last) ? $real_end : $ts_last; $smd_cal_flag = array(); if ($debug > 1) { echo '++ EVENT START // END // REAL END ++'; dmp($row['Title']); dmp(date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $start) .' // '. date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $end) .' // '. date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $real_end)); if ($debug > 2) { dmp($row); } } $multi = ($row['uExpires'] > $row['uPosted'] && $row['uExpires'] > $ts_first) ? true : false; $recur = (empty($row[$stepfield])) ? false : true; $hol_hit = in_array(date("d-m-Y", $start), $holidays); $evclasses = array(); foreach ($eventclasses as $evcls) { switch ($evcls) { case "": break; case "gcat": if (isset($pretext['c']) && !empty($pretext['c'])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$pretext['c']; } break; case "category": if (isset($row['Category1']) && !empty($row['Category1'])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$row['Category1']; } if (isset($row['Category2']) && !empty($row['Category2'])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$row['Category2']; } break; case "section": if (isset($pretext['s']) && !empty($pretext['s'])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$pretext['s']; } break; case "author": if (isset($pretext['author']) && !empty($pretext['author'])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$pretext['author']; } break; default: if (isset($row[$evcls]) && !empty($row[$evcls])) { $evclasses[] = $evclassprefix.$row[$evcls]; } break; } } $evclasses = ($evclasses) ? ' '. join(' ', $evclasses) : ''; $ignore = array(); if ($debug > 1 && $evclasses) { echo '++ EVENT CLASSES ++'; dmp($evclasses); } // Events that start this month if ($start < $end && $start > $ts_first) { populateArticleData($row); // start of a multi that may or may not be cancelled due to holidays $flag = ($showspanned && $multi && !$recur) ? 'multifirst' . (( $hol_hit && !in_array('multi',$holidayflags) ) ? ' cancel hols' : '' ) : ''; // a standard event that may or may not be cancelled due to holidays $flag = ($flag) ? $flag : (( $hol_hit && !in_array('event',$holidayflags) ) ? 'event cancel hols' : 'event' ); $smd_cal_flag = $flag = explode(' ', $flag); foreach ($flag as $idx => $item) { $flag[$idx] = $classprefix.$item; } $flag = join (' ', $flag); $idx = (int)safe_strftime('%d', $start, $gmt, $lang); $smd_day = $idx; $smd_week = safe_strftime('%V', $start, $gmt, $lang); $op = ($thing) ? parse($thing) : (($form) ? parse_form($form) : (($size=="small") ? '' : href($row['Title'], permlinkurl($row), ' title="'.$row['Title'].'"')) ); $events[$idx][] = array('ev' => $op, 'type' => (($flag) ? $flag : '').$evclasses, 'posted' => $start_date); $smd_cal_flag = array(); } // Generate a skip array for this event if ($skipfield && $row[$skipfield] != '') { $ignore = do_list($row[$skipfield]); foreach ($ignore as $key => $val) { $ignore[$key] = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($val)); // Force each date to a known format } } // Calculate the date offsets and check recurring events that fall within the month of interest if ($stepfield && $row[$stepfield] != '') { $freq = do_list($row[$stepfield]); foreach ($freq as $interval) { $ts_curr = $start; while ($ts_curr < $end) { if (($ts_curr = strtotime($interval, $ts_curr)) === false) { break; } else { if ($ts_curr < $end && $ts_curr > $ts_first) { // A recurring event. Check it isn't a holiday or to be ignored populateArticleData($row); $op = ''; $idx = (int)safe_strftime('%d', $ts_curr, $gmt, $lang); $smd_cal_flag[] = 'recur'; $show_me = !in_array(date("d-m-Y", $ts_curr), $ignore); $hol_hit = in_array(date("d-m-Y", $ts_curr), $holidays); $show_hol = ($hol_hit && !in_array('recur',$holidayflags) ) ? false : true; if ( !$show_me || !$show_hol ) { $smd_cal_flag[] = 'cancel'; } if ($hol_hit) { $smd_cal_flag[] = 'hols'; } // Create the events that appear in the cell but only if they've not appeared before, or are to be ignored if (($show_me && $show_hol) || $showskipped) { $smd_day = $idx; $smd_week = safe_strftime('%V', $ts_curr, $gmt, $lang); $op = ($thing) ? parse($thing) : (($form) ? parse_form($form) : (($size=="small") ? '' : href($row['Title'], permlinkurl($row), ' title="'.$row['Title'].'"')) ); } $used = array(); if (isset($events[$idx]) && $events[$idx] != NULL) { foreach ($events[$idx] as $ev) { $used[] = $ev['ev']; } } if (isset($events[$idx]) && $events[$idx] == NULL || !in_array($op, $used)) { $events[$idx][] = array('ev' => $op, 'type' => $classprefix.'recur'. (($show_me && $show_hol) ? '' : ' '.$classprefix.'cancel').$evclasses, 'posted' => $start_date); } $smd_cal_flag = array(); } } } } } else if ($showspanned && $multi) { // Non-recurring events may span more than one date but they must still respect ignored dates and holidays populateArticleData($row); $lastday = (int)safe_strftime('%d', $end, $gmt, $lang); $real_lastday = (int)safe_strftime('%d', $real_end, $gmt, $lang); while (++$idx <= $lastday) { $op = ''; $multiflag = ($idx==$real_lastday) ? 'multilast' : (($idx==1) ? 'multiprev' : 'multi'); $smd_cal_flag[] = $multiflag; $thisdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $idx, $year); $show_me = !in_array(date("d-m-Y", $thisdate), $ignore); $hol_hit = in_array(date("d-m-Y", $thisdate), $holidays); $show_hol = ($hol_hit && !in_array('multi',$holidayflags) ) ? false : true; if ( !$show_me || !$show_hol ) { $smd_cal_flag[] = 'cancel'; } if ($hol_hit) { $smd_cal_flag[] = 'hols'; } if ( ($show_me && $show_hol) || $showskipped) { $smd_day = $idx; $smd_week = safe_strftime('%V', $thisdate, $gmt, $lang); $op = ($spanform) ? parse_form($spanform) : (($thing) ? parse($thing) : (($size=="small") ? '' : href('→', permlinkurl($row), ' title="'.$row['Title'].'"')) ); } $events[$idx][] = array('ev' => $op, 'type' => $classprefix.$multiflag. (($show_me && $show_hol) ? '' : ' '.$classprefix.'cancel').$evclasses, 'posted' => $start_date); $smd_cal_flag = array(); } } } // Generate the calendar if( $size == "small" ) { $calendar = new SMD_Small_Calendar($year, $month, $events, $section, $category); } else { $calendar = new SMD_Calendar($year, $month, $events); } $calendar->setGMT($gmt); $calendar->setLang($lang); $calendar->setClassLevels($clevs); $calendar->setClassPrefix($classprefix); $calendar->setEventPrefix($evclassprefix); $calendar->setEventWraptag($eventwraptag); $calendar->setMYWraptag($mywraptag); $calendar->setTableID($id); $calendar->setTableClass($class); $calendar->setRowClass($rowclass); $calendar->setCellClass($cellclass); $calendar->setEmptyClass($emptyclass); $calendar->setISOWeekClass($isoweekclass); $calendar->setNavClass($navprevclass,$navnextclass); $calendar->setMYClass($myclass); $calendar->setNameFormat($dayformat, "d"); $calendar->setNameFormat($monthformat, "m"); $calendar->setShowISOWeek($isoweeks); $calendar->setEYear($earliest); $calendar->setLYear($latest); $calendar->setFilterOpts($fopts); $calendar->setHolidays($holidays); $calendar->setSelectors(do_list($select), $selectbtn); $calendar->setFirstDayOfWeek($firstday); $calendar->setLinkPosted($linkposted); return $calendar->display($static, $future); } class SMD_Calendar extends SMD_Raw_Calendar { // Override Constructor // Permits multiple events to show per day function SMD_Calendar($year,$month,$events) { $this->events = $events; $this->SMD_Raw_Calendar($year,$month); } // Override dspDayCell to display stuff right function dspDayCell($theday) { $cellclass = $this->getCellClass(); $hasarticle = isset($this->events[$theday]); $tdclass = $cellclass . (($hasarticle) ? ' '.$this->classprefix.'event' : '') . ((in_array( date('d-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->getMonth(), $theday, $this->getYear()) ), $this->holidays)) ? ' '.$this->classprefix.'hols' : ''); $runningclass = (in_array("cell", $this->classlevels) || in_array("cellplus", $this->classlevels)) ? explode(' ', $tdclass) : array(); if($this->year == date('Y',time()+tz_offset() ) and $this->month == date('n',time()+tz_offset() ) and $theday == date('j',time()+tz_offset()) ) { $runningclass[] = $this->classprefix.'today'; } $out[] = hed($theday,4); if( isset($this->events[$theday]) ) { $days_events = $this->events[$theday]; foreach($days_events as $ev) { $evclass = trim($ev['type']); if (in_array("cellplus", $this->classlevels)) { foreach (explode(' ', $evclass) as $evc) { $runningclass[]= $evc; } } $out[] = ($this->evwraptag) ? tag($ev['ev'], $this->evwraptag, (($evclass && in_array("event", $this->classlevels)) ? ' class="'.$evclass.'"' : '')) : $ev['ev']; } } $runningclass = array_unique($runningclass); // Amalgamate the event-level classes and cell-level classes, if required return doTag(join('',$out),'td',join(' ',$runningclass)); } function display($static=false, $future=false) { $id = ($this->tableID) ? ' id="'.$this->tableID.'"' : ''; $c[] = $this->dspHeader($static, $future); $c[] = $this->dspDayNames(); $c[] = $this->dspDayCells(); return doTag(join('',$c),'table',$this->tableclass,$id); } function dspHeader($static, $future) { $curryr = $this->getYear(); $currmo = $this->getMonth(); $navprevclass = $this->getNavClass("p"); $navnextclass = $this->getNavClass("n"); $navprevclass = ($navprevclass) ? ' class="'.$navprevclass.'"' : ''; $navnextclass = ($navnextclass) ? ' class="'.$navnextclass.'"' : ''; $filters = array(); $filterHid = array(); if (!$static) { foreach($this->fopts as $filter) { foreach($filter as $key => $val) { $filters[] = $key.'='.$val; $filterHid[] = hInput($key, $val); } } } $filterURL = join(a, $filters); // Month select list if ($this->useSelector('month') && !$static) { for ( $idx = 1; $idx <= 12; $idx++ ) { $tagatts = ' value="'.$idx.'"'; if ( $idx == $currmo ) $tagatts .= ' selected="selected"'; $optiontags[] = doTag(safe_strftime($this->mthNameFmt, mktime(0,0,0,$idx), $this->gmt, $this->lang), 'option', '', $tagatts); } $selector[] = doTag(join(n, $optiontags), 'select', (($this->mywraptag) ? '' : $this->myclass), ' name="m"'.(($this->selbtn) ? '' : ' onchange="submit()"'), '') . (($this->useSelector('year')) ? '' : hInput('y', $curryr)); $optiontags = array(); // Blank out } else { $selector[] = doTag($this->getMonthName(), 'span', (($this->mywraptag) ? '' : $this->myclass)); } // Year select list $y0 = $this->getEYear(); $y1 = $this->getLYear(); if ($this->useSelector('year') && ($y0 != $y1) && !$static) { for ( $idx = $y0; $idx <= $y1; $idx++ ) { $tagatts = ' value="'.$idx.'"'; if ( $idx == $curryr ) $tagatts .= ' selected="selected"'; $optiontags[] = doTag($idx, 'option', '', $tagatts); } $selector[] = doTag(join(n, $optiontags), 'select', (($this->mywraptag) ? '' : $this->myclass), ' name="y"'.(($this->selbtn) ? '' : ' onchange="submit()"'), '') . (($this->useSelector('month')) ? '' : hInput('m', $currmo)); } else { $selector[] = doTag($this->getYear(), 'span', (($this->mywraptag) ? '' : $this->myclass)); } $extras = ''; if (!$static && ( $this->useSelector('month') || $this->useSelector('year') )) { if ($this->selbtn) { $extras .= doTag('', 'input', 'smd_cal_input', ' type="submit" value="'.$this->selbtn.'"'); } if ($this->tableID) { $extras .= hInput('calid',$this->tableID); } $extras .= join('', $filterHid); } $selector = '
'.doTag(join(sp, $selector).$extras, $this->mywraptag, $this->myclass).'
'; $nav_back_link = $this->navigation($this->year, $this->month, '-', $filterURL); $nav_fwd_link = $this->navigation($this->year, $this->month, '+', $filterURL); $nav_back = (!$static && $nav_back_link) ? '<' : ' '; // $nav_fwd = ((!$static && $future && $nav_fwd_link) or ($this->month != date('n',time()))) ? '>' : ' '; // *shrug* breaks if static set and month < this month used $nav_fwd = (!$static && $future && $nav_fwd_link) ? '>' : ' '; $c[] = doTag($nav_back,'th'); $c[] = ''.$selector.''; $c[] = doTag($nav_fwd,'th'); return doTag(join('',$c),'tr'); } function navigation($year,$month,$direction,$flt) { global $permlink_mode; if($direction == '-') { if($month - 1 < 1) { $month = 12; $year -= 1; } else { $month -= 1; } } else { if($month + 1 > 12) { $month = 1; $year += 1; } else { $month += 1; } } // Abort if we're about to go out of range if ($year < $this->getEYear() || $year > $this->getLYear()) { return ''; } $id = ($this->tableID) ? a.'calid='.$this->tableID : ''; // Allow specific calendar navigation, in case there's more than one per page if($permlink_mode != 'messy') { return "?m=$month".a."y=$year".$id.a.$flt; } else { // for messy URL's we need to build the entire request string first, then tack on the rest $out = makeOut('id','s','c','q','pg','p','month'); $r = '?'; foreach($out as $key => $val ) { $r .= ($val) ? "$key=$val".a : ''; } return $r."m=$month".a."y=$year".$id.a.$flt; } } } class SMD_Small_Calendar extends SMD_Calendar { var $section = ''; var $category = ''; function SMD_Small_Calendar($year,$month,$events,$section,$category) { $this->section = $section; $this->category = $category; $this->SMD_Calendar($year,$month,$events); } function dspDayCell($theday) { global $permlink_mode; $cellclass = $this->getCellClass().' '; $hasarticle = isset($this->events[$theday]); $class[] = $cellclass . (($hasarticle) ? $this->classprefix.'event' : ''); if ((in_array( date('d-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->getMonth(), $theday, $this->getYear()) ), $this->holidays)) ) { $class[] = $this->classprefix.'hols'; } if($this->month == date('n',time()+tz_offset() ) and $theday == date('j',time()+tz_offset()) ) { $class[] = $this->classprefix.'today'; } if( isset($this->events[$theday]) ) { $days_events = $this->events[$theday]; foreach($days_events as $ev) { $evclass = trim($ev['type']); foreach (explode(' ', $evclass) as $evc) { $class[]= $evc; } $out[] = ($this->evwraptag) ? tag($ev['ev'], $this->evwraptag, (($evclass) ? ' class="'.$evclass.'"' : '')) : $ev['ev']; } $use_posted = false; foreach ($this->linkposted as $dlinks) { if (in_array($dlinks, $class)) { $use_posted = true; break; } } if( $permlink_mode != 'year_month_day_title' ) { $linkdate = ($use_posted) ? $ev['posted'] : $this->year.'-'.$this->doubledigit($this->month).'-'.$this->doubledigit($theday); $href = ' href="'.hu.'?date='.$linkdate; if($this->section) { $href = $href.a.'s='.$this->section; } if($this->category) { $href = $href.a.'c='.$this->category; } $href .= '"'; } else { $section = ($this->section) ? $this->section.'/' : ''; $linkdate = ($use_posted) ? preg_replace("-", "/", $ev['posted']) : $this->year.'/'.$this->doubledigit($this->month).'/'.$this->doubledigit($theday); $href = ' href="'.hu.$section.$linkdate.'"'; } // $title = ' title="'.safe_strftime('%x',gmmktime(0,0,0,$this->month,$theday+1,$this->year)).'"'; // no idea why $theday+1, but otherwise it won't work $c[] = doTag($theday.join('',$out),'a','',$href); } else { $c[] = $theday; } return doTag(join('',$c),'td',join(' ',$class)); } function doubledigit($n) { if($n < 10) { $n = '0'.(int)$n; } return $n; } } /** * Basic Calendar data and display * http://www.oscarm.org/static/pg/calendarClass/ * @author Oscar Merida * @created Jan 18 2004 * @package goCoreLib */ class SMD_Raw_Calendar { var $gmt = 1; var $lang; var $year; var $eyr; var $lyr; var $month; var $dayNameFmt; var $mthNameFmt; var $startDay; var $selectors; var $selbtn; var $showISOWeek; var $endDay; var $firstDayOfWeek = 0; var $startOffset = 0; var $classlevels; var $classprefix; var $evclassprefix; var $evwraptag; var $mywraptag; var $rowclass; var $cellclass; var $emptyclass; var $isoclass; var $navprevclass; var $navnextclass; var $myclass; var $fopts; var $holidays; var $linkposted; /** * Constructor * * @param integer, year * @param integer, month * @return object * @public */ function SMD_Raw_Calendar ( $yr, $mo ) { $this->setYear($yr); $this->setMonth($mo); $this->setClassPrefix('smd_cal_'); $this->startTime = strtotime( "$yr-$mo-01 00:00" ); $this->startDay = date( 'D', $this->startTime ); $this->weekDay = date( 'w', $this->startTime ); $this->endDay = date( 't', $this->startTime ); $this->endTime = strtotime( "$yr-$mo-".$this->endDay." 23:59" ); $this->setNameFormat('%a', 'd'); $this->setNameFormat('%B', 'm'); $this->setFirstDayOfWeek(0); $this->setShowISOWeek(''); $this->setTableID(''); $this->setTableClass(''); } // ==== end Calendar ================================================ // Getters function getStartTime() { return $this->startTime; } function getWeekDay() { return $this->weekDay; } function getEndTime() { return $this->endTime; } function getYear() { return $this->year; } function getEYear() { return $this->eyr; } function getLYear() { return $this->lyr; } function getMonth() { return $this->month; } function getRowClass() { return $this->rowclass; } function getCellClass() { return $this->cellclass; } function getEmptyClass() { return $this->emptyclass; } function getISOWeekClass() { return $this->isoclass; } function getNavClass($type) { return ($type == "n") ? $this->navnextclass : $this->navprevclass; } function getMonthName() { return safe_strftime( $this->mthNameFmt, $this->startTime, $this->gmt, $this->lang ); } // Setters function setGMT($b){ $this->gmt = $b; } function setLang($code){ $this->lang = $code; } function setTableID($id) { $this->tableID = $id; } function setYear($year){ $this->year = $year; } function setEYear($year){ $this->eyr = $year; } function setLYear($year){ $this->lyr = $year; } function setMonth($month) { $this->month = (int)$month; } function setShowISOWeek($val) { $this->showISOWeek = $val; } function setClassLevels($cls){ $this->classlevels = $cls; } function setClassPrefix($cls){ $this->classprefix = $cls; } function setEventPrefix($cls){ $this->evclassprefix = $cls; } function setEventWraptag($wrap){ $this->evwraptag = $wrap; } function setMYWraptag($wrap){ $this->mywraptag = $wrap; } function setTableClass($cls) { $this->tableclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setRowClass($cls){ $this->rowclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setCellClass($cls){ $this->cellclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setEmptyClass($cls){ $this->emptyclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setISOWeekClass($cls){ $this->isoclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setNavClass($clsp, $clsn){ $this->navprevclass = ($clsp) ? $this->classprefix.$clsp : ''; $this->navnextclass = ($clsn) ? $this->classprefix.$clsn : ''; } function setMYClass($cls){ $this->myclass = ($cls) ? $this->classprefix.$cls : ''; } function setFilterOpts($f) { $this->fopts = $f; } function setLinkPosted($dl) { foreach ($dl as $dval) { $this->linkposted[] = $this->classprefix.$dval; } } function setHolidays($hols) { $this->holidays = $hols; } function setSelectors($sel, $btn) { $this->selectors = $sel; $this->selbtn = $btn; } function useSelector($val) { return in_array($val, $this->selectors); } function setFirstDayOfWeek($d) { $this->firstDayOfWeek = ((int)$d <= 6 and (int)$d >= 0) ? (int)$d : 0; $this->startOffset = date( 'w', $this->startTime )-$this->firstDayOfWeek; if ( $this->startOffset < 0 ) { $this->startOffset = 7 - abs($this->startOffset); } } /** * frm: any valid PHP strftime() string or ABBR/FULL * typ: d to set day, m to set month format */ function setNameFormat($frm, $typ="d") { switch ($frm) { case "FULL": $fmt = ($typ == "d") ? "%A" : "%B"; break; case "ABBR": $fmt = ($typ == "d") ? "%a" : "%b"; break; default: $fmt = $frm; break; } if ($typ == "d") { $this->dayNameFmt = $fmt; } else { $this->mthNameFmt = $fmt; } } /** * Returns markup for displaying the calendar. * @return * @public */ function display ( ) { $id = ($this->tableID) ? ' id="'.$this->tableID.'"' : ''; $c[] = ''; $c[] = $this->dspDayNames(); $c[] = $this->dspDayCells(); $c[] = ''; return join('',$c); } // ==== end display ================================================ /** * Displays the row of day names. * @return string * @private */ function dspDayNames ( ) { // This is done to make sure Sunday is always the first day of our array // Unix time gets a little funky at the beginning depending upon your timezone. $serveroffset = gmmktime(0,0,0) - mktime(0,0,0); $start = ($serveroffset < 0) ? 4 : 3; $end = $start + 7; for($i=$start; $i<$end; $i++) { $names[] = ucfirst(safe_strftime($this->dayNameFmt, 86400*$i - tz_offset(), $this->gmt, $this->lang )); } $c[] = ''; $i = $this->firstDayOfWeek; $j = 0; // count number of days displayed $end = false; if ($this->showISOWeek != '') { $c[] = "".$this->showISOWeek.""; } for($j = 0; $j<=6; $j++, $i++) { if($i == 7) { $i = 0; } $c[] = ''.$names[$i].""; } $c[] = ''; return join('',$c); } // ==== end dspDayNames ================================================ /** * Displays all day cells for the month * * @return string * @private */ function dspDayCells ( ) { $i = 0; // cell counter $emptyClass = $this->getEmptyClass(); $isoClass = $this->getISOWeekClass(); $rowClass = $this->getRowClass(); $rowClass = ($rowClass) ? ' class="'.$rowClass.'"' : ''; $c[] = ''; if ($this->showISOWeek != '') { $c[] = ''.date( 'W', $this->startTime ).''; } // first display empty cells based on what weekday the month starts in for( $j=0; $j<$this->startOffset; $j++ ) { $i++; $c[] = ' '; } // end offset cells // write out the rest of the days, at each sunday, start a new row. for( $d=1; $d<=$this->endDay; $d++ ) { $i++; $c[] = $this->dspDayCell( $d ); if ( $i%7 == 0 ) { $c[] = ''; } if ( $d<$this->endDay && $i%7 == 0 ) { $c[] = ''; if ($this->showISOWeek != '') { $c[] = ''.date( 'W', strtotime( $this->getYear()."-".$this->getMonth()."-".(int)($d + 1) ." 00:00" )).''; } } } // fill in the final row $left = 7 - ( $i%7 ); if ( $left < 7) { for ( $j=0; $j<$left; $j++ ) { $c[] = ' '; } $c[] = "\n\t"; } return join('',$c); } // ==== end dspDayCells ================================================ /** * outputs the contents for a given day * * @param integer, day * @abstract */ function dspDayCell ( $day ) { return ''.$day.''; } // ==== end dayCell ================================================ } // end class // Perform one of 2 types of test: a flag-based test, or an info-based test function smd_if_cal($atts, $thing) { global $smd_cal_flag, $smd_cal_id, $smd_year, $smd_month, $smd_week, $smd_day; extract(lAtts(array( 'flag' => '', // event, recur, multi(prev,first,last), cancel, hols 'calid' => '', 'year' => '', 'month' => '', 'week' => '', 'day' => '', 'logic' => 'and', 'debug' => '0', ), $atts)); $flag = do_list($flag); $ctr = $num = 0; if ($smd_cal_flag && $flag && $flag[0] != '') { $num += count($flag); foreach ($flag as $whatnot) { if (empty($whatnot)) continue; $ctr += (in_array($whatnot, $smd_cal_flag)) ? 1 : 0; } } if ($calid) { $num++; $ctr += ($smd_cal_id === $calid) ? 1 : 0; } foreach (array("year", "month", "week", "day") as $test) { $tester = $$test; $gbl = 'smd_'.$test; $compare = $$gbl; if ($tester) { $num++; preg_match('/([!=<>]+)?([\d]+)/', $tester, $matches); if ($debug) { dmp("TEST IF: ". $compare. (($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '=') . $matches[2] ); } switch ($matches[1]) { case "!": $ctr += ($compare!=$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; case ">": $ctr += ($compare>$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; case ">=": $ctr += ($compare>=$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; case "<": $ctr += ($compare<$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; case "<=": $ctr += ($compare<=$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; default: $ctr += ($compare==$matches[2]) ? 1 : 0; break; } } } $result = (($ctr === $num && $logic == "and") || $ctr > 0 && $logic == "or") ? true : false; return parse(EvalElse($thing, $result)); } function smd_cal_info($atts) { global $pretext, $smd_cal_flag, $smd_cal_id, $smd_year, $smd_month, $smd_week, $smd_day; extract(lAtts(array( 'type' => 'flag', // flag, year, month, week, day, calid, section, category, author 'join' => ' ', 'html' => 0, 'escape' => 'html', ), $atts)); $join = ($html) ? a : $join; // html mode forces ampersand join $type = do_list($type); $ret = array(); foreach ($type as $item) { switch ($item) { case "flag": $ret[] = join($join, $smd_cal_flag); break; case "year": if ($smd_year) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'y=' : '') . $smd_year; } break; case "month": if ($smd_month) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'm=' : '') . $smd_month; } break; case "week": if ($smd_week) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'w=' : '') . $smd_week; } break; case "day": if ($smd_day) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'd=' : '') . $smd_day; } break; case "section": if ($pretext['s']) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 's=' : '') . $pretext['s']; } break; case "category": if ($pretext['c']) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'c=' : '') . $pretext['c']; } break; case "author": $currauthor = author(array()); if ($currauthor) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'author=' : '') . $currauthor; } break; case "calid": if ($smd_cal_id) { $ret[] = (($html) ? 'calid=' : '') . $smd_cal_id; } break; } } $out = join($join, $ret); return ($escape=='html') ? htmlspecialchars($out) : $out; } function smd_cal_now($atts) { global $dateformat; extract(lAtts(array( 'format' => $dateformat, 'gmt' => '', 'lang' => '', ), $atts)); return safe_strftime($format, time(), $gmt, $lang); }