// TODO: // Use an array like $types = array( 'int' => array( sql_type='INTEGER', widget="TEXT", widget_constraint="is_integer" ), ); // --> Populate the select box from this array // Add 'index' checkbox to allow an Index to be added to a meta column // Ability to specify wildcards/matches for items/authors in the client tag // Specify tooltip extended bio information in prefs if (@txpinterface == 'admin') { add_privs('smd_bio', '1'); register_tab('extensions', 'smd_bio', smd_bio_gTxt('admin_tab')); register_callback('smd_bio', 'smd_bio'); register_callback('smd_bio_fields', 'author_ui', 'extend_detail_form'); register_callback('smd_bio_admin_js', 'admin_side', 'head_end'); // Note these are all pre TXP's involvement register_callback('smd_bio_save', 'admin', 'author_save', 1); register_callback('smd_bio_save', 'admin', 'author_save_new', 1); register_callback('smd_bio_delete', 'admin', 'admin_multi_edit', 1); } $step = gps('step'); if ($step == 'smd_bio_get_image') { smd_bio_get_image(); } if ($step == 'smd_bio_get_ebio') { smd_bio_get_ebio(); } global $smd_bio_types; $smd_bio_types = array( 'text_input' => 'Text box', 'list' => 'Select list', 'radio' => 'Radio set', 'yesnoradio' => 'Yes/no radio', 'checkbox' => 'Checkbox(es)', 'textarea' => 'Text area', 'image' => 'Image', 'datetime' => 'Date/Time' ); if (!defined('SMD_BIO')) { define("SMD_BIO", 'smd_bio'); } if (!defined('SMD_BIO_META')) { define("SMD_BIO_META", 'smd_bio_meta'); } // ************************ // ADMIN -> USERS TAB // ------------------------ function smd_bio_fields($event, $step, $mt, $data) { $out = $vals = array(); $rstep = gps('step'); if(smd_bio_table_exist()) { if ($rstep == 'author_edit') { extract(gpsa(array('user_id'))); // Shame we have to double de-clutch here but we can't index on user_id unfortunately ('cos when // inserting new users, the bio functions run _BEFORE_ an auto_increment ID has been generated by TXP) $uname = safe_field('name','txp_users',"user_id = '$user_id'"); $vals = safe_row('*', SMD_BIO, "user_ref='$uname'"); } $widgets = safe_rows('*', SMD_BIO_META, '1=1 ORDER BY position'); $tdac = ' class="noline"'; $tdac_image = ' class="noline smd_bio_image_cell"'; foreach ($widgets as $widget) { $val = ($vals && isset($vals[$widget['name']])) ? $vals[$widget['name']] : $widget['val']; $title = ($widget['title']) ? $widget['title'] : $widget['name']; $sizeopts = do_list($widget['size']); $size1 = ($sizeopts[0] > 0) ? $sizeopts[0] : ''; $size2 = (isset($sizeopts[1]) && $sizeopts[1] > 0) ? $sizeopts[1] : ''; $name = 'smd_bio_'.$widget['name']; switch($widget['type']) { case 'list': $selv = smd_bio_splitval($widget['val']); list($selv, $dflt) = smd_bio_get_default($selv, $val); $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda(selectInput($name, $selv, $dflt, false, '', $name), $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_select '.$name.'"'); break; case 'radio': $selv = smd_bio_splitval($widget['val']); list($selv, $dflt) = smd_bio_get_default($selv, $val); $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda(radioSet($selv, $name, $dflt), $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_radio '.$name.'"'); break; case 'yesnoradio': $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda(yesnoRadio($name, $val), $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_radio '.$name.'"'); break; case 'checkbox': $selv = smd_bio_splitval($widget['val']); $val = ($vals && isset($vals[$widget['name']])) ? $vals[$widget['name']] : ''; $checkedVals = do_list($val); $items = array(); foreach ($selv as $idx => $lbl) { // Not using checkbox() because it doesn't support onclick $items[] = ''.$lbl; } $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda(join('', $items), $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_checkbox '.$name.'"').fInput('hidden',$name,$val,'','','','','',$name); break; case 'textarea': // Not using text_area() because it forces inline styled width/height which should be in CSS $size1 = ($size1 == '' || $size1 == 0) ? 40 : $size1; $size2 = ($size2 == '' || $size2 == 0) ? 5 : $size2; $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda('', $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_textarea '.$name.'"'); break; case 'image': $parent = $widget['val']; $val = ($vals && isset($vals[$widget['name']])) ? $vals[$widget['name']] : ''; $where = ($parent) ? "category='$parent'" : '1=1'; $tree = safe_rows('*', 'txp_image', $where); $selv = array(); foreach ($tree as $row) { $selv[$row['id']] = $row['name']; } $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda(''.selectInput($name.'_list', $selv, $val, true, '').'
', $tdac_image. ' id="'.$name.'"'), ' class="smd_bio_image_row '.$name.'"'); break; case 'datetime': case 'text_input': // Not using fInput() because it has no MAXLENGTH property $size1 = ($size1 == '' || $size1 == 0) ? 25 : $size1; $size2 = ($size2 == '' || $size2 == 0) ? $size1 : $size2; $out[] = tr(fLabelCell($title).tda('', $tdac), ' class="smd_bio_text_input '.$name.'"'); break; } } } return join('', $out); } // ------------------------ // Read a name/val array and remove any [*] marker which indicates a default item function smd_bio_get_default($list, $curr) { $out = array(); $dflt = $new_dflt = ''; foreach ($list as $item => $value) { if (($pos = strpos($value, '[*]')) !== false) { $out[$item] = substr($value, 0, $pos); $new_dflt = $item; } else { $out[$item] = $value; } if ($item == $curr) { $dflt = $item; } } $dflt = ($dflt) ? $dflt : $new_dflt; return array($out, $dflt); } // ------------------------ // AJAX calls function smd_bio_get_image() { global $img_dir; $id = gps('id'); if ($id) { $rs = safe_row('*', 'txp_image', "id = '$id'"); extract($rs); $out = array(); $out['thumb'] = ($thumbnail) ? hu.$img_dir.'/'.$id.'t'.$ext : ''; $out['image'] = hu.$img_dir.'/'.$id.$ext; $out['w'] = $w; $out['h'] = $h; $out['thw'] = ($thumb_w) ? $thumb_w : ''; $out['thh'] = ($thumb_h) ? $thumb_h : ''; send_xml_response($out); } else { send_xml_response(); } } // ------------------------ // IMPORTANT: constants NOT used for table names function smd_bio_get_ebio() { include_once txpath.'/publish/taghandlers.php'; $id = gps('id'); $core = array('user_ref'); $rs = safe_row('*', 'smd_bio', "user_ref = '$id'"); $meta = safe_rows('*', 'smd_bio_meta', "1=1"); // $include = array_merge($core, array('mug', 'cell', 'department')); // TODO: get these from prefs/meta table $allowed_types = array('text_input', 'textarea', 'datetime'); $out = array(); foreach ($rs as $idx => $val) { // if (in_array($idx, $include)) { if (in_array($idx, $core)) { $out[$idx] = doSlash($val); } else { foreach($meta as $row) { if ($row['name'] == $idx) { if ($row['type'] == "image") { $out[$idx] = 'smd_image::'.thumbnail(array('id'=> $val)); } else if (in_array($row['type'], $allowed_types)) { $out[$idx] = $row['title'].'::'.htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($val), ENT_QUOTES); } break; } } } // } } send_xml_response($out); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_admin_js($event, $step) { $css = safe_field('css', 'txp_css', "name='smd_bio'"); if ($css) { $css = ''; } $css .= << #tooltip{ position:absolute; border:1px solid #333; background:#f7f5d1; padding:2px 5px; color:#333; display:none; } EOCSS; echo << //'); } else { jQuery("#" + id + " .smd_bio_image").fadeOut().empty(); } } ); } // Grab the extended info when hovering an author in the list jQuery("form table#list tr").each(function(e) { var tt = ''; var row = jQuery(this); if (row.attr("title") == '') { var person = row.find("td:first").text(); sendAsyncEvent({ event: textpattern.event, step: 'smd_bio_get_ebio', id: person }, function(data) { data = jQuery(data); var entry = data.find('user_ref'); out = ''; entry.nextAll().each(function(item) { node = jQuery(this).context.nodeName; if (node != 'http-status') { vall = jQuery(this).attr('value'); if (vall) { vsplit = vall.split('::'); if (vsplit[0].indexOf('smd_image') < 0) { out += ((vsplit.length>1) ? vsplit[0] : node) + ': '; } vall = ((vsplit.length>1) ? vsplit[1] : vsplit[0]); out += vall + '
'; } else { out += node+': '; } } }); row.attr("title", out); } ); } xOffset = 30; yOffset = 25; hovItem = row.find("td:last").prev(); hovItem.hover(function(e) { tt = jQuery(this).parent().attr("title"); if (tt != '') { jQuery(this).parent().attr("title", ""); jQuery("body").append("

"+ tt +"

"); jQuery("#tooltip") .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px") .fadeIn("fast"); } }, function() { jQuery(this).parent().attr("title", tt); jQuery("#tooltip").remove(); }); hovItem.mousemove(function(e) { jQuery("#tooltip") .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px"); }); }); // Grey out the Size box for those items that don't use it jQuery("#page-smd_bio .list[name='type']").change(function() { var theType = jQuery("#page-smd_bio .list[name='type'] option:selected").val(); var dest = "#page-smd_bio input[name='size']"; if (theType == 'list' || theType == 'radio' || theType == 'yesnoradio' || theType == 'checkbox') { jQuery(dest).attr("disabled", true); jQuery(dest).parent().prev().css("color", '#999'); } else { jQuery(dest).attr("disabled", false); jQuery(dest).parent().prev().css("color", ''); } }).change(); // Pop up the help tooltips based on the current Type jQuery(".pophelp.smd_bio_size").hover( function(e) { var theType = jQuery("#page-smd_bio .list[name='type'] option:selected").val(); spanid = 'span#smd_bio_size_help_'+theType; this.title = jQuery(spanid).attr("title"); }, function(e) { this.title = ''; } ); jQuery(".pophelp.smd_bio_val").hover( function(e) { var theType = jQuery("#page-smd_bio .list[name='type'] option:selected").val(); spanid = 'span#smd_bio_val_help_'+theType; this.title = jQuery(spanid).attr("title"); }, function(e) { this.title = ''; } ); }); //]]> {$css} EOJS; } // ------------------------ // Make the name/val pairs for selectInput / radio / checkbox sets function smd_bio_splitval($val) { $selv = array(); $wvals = explode(',', $val); foreach ($wvals as $wval) { $prts = explode('=>', $wval); if (count($prts) == 1) { $prts[1] = $prts[0]; $prts[0] = smd_bio_sanitize($prts[0]); } $selv[trim($prts[0])] = trim($prts[1]); } return $selv; } // ------------------------ // Super-sanitize the passed value so we can make variable names from the returned string function smd_bio_sanitize($val) { return strtolower(str_replace("-", "_", sanitizeForUrl($val))); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_save($event, $step) { global $prefs; if (smd_bio_table_exist()) { $targetvars = array(); extract(doSlash(psa(array('privs', 'name', 'email', 'RealName', 'user_id')))); if (get_pref('smd_bio_sanitize_name', 0) > 0) { // Sanitize and pass the new name forward to the actual txp_user save routine $name = strtolower(sanitizeForUrl($name)); $_POST['name'] = $name; } $length = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($name, '8bit') : strlen($name); if (($user_id || $name) and $length <= 64 and is_valid_email($email)) { foreach ($_POST as $idx => $item) { if (strpos($idx, 'smd_bio_') === 0) { $targetvars[] = $idx; } } // Double de-clutch again... dammit :-( $user_id = gps('user_id'); if ($user_id) { $user_ref = safe_field('name','txp_users',"user_id = '$user_id'"); } else { $user_ref = $name; } extract(gpsa($targetvars)); $bcols = getThings('describe `'.PFX.SMD_BIO.'`'); $sqlSet = array(); foreach ($targetvars as $var) { $colname = str_replace('smd_bio_', '', $var); if (in_array($colname, $bcols)) { $sqlSet[] = "`$colname` = '".doSlash($$var)."'"; } } if ($sqlSet) { $rs = safe_upsert(SMD_BIO, join(',', $sqlSet), "`user_ref` = '$user_ref'"); } } } } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_delete($event, $step) { global $txp_user; if (smd_bio_table_exist()) { // Since we are executing 'pre' delete we need to unfortunately duplicate some of the checks // from txp_admin.php so we minimise the opportunity to delete someone by mistake $selected = ps('selected'); $method = ps('edit_method'); if (!$selected or !is_array($selected)) { return; } if ($method != 'delete') { return; } $names = safe_column('name', 'txp_users', "name IN ('".join("','", doSlash($selected))."') AND name != '".doSlash($txp_user)."'"); if (!$names) return; $assign_assets = ps('assign_assets'); if ($assign_assets === '') { return; } elseif (in_array($assign_assets, $names)) { return; } else { // All the checks passed -- do it safe_delete(SMD_BIO, "user_ref IN ('".join("','", doSlash($names))."')"); } } } // ************************ // BIO CONFIGURATION // ------------------------ // Tab handler function smd_bio($event, $step) { if(!$step or !in_array($step, array( 'smd_bio_meta_add', 'smd_bio_meta_del', 'smd_bio_meta_save', ))) { smd_bio_config(''); } else $step(); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_config($message) { if (!smd_bio_table_exist()) { smd_bio_install(''); exit; } pagetop(smd_bio_gTxt('admin_tab'), $message); echo smd_bio_meta_edit(); echo smd_bio_meta_list(); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_edit() { global $smd_bio_types; $vars = array('step', 'id', 'title', 'name', 'type', 'size', 'val', 'position'); $rs = array(); extract(gpsa($vars)); if ($id && $step == 'meta_edit') { $id = assert_int($id); $rs = safe_row('*', SMD_BIO_META, "id = $id"); extract($rs); } if ($step == 'smd_bio_meta_save' || $step == 'smd_bio_meta_add' || $step == 'smd_bio_meta_del') { foreach ($vars as $var) { $$var = ''; } } $caption = smd_bio_gTxt(($step == 'meta_edit') ? 'meta_edit' : 'meta_add'); // Make the name/val pairs for selectInput $selv = array(); foreach ($smd_bio_types as $widx => $wval) { $selv[$widx] = $wval; } return form( hed($caption, 3,' style="text-align: center;"'). startTable('edit', '', 'edit-pane'). tr( fLabelCell('name'). ($id && $step == 'meta_edit' ? td(strong($name)) : fInputCell('name', $name)) ). tr( fLabelCell('title'). fInputCell('title', $title) ). tr( fLabelCell('type'). td(selectInput('type', $selv, $type, false)) ). tr( fLabelCell(smd_bio_gTxt('size')). fInputCell('size', $size).td(tag(smd_bio_gTxt('help'), 'a', ' class="pophelp smd_bio_size"')) ). tr( fLabelCell('value'). td(text_area('val', '50', '128', $val)).td(tag(smd_bio_gTxt('help'), 'a', ' class="pophelp smd_bio_val"')) ). tr( fLabelCell(smd_bio_gTxt('position')). fInputCell('position', $position) ). tr( td(). td( fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish') ) ). endTable(). eInput('smd_bio'). ($id ? hInput('id', $id).hInput('name', $name).sInput('smd_bio_meta_save') : sInput('smd_bio_meta_add')). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_text_input" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('sizehelp_text_input').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_list" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('help_unused').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_radio" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('help_unused').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_yesnoradio" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('help_unused').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_checkbox" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('help_unused').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_textarea" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('sizehelp_textarea').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_image" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('sizehelp_image').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_size_help_datetime" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('sizehelp_text_input').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_text_input" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_text_input').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_list" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_lrc').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_radio" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_lrc').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_yesnoradio" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_ynr').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_checkbox" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_lrc').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_textarea" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_text_input').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_image" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_image').'"'). tag(' ', 'span', ' id="smd_bio_val_help_datetime" title="'.smd_bio_gTxt('valhelp_text_input').'"') ); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_list() { global $smd_bio_types; extract(gpsa(array('sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'search_method'))); if ($sort === '') $sort = get_pref('smd_bio_meta_sort_column', 'name'); if ($dir === '') $dir = get_pref('smd_bio_meta_sort_dir', 'asc'); $dir = ($dir == 'desc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (!in_array($sort, array('name', 'title', 'type', 'size', 'val', 'position'))) $sort = 'position'; $sort_sql = $sort.' '.$dir; set_pref('smd_bio_meta_sort_column', $sort, 'smd_bio', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); set_pref('smd_bio_meta_sort_dir', $dir, 'smd_bio', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); $switch_dir = ($dir == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $rs = safe_rows_start('*', SMD_BIO_META, '1 = 1 ORDER BY '.$sort_sql); if ($rs) { echo '
'. startTable('list'). tr( column_head('name', 'name', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('name' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). column_head('title', 'title', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('title' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). column_head('type', 'type', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('type' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). column_head(smd_bio_gTxt('size'), 'size', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('size' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). column_head('value', 'val', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('val' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). column_head(smd_bio_gTxt('position'), 'position', 'smd_bio', true, $switch_dir, '', '', ('position' == $sort) ? $dir : ''). hCell(). hCell() ); while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract(doSpecial($a)); echo tr( td($name). td($title). td($smd_bio_types[$type]). td($size). td($val,200). td($position). td(eLink('smd_bio', 'meta_edit', 'id', $id, gTxt('edit'))). td(dLink('smd_bio', 'smd_bio_meta_del', 'id', $id, 1, 'name', $name)) ); } echo endTable().'
'; } } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_make_list($val) { $wvals = do_list($val, '\r\n'); if (count($wvals) == 1) { $wvals = do_list($val); } return join(', ', doArray($wvals, 'trim')); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_save() { extract(doSlash(psa(array('id', 'name', 'title', 'type', 'size', 'val', 'position')))); $id = assert_int($id); $val = smd_bio_meta_make_list($val); $rs = safe_update(SMD_BIO_META, " title = '$title', type = '$type', size = '$size', val = '$val', position = '$position'", "id = $id" ); if ($rs) { smd_bio_config( smd_bio_gTxt('meta_updated', array('{name}' => $name)) ); } } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_add() { extract(doSlash(psa(array('name', 'title', 'type', 'size', 'val', 'position')))); $name = smd_bio_sanitize($name); if (!empty($name) && smd_bio_meta_check($name)) { $size = (empty($size)) ? 25 : $size; //TODO: make the selection of column more intelligent based on the given type if ($type == 'textarea') { $asize = '4096'; //TODO: Find a way to user specify this $coltype = 'text'; } else { $asize = '64'; //TODO: Find a way to user specify this $coltype = 'varchar'; } $ret = safe_alter(SMD_BIO, "ADD `$name` $coltype($asize) NULL"); $val = smd_bio_meta_make_list($val); if ($ret) { $rs = safe_insert(SMD_BIO_META, " name = '$name', title = '$title', type = '$type', size = '$size', val = '$val', position = '$position' "); if ($rs) { smd_bio_config(smd_bio_gTxt('meta_added')); return; } } } smd_bio_config(array(smd_bio_gTxt('meta_not_added'), E_ERROR)); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_del() { extract(gpsa(array('id','name'))); $id = assert_int($id); $message = smd_bio_gTxt('meta_not_deleted'); $exists = smd_bio_meta_check($name); $ret = @safe_alter(SMD_BIO, "DROP COLUMN `$name`"); if ($ret || $exists) { $ret = safe_delete(SMD_BIO_META, "id='$id'"); $message = smd_bio_gTxt('meta_deleted'); } smd_bio_config($message); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_meta_check($col) { $ucols = getThings('describe `'.PFX.'txp_users`'); $bcols = getThings('describe `'.PFX.SMD_BIO.'`'); $cols = array_merge($ucols, $bcols); return (!in_array($col, $cols)); } // ************************ // TABLE GENERATION // ------------------------ function smd_bio_table_exist() { if (gps('debug')) { echo "++ TABLE ".SMD_BIO_META." HAS ".count(@safe_show('columns', SMD_BIO_META))." COLUMNS;"; } return(@safe_show('columns', SMD_BIO_META)); } // ------------------------ function smd_bio_install($message) { global $smd_bio_types; $version = mysql_get_server_info(); $GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] = 0; if ($version < "4.1.2") { $GLOBALS['txp_err_count']++; trigger_error("smd_bio requires MySQL v4.1.2 or greater."); } else { $ret = ''; $sql = array(); $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".PFX.SMD_BIO."` ( `user_ref` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY `user_ref` (`user_ref`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM PACK_KEYS=1 "; $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".PFX.SMD_BIO_META."` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(64) NULL default '', `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `type` set(".doQuote(join("','", array_keys($smd_bio_types))).") NOT NULL default 'text_input', `size` varchar(10) NULL default 0, `val` text NULL default '', `position` tinyint(3) NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1"; if(gps('debug')) { dmp($sql); } foreach ($sql as $qry) { $ret = safe_query($qry); if ($ret===false) { $GLOBALS['txp_err_count']++; echo "".$GLOBALS['txp_err_count'].". ".mysql_error()."
\n"; echo "\n"; } } } if ($GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] == 0) { $message = smd_bio_gTxt('tbl_installed'); smd_bio_config($message); } else { $message = smd_bio_gTxt('tbl_not_installed'); smd_bio_config($message); } } // ************************ // CLIENT-SIDE TAGS // ------------------------ function smd_bio_info($atts, $thing=NULL) { global $thisarticle; extract(lAtts(array( 'author' => '', 'items' => 'SMD_ALL', 'exclude' => '', 'form' => '', 'wraptag' => '', 'break' => '', 'class' => '', 'label' => '1', 'labeltag' => '', 'labelclass' => 'SMD_DFLT', 'itemwraptag' => '', 'itemclass' => 'SMD_DFLT', 'debug' => '0', ), $atts)); $author = ($author) ? $author : (isset($thisarticle) ? $thisarticle['authorid'] : ''); $author = do_list($author); $authors = array(); $thing = (empty($form)) ? $thing : fetch_form($form); // Expand any priv levels foreach ($author as $user) { if (strpos(strtolower($user), "smd_privs") === 0) { $aprivs = explode(':', $user); array_shift($aprivs); // Remove smd_privs token from the array $authors = array_merge($authors, safe_column('name', 'txp_users', 'privs in (' . doQuote(join("','", $aprivs)) . ')')); } else { $authors[] = $user; } } $items = do_list($items); $exclude = do_list($exclude); $final = ''; // The indices are the gTxt() names for the associated item $coreCols = array('id' => 'user_id', 'name' => 'name', 'real_name' => 'RealName', 'email' => 'email', 'privileges' => 'privs', 'date' => 'last_access'); if ($authors) { $meta = safe_rows('*', SMD_BIO_META, '1=1'); $cmeta = safe_show('columns', 'txp_users'); $num = count($meta); $list_types = array('checkbox', 'radio', 'list'); foreach($cmeta as $info) { if (!in_array($info['Field'], $coreCols)) continue; $meta[$num]['name'] = $info['Field']; $tField = join('', array_keys($coreCols, $info['Field'])); $meta[$num]['title'] = (gTxt($tField) == $tField) ? smd_bio_gTxt($tField) : gTxt($tField); $length = (($off = strpos($info['Type'], '(')) !== false) ? $off : strlen($info['Type']); // Find the first open bracket or end of string $meta[$num]['type'] = substr($info['Type'], 0, $length); $num++; } if ($debug > 1) { echo '++ META DATA ++'; dmp($meta); } // Exclusions override given items if ($exclude[0] != '' || in_array('SMD_ALL', $items)) { $items = safe_column('name', SMD_BIO_META, '1=1'); $items = array_merge($items, $coreCols); } foreach ($authors as $user) { $cbio = safe_row('*', 'txp_users', "name='$user'"); $ebio = safe_row('*', SMD_BIO, "user_ref='$user'"); $idx = -1; $out = array(); $replacements = array(); foreach ($items as $iref => $whatnot) { if (in_array($whatnot, $exclude)) continue; // Find the meta row foreach ($meta as $num => $data) { if ($data['name'] == $whatnot) { $idx = $num; break; } } if ($idx > -1) { if (in_array($whatnot, $coreCols)) { $row = isset($cbio[$whatnot]) ? $cbio[$whatnot] : ''; } else { $row = isset($ebio[$whatnot]) ? $ebio[$whatnot] : ''; } if ($row) { if (in_array($meta[$idx]['type'], $list_types)) { $row = do_list($row); $row = join(', ',$row); } $theClass = ($itemclass=='SMD_DFLT') ? ' smd_bio_'.$meta[$idx]['name'] : (($itemclass) ? $itemclass : ''); $labClass = ($labelclass=='SMD_DFLT') ? ' smd_bio_'.$meta[$idx]['name'] : (($labelclass) ? $labelclass : ''); $theTitle = $meta[$idx]['title']; $theName = $meta[$idx]['name']; $replacements['{smd_bio_info_item}'] = $row; if (in_array($meta[$idx]['type'], $list_types)) { $chosens = do_list($row); $nv = smd_bio_splitval($meta[$idx]['val']); list($nv, $dflt) = smd_bio_get_default($nv, $row); $listctr=1; $chosenctr=0; foreach($nv as $listitem => $listlabel) { $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_item_'.$listctr.'}'] = $listitem; $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_label_'.$listctr.'}'] = $listlabel; if (in_array($listitem, $chosens)) { $chosenctr++; $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_chosen_'.$chosenctr.'}'] = $listitem; $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_chosen_label_'.$chosenctr.'}'] = $listlabel; } $listctr++; } $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_count}'] = $listctr-1; $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'_chosen_count}'] = $chosenctr; } $replacements['{smd_bio_info_name}'] = $theName; $replacements['{smd_bio_info_title}'] = $theTitle; $replacements['{smd_bio_info_itemclass}'] = $theClass; $replacements['{smd_bio_info_labelclass}'] = $labClass; $replacements['{smd_bio_'.$theName.'}'] = $row; if ($debug) { echo '++ REPLACEMENTS ++'; dmp($replacements); } $toParse = (!empty($thing)) ? $thing : (tag((($label==1) ? $theTitle : (($label=='') ? '' : (($label) ? $label : $theName))), (($labeltag)?$labeltag:'br/'), (($labelclass)? ' class="'.$labClass.'"' : '')).(($itemwraptag) ? doTag($row, $itemwraptag, $theClass): $row)); $out[] = parse(strtr($toParse, $replacements)); } } } $final .= ($wraptag) ? doWrap($out, $wraptag, $break, $class) : join('', $out); } } return $final; } // ------------------------ // A wrapper to article_custom that auto sets the user to the one specified // or the current article's author. // NOTE: lAtts() is NOT used because that limits the plugin attributes. function smd_bio_articles($atts, $thing=NULL) { global $thisarticle; $author = (isset($atts['author'])) ? $atts['author'] : (isset($thisarticle) ? $thisarticle['authorid'] : ''); $atts['author'] = $author; return parseArticles($atts, '1', $thing); } // ------------------------ // Plugin-specific replacement strings - localise as required function smd_bio_gTxt($what, $atts = array()) { $lang = array( 'admin_tab' => 'Bio Config', 'help' => 'Tip', 'help_unused' => 'Unused for this Type', 'id' => 'ID', 'name' => 'Name', 'meta_add' => 'Add bio item', 'meta_added' => 'Bio item added', 'meta_not_added' => 'Problem adding bio item: check name is not already used', 'meta_deleted' => 'Bio item and all its data deleted', 'meta_not_deleted' => 'Problem deleting bio item: it may still exist', 'meta_edit' => 'Edit bio item', 'meta_updated' => 'Bio item "{name}" updated', 'position' => 'Position', 'privileges' => 'Privileges', 'real_name' => 'Full name', 'size' => 'Size', 'sizehelp_text_input' => 'Up to two values specifying the number of characters: 1) of the input box on the Admin->Users tab, 2) the user is allowed to enter', 'sizehelp_textarea' => 'Up to two values specifying the dimensions of the textarea in characters: 1) Width, 2) Height', 'sizehelp_image' => 'The x, y dimensions of the image/thumbnail on the Admin->Users tab. If only one value is given, the image will be square. If either value is omitted, the dimensions stored in the database will be used instead', 'valhelp_text_input' => 'The default value that will appear in the text box', 'valhelp_lrc' => 'Comma- or newline-separated list of available options in the set. If you list only item labels, the names will be automatically assigned (lower case, no spaces). You may specify your own names using: name1 => Label 1, name2 -> Label 2, ...', 'valhelp_ynr' => 'Default value of the Yes/No checkbox. 0 (or omitted) = No; 1 = Yes', 'valhelp_image' => 'Limit the images in the dropdown to the ones in this given parent image category. If omitted, all images are available', 'tbl_installed' => 'Tables installed.', 'tbl_not_installed' => 'Tables NOT installed.', 'title' => 'Title', 'type' => 'Type', 'value' => 'Value', ); return strtr($lang[$what], $atts); }