abc_myplugin-0.1.txt // Plugin name is optional. If unset, it will be extracted from the current // file name. Plugin names should start with a three letter prefix which is // unique and reserved for each plugin author ('abc' is just an example). // Uncomment and edit this line to override: # $plugin['name'] = 'abc_plugin'; // Allow raw HTML help, as opposed to Textile. // 0 = Plugin help is in Textile format, no raw HTML allowed (default). // 1 = Plugin help is in raw HTML. Not recommended. # $plugin['allow_html_help'] = 1; $plugin['version'] = '0.1'; $plugin['author'] = 'Your name here'; $plugin['author_uri'] = 'Your site URL here'; $plugin['description'] = 'Short description of your plugin'; // Plugin load order: // The default value of 5 would fit most plugins, while for instance comment // spam evaluators or URL redirectors would probably want to run earlier // (1...4) to prepare the environment for everything else that follows. // Values 6...9 should be considered for plugins which would work late. // This order is user-overrideable. $plugin['order'] = 5; // Plugin 'type' defines where the plugin is loaded // 0 = public : only on the public side of the website (default) // 1 = public+admin : on both the public and admin side // 2 = library : only when include_plugin() or require_plugin() is called // 3 = admin : only on the admin side $plugin['type'] = 0; // Plugin 'flags' signal the presence of optional capabilities to the core plugin loader. // Use an appropriately OR-ed combination of these flags. // The four high-order bits 0xf000 are available for this plugin's private use. if (!defined('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS')) define('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS', 0x0001); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_prefs.{$plugin['name']}" events if (!defined('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY')) define('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY', 0x0002); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_lifecycle.{$plugin['name']}" events # $plugin['flags'] = PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS | PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY; if (!defined('txpinterface')) @include_once('zem_tpl.php'); # --- BEGIN PLUGIN CODE --- // Plugin code goes here. No need to escape quotes. # --- END PLUGIN CODE --- if (0) { ?>